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The First Sign Of failini health, whcther in the form of Night Sweats aud Nervousness, or in a ense of General Weariness and Loss of Appetite.sliould supgest the use of Ayer's Suraaparilla. Tliis preperatlon is molt eflective fur phing tone aud strength to the enfeebled system, promoting the digestión and assiniilation of f ood, restoring the norvous forces to their normal condition, and for purifylng, euiiehiug, and vltaliziug the blood. Failing Health. Ton years airo my health bopan to f&II. IVM troubled with b dtatnanng ough, Night SweaU, Weaknesi, mul Hervoutiiess. I trled varioua remedie pNtcrlbed bv different pbytitHans, bul beciun so weak that I eould not po up slairs without stopping to rest. My friendi recomnirndi-d me to try Ayer's Sarsnpnrilhi, whicli I lkl. Mini I ani now as hemltov and tronK as ever. - Mri. E. L. WIl(iam, Alexaiulria, .Mimi. I bave used Aypr's Snrsnparllla. In my family, for Sorofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully, tlmt it will thoroughly rradicatutliis terrible dlsease. I have also proicribed It as h toole, as well as au niteratlve, and must say that 1 honestl lielleve it to be the best blood medicine evej compounded. - W. F. Fowler, D. 1). ., SI. 1)., (ireenville, Teuu. Dyspepsia Cured. It WOUld bc impossiblc for me to lenibe what I sutt'cied from Indigestión mul Headacht up to the time 1 beran takinp Ayer Sanaparilla. 1 wtm under tlie care of various physiclans and bied ft preat many kinds óf medicines, luit never obtalned more tlian tempomry relief. After taking Ayer Santaparllla for a ihort tiuii', my haadacbe dlaappaared, and my stomacta performad Ita datles moro perfectly. To-day my beajtb i.s completely Mary Harley, Sprlnsfield, MWI I have been preatly lienefiteil by the prompt u-e of Ayer's Baraaparilla. It tone and Inrleoratea thesyitem, regulates the action of the digestirá 'and amlmilative orpans, and vitalizes the blood. It 1. wnbout doubt, the most rcüable blood purMer yet dlwovered. II. D. Johnson, 3S3 Atlantic ave., Brooklj u, N. V. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Trepartd by Dr. ,T. C. Ayer Ji Co., Iwell, M. I PrlceSl; .ii bi.llU-, mr,. i


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