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Good Kesults in Erery Case. nt1?MA;(Bra('fVm!' wlloesle paper dealer ol Iim tunooga.Tenn., writes tl at he was seno,,sly ,,ffl, k,, with a .evere cold tha ettled on hli lang: had tried many reraSSdTbS hTiU-"Z iuduycedTo iry Ur . KiiiRs New Discovery for Con0BPtloP. o and was entirelcure,l by use oí a few boitl,s. 81 nee whioh tl mè l.e ¦a.uHl,tinl.Í8rK.nllvforHllCouand Coi, Is ui, the best of reralu. This is the experience of thousaiuls wl„se Uves have been saved by thl Wondertnl I)sWruKMore1'"1""""0'"" ¦1t01 i FV years ervY. Balcom, of Shir ley Mass., suffered wirli rhennmtlMB &SSuT relicf u" "u touk ¦ A new swuidle ha.s madeits appearanc-e on the western horizon. A Bliek talkinchap balling from Ami Arbor or somé otner convenient point, perhaps, drops Into town and on Inqulrlng, recelves the ?ames of resident lovers or muslc and straightway befflna a canvas fora music publishinsr botue tor which he offers to f urnish montlily catalogues with tbree new pieces of slieet niusic eacli monUi dnrinir the year, cheup as dirt. One dollar and Iitty cents in advauce. Agent departa (litto dollar, ditto humbiig.- YpMlanti Commercial. The Ypsüantians ought not to allow those "sück talking Ana Arbor chape" to dvoeiVe tliom thu.-. Health ia ImpoMlble when the blood a Impuro, thii-k, and slusgish, or wheu it ig tlim and ininoverished. Such conditions jrive rise to boils, pim[)les. headaches, nearalgia, rlieuniatism, and other disorders. Ayer Sanaparllla purities, invigorates aml vitalices the blood. Uit IMK (MAN OF CHICAGO Tn ClreulaÜrtn and Political lnfluenco Is ths Leading Republican Newspaper IN THB NORTHWEST. THE INTER OCHAN has from the bezinning beea the defender of hom instltutlon and Amerlcao ideas. It Is the advocate of equal rlghta for all bfore the law, of protection to American labor, and of the Idea that America Is for Americana--not neeossarily Americana by birth, but true cltizena of th Kepublic. It belle ves In the West and Western men, holds to the idea that the future seat of empire wlll be In the Mlssisalppl Valley, and la bold and agfp-esstve In lts opposltion to the unholy alllanee between the money-changers of New York City ftml the States lately in rebellion. THE INTER OCSAN Is earnstly In favDr of the Repubücau party because It beHeves the principies of that party are corrset, and that, honeatly car ried out, they wlll best protect the rlghts and ad vanee the intereats of the whole people. It is not, however, a blind follower, but Is alwaya ready to rtenounce Republican wrong-dolng, eithsr in hl(fh or low places. THE INTER OCBAN has always maintalned that the Nution Is under an obltfjaüon to the soldier of the late '.var, who Jeopardized thelr Uves to protect it from armod treaaon, which It can never repay, and. roPMuquently, has advocated the establlsh?QOknt of .oldlers' Homes and the enactment of ¦uch penulwn laws as would leave no dlsabled TSteran In wmn As a Newapaper THE INTER OCEAN Is not excelled In the United States. Aslde from the servies of the Associated Press, In whlch It holda a msmberst.ip, it keeps a largre body of Special Corr npondents, both in thls country and in the Old World, and has SPECIAL LEASED TELEGRAPHIC WIKRP connectliiff lts Culcaffo office with WASHINGTON and NEW YORK, 'n both of which clUes it h:i SFFCIAL NUWS BUREAUS and malntaius Branch Offices. The Daily Jntcr Qoean Is publlshed every day tn the year. Pncf. RtlMft tl Siindaj, - - $ 8.00 ptr Yrar " Sttttf includcd, ' - - - 10.00 " " The Semi-Vüeeljly ínter Qoean Is publlshed od MONDAY8 and THUR8DAY8. and contalna the Newa condensad ft-om the Daily. Among other featurea, THE 8EMIWEÏK1.Y printa the Sermona of Prof. Swlnff and othr )adínii Mlulatera ot Chicago. l'riie. #';.."O per "War. The OeeIly Jnter Qoean Baa tho I.AIÍGEST CIHCULATION of any weekly paper Weat of New York. In 1884, bufore tb reductlon of poetare, lt pald ror POSTAOE ON CIBCULATION alon oier Í26.OOO. I ric-, 1 .OO par Yer. Every efTor! la ml to mak THB WEIKLT INTKR OCfAN a MODEI. FAMILY NKW8PAPEB, one that cnn be taken lnto any famlly wlth proflt to Oach of lts membera. The Stoiiea and other llterary feiiturtn ara from the pena of the ableat and tnoat üpproved writere. Among: them are MRS. IT, MISS PHBI.PS. MISS JEWETT and MEÖiSkS STOCKTON. TROWBÜIDGK LATHROP BOYK8KN, SIDNEY LUSKA. and B. P. ROB. All tho U'utlmtf Teaturea of the paper whlch hav ¦nade lt SO POPULAR IN THB HOME CIBCLK wlll be contlnued and lmproved, and nothln win be tft undone to keep lt In the front rank as A SOUND, HOLKSOMB NEWSPAPER. speciaTöffers. Thftre la a ffrent demand from all parta of th oountrj for a correct but chenp Hlstory of tb Unltert Staten. Most of auch books aro so lrg ¦mri expenaiv aa to be out of the rach of most .-iiinilin. Yet overy boy and gir ought to be ftinitllar wlLh tha hiatory of thelr country. It eau hardly fail to make them betterclUzena. THE INTBR OCKAN has Diade special arruigniiita by whlch Krown'g llistm-yof the United Statee Can b ofTered wlth THE WBHKLY INTER OCKAN, one year, at the very low rate of ONK WÍLLAB M FIFIV ('EXTS For both the hlstory and paper. BROWN'H HISTORY is a well-written tory of our country, nom the earllest settlement to the present day. It Ia well priated in clear type, on goud white pAper, and bouud tn cloth. It contalna I LirsTRATIONS and over 8IX llUNDIü'l' I'AOISS. RE WSMBKH, ONS OOLLAB Á . ! VtFTT CKNTS 1 ai" f"t' thr tw?r Otiê and M HiUury, both to h4 tent pouije fuiiit. k PRKMIUM TOAGKNT8. The price of THK WKFKLY INTBR OCEAN la $1.00 per year, nnd nny perajOB sendlnff four yearly subsr-rtptlona fnr tlm' 1 1 OHipmnlfrfl by the füll iubHcrlptton price-FOlTR we wlll Mnd ttawaa a i.'opy of thk iiistory frbb. aimoai iiny boy or girl con secure four aubsertbera, .iiid In tiiis wuy obtaln t -ipy of thia vuluublebook. ;.s;;.-h;aa7. j iütah OCM4X ' .Y'.s UfSTOIi ) OF lHetNiTKDSTÉ TMü PU t)QLLAR{ AM' A va J i.MS. Snntplc copies of any edttion of THB INTBR wil! be !Mnt on tipplL-wtlon. Rainll it 1,1 ¦ ut our rlnk, rither by iraft, exprofiB. poatoftlce oMer, expresa ordera, ;)ootii.l iwtaa, or rerltrd lutter. Money aeut In in at th rik of the pernon sen ding it. Addraa THE INTER OCEAN,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News