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Probate Court Proceedings

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Hereafter we hope to give regular reports of the proceedings of the probate court. The following is the record of the week commencing with Monday:
Will of J. T. Hallock admitted to probate and Louise J. Hallock and Elsie A. Hallock appointed executors.
Estate of Samuel Cushman, probate of will, hearing Jan. 31.
Estáte of Laura St. John. Final ac count of J. D. Corey, executor, reudered and allowed.
In the estáte of Mary King, Zina P. King was appoinled adniinistiMtor.
In the estáte of Mar;aret Simpson the hearing of the tinal account of Duncan McMillan, adininistnitor, tixed tor Feb lat, '87. Flora E. Yost ve. Alfred S. YoM, divoree. Dccree franted lust Friday. A larjie party froni Ypsilanti have signih'ed tlieir intention to be present at the Knifilit Templar social on Fridiiv eveninff next. The electric lignw will probably not get to ruiming niuch before Feb. lst That's the way t looks uow. Tlie cold weatlier delaycd the work ronsiilerably. The Michigan Alniainc appears kgan a -i Tull as ever of valuable statistics ot 'our state froin the Tribune PrintíDg Oo Of Dotroit concerning bolh it productions of stock and ores and election returns. There gral(M,ara also valuable iiiinsnbout tlie U. S. Government. lts 92 pagcsarc crówdttd with intormalion wliicli niakt'i-' it inv.iliiuble to a peranM vvho wishes to le. well pOstcll l'licf 90 CflIlH. Coiifvan.1 ,)t 1 'L'liore ii goe nt:in ! 1888! It wiis a pMttJ .liilly air last Friilay niglit, iu whlob to turn out to a flre. Jamniry meet log of iomolos{ical society next SitincLiy at tlie court house. On Jitn. I8ÜJ the 21st Michigan iufannv holds its :innu;il reunión ,_at Grand EUplda. A couple of tnunps were run in yeslerday for atealinü u from Caspar Rinsey's store. A certaiu amount of moncy was found in A. L. Noble's store yesterdiiy p. Dl. )wner can have the same by proving it. TbOM Rood molntioBl ure very IrkOBM now; bv iu'i wiek utterly unbearble; by the week fulluwiug thiugs uf lie p:isl. Ex-County Cluik K .ibison li 18 now reIred to live in ease and opulence apon lie munificent salary paid him by the ity as nmyor. BDOW tive feet deep on the lcvel, and wclve ft-et in lrlftK, reporu-d 011 the western end of the M. C. R. R. lalt Sunlay. Big storm (or MIchlgM). The firstG. A. H. Post In the state to re9pond to the relief fund of Gen. Logun'f faniily, was the Welch Poètof this city. A fact over which they mny well 'eel proud. Tliere will be a meetiiiif ot tbc board if nriniicrs of Hm Washtenaw County Agricultiiriil und Horticultural Society, on Thursday, Jan. 6th, at lö o'clock a. 11. A full attendance is desired. The Curricr's Aildress issued by the Detroit Tribune is one of the handpomest thinffs of the kind thnt has found its way to the public. It is a thing of beauty, a beautiful specimen of modern typographic art. Eight Rev. Horace Porter, Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Clmrcli, died at bis home in New York, Sunday, of pneumonía. He was present in this city during the liiyinr of the corner stone of the Hobart Uuild Hall. Monday evening Company A elected a new board of directora for the coming pear, the followinp: being tho fortúnate nnea: Geor;e Denftler, John Burns, John Fisher, John Ditwson and Charles Etoebm. Tlie residence of Joseph Linden, of Bridgewater townshlp, bornad last 8unil.iv mornlng trom a öefectlre chinmey, wit I) a portion of the contenta. He whs insured n the Southern Wiishteiiaw. The loss s about 2.000. Harry Morse's injiiry upoa the tobojrgan slide was the result of souie one's carelessness Ín letivlng a board in the way, which tlie toboggan rau into and pplintartd up, one of the splinters piercinff his iibdmnen. We learn he is doing Wfll. Dr. W. H. Jackson has been in the block whtre he la now looated 21 yearg on tlie lOth of this ínnnth - almost obtiiinrd liis nrijorit)' tliure. lie lina no record of the number of teeth pulled in tlmt leiiirth of time, but thcre wfie doilbtleM "millions of 'um.'1 A teleplione message to relativca announcwl the death at Owosso, Tueaday, of Mrs. Oroline M. Collier, widow of the lateOrin Collier of this city. Sliewasone of tlie early ?ettlers in this city, and liad but ivcently gone to Owosso to live with a daugliter. From D. J. Haff, a rrüdimte[of last year, wlio Iim opened a law ollice at No. 27 Underwriter's Kxchau;', K iMM City, the CouRiKK has received a copy of the K:iii!;is City Time", contamina the "Annuiil Review" of the business of that city. It constitutes 24 ncwopaper MKW besides a larjre map of the city. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bassett, of South Lyona, catne to Aun Arbor to spend the holidays with Mrs. DniOtt! father, A. Y. Case, and while here,their only child, Veva May, aged ten inonths, sickeued and died, the funeral beiïig held Wedne-uixy of last week, from the resideuce of its grand parents. The death of this llttle one is a sad bereavement to the fainily. Sheriff VValsh has made the followiur appoiutinents: Under-slieriö', Jeremiah Walsh,Ann Arbor. Deputies frotn Aun Arbor : Jos. H. Preston, Chtla. Brenner, Nelson SutherUnd, Jas. K. Murray, Jasper Imus, Paul Seha'.l, Chas. Sohott, Fred. Sipley. Ypsilanti, Gcorge Palmer, Stephen Hutchlnson; Manchester, Mich. Brenner, Jas. Kelley; Clielsea, Thomas McN amara, Jacob StatlVn; Freedom; Jacob Knapp ; Saline, Joliu Warner' Augusta, P. tl. O'Brien ; Milan, Josepb Gauntlett;' Salem, Johu li. Murray; Wliitinore Lake, Win. Itoper. At about 11 o'clock p. m. Fridiiy night a lire was discovered in the reiir p:irt of D. F. Allmendinger's organ factory on Secoud street. The flanies me extinjfiüshed mainly by the uc of hand jfrenades, supplemented with a Hule water. Tlie losa will amouut to several hundreil dollars on stock, though not very raosh on the building. The frout part of the building OMd ibr storinir linished woik was tininjuml. BW the lire started was a mystery, as there was no fire kept in the room wliere the tl.iinee originated. Tlie loss is covered by inpurance, yet it will be quite a aet-back to Mr. Allmendinger's business, irfatell has been graüually growing forseveral years. The eleventh ftnrraal reunión of the lamily of üron Packurd, of Sulem occurred at the residence of L. C. Quackenbush, Superior, December 35, 'öö. Exercises opened by singiuj; "What a friend we have in Jesus," followed by prayer. After recitation by the little folks, preseuts were taken from tlie tree and fun began. 'I'hfi historian repoitcd no denth, one blrth, thirty-two in family, total age 933 yenri", average 29 years, oldcst 80 and and the youngeet 8 months, all present except family of IrrtDjr Quackenbuh of 0remaw county, and V. Packard and wife, of Dakota. After a feast of frood things and a social time the company ]- anned to meet agaia in one year at J. Packard's. Tlie temperanet1 meeting at Cropsoy's hall on Sunday last was well attended. I!ev. M. Earp, ot the Episcopal Ohureb made an address, and it was re.illy refreshinjf to li-tcn to an address so full of tiue tempcrance sentiment and so free trom personal abuse and polhical nonense. Mr. Earp is a noble specimen of (Jbriltian manhood, and while he jiortrayed tlie sinfiilnessof dram drinkingand is destructive raiults, and tpok plaln witriU agiiiiiMt the triifüc, lii ( ' h i i t itm feelings went out in most thrilling words toward the poor vlctim of drink, and brouirht many teara from the eyes of his Interested hcarers. 8uch excellent words, clothinjf as they did the bigbflM type of temperanee sentiment, are scldom liraid by our citlens.