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Mimhi.i. evenitiK witnet-sed the nit recular HigetlBfl t tlie aotitiet] lor the new, with a liill board present -ave Aid. Stecre, of tlie (illi ward, who as contined to hl house by sickiiess, and Aids. Wiiro and I'oland, oftbfl iHli ward, (who, report says, rot weatherbound betwixt the tvvo brldges on 'the elevated caiml). It was a ijiiict sessicm, tlic '"iinimalí nol. beoomlng stired ii," li :niv estent, ms'iIic tïnng expresslon of tlie day STOes. If uil tlie meetings of the yeai ure in bfl judged by tlils one, fully one-lialf tlie 1 11 ii of beluga otmnetlmnn wt'l have departed. After ih iisuul preltminaritM the ball opened witli s comuuiuicatiou froni P. G. Suekey, nskin tle council to re imburse hini In the sum of $51.00, for dam iges to bis horse (why not buy the horse?) by raaaon of bccoming cared while crossiug the new bridge over the M. C. R. H. Iraoks on l'oiitinc street, by tlie Bteain and smoke of a pagslng englne coming up llirough the Hoor of the bridge. Keferred to the city altorney for bia opinio. Tlie next was a petilion of Dean & Co. to lay'some pipes froin the T., A. A. & N. M. i. H. station to tlieir store on Main street. This reqaett was not af all istonisliing, for it is well knnwn that the Colonel ia au expert layer of pipes, nnd Is one of the kind of men who must keep pu-ihing sonie sort of an enterprise. Petltion (not the pipes), retened to the gtreet committee with power to act. Aid. Allmendinger, from the committee on finalice reported the following exlienditures for the montli : IHb wmu - -- o,! 8 38 M :;:..'. w 4th 18 i 0th it f 40 General streel lund W General fund - " u: Contingent f umi - Mg 9 Water Works fuud 2.31B b7 Total Ml M To tkis should be added two more billa whicu wrepreMntod and allowed, one of C. H. Manly, $9.90 tor inaking out 8dewalk notices (what beoame of tlu m, we wonder?) and ono of $190.00 of Supervisor BilttS for 95 day's services in t.iking assesfinent and spreading the taxes upon bis district. Then tliere are two more bilis one of fU.OO and one of f8.00 drawn montlily for poor aid, whicli added to the above makes a total expenditure of the month of $3,708.96, whlch is a pietty fair show ing for a short month. It mlybt not be out of place to aUI that the general ttrcet eomniittee $150 ghould be retained from the water works warrant tor daumges to the slreets by reason of laying water and service pipe, and tlie sanie was afreed to. (Xow go for the Anu Arbnr Gks Comp;iuy for similar business). City Atiorney Kinne, reported the ordinarjce relative tohackney carriages and omnibuses, na amemlcd last meeting, and the same wa adopled as reporte-I. The City Attorney Uo reponed that he had investigated the claim of Maria B. Gilbert for damages sustained to her person by reasou of a defective sidewalk, stated that the least lier Uywer would settle for was $500, and thought the claim exce9sive, and would recoiuniend that it be not puid, in which opinión the council, through lts Mayor, coincided. The City Attorney also reported on the claim of Dr. P. G. Öuekcy for damages to his horse from frlulit in croasing ISe new M. C. H. B. bridge over Pontiac Street, holdiiifi thut council was not the Hable for said damages. Report s.uctioned as above. Under the head of new business the Mayor called atteution to'tlie tact that ni]il)L)iil- had been made to him that two of our policemen had been seen upon the st'eets in au iutoxicated conilition, to the disfrace of the jjood name of the city, and aked that the same be invi stigated. Aid. Martin moved that a committee of three be appointed to investijrate the coniplaiut?. Catried, and the Mayor appointed as sucli committee Aliin. Martin, Keating and liobisou. [Query. - Woulil the Mayor not have been justitied in rtriklng higher game than policemen? And if an iuvesiigating committee must be appointed let it include all who have been brinjriiii; disfrace upou tlu; city for similar conduct ? Should not justiee fall alike upon all? This is merely a qnery. of course.] Aid. Neitliammer asked if his resol utlon utl'ered at the last meeting, notifying the owners of the peanut stands on the corners to remove the same, had been Afried out. Chief Sipley replied that be had uotitied thein of the provisión of sald resolution. Aid. Martin then ofi'ered the following rtsolution: Resolved, That the City Marshal be In slructed lo remove tlie peunul and fruit stainl on the corner or Hurou and Malu street and one on the corner oí Washington and Main street wllliln three days aller the passage of this resolutiou. City Marshal Slpley reported the followiug expeuditure ot the poor fuud for the month: Ut ward $ 21 88 2a " i W 3d " 47 I 4th " 84 4S 5th " do 91 81U " _ 15 25 Total 215 03 The City Marshal aUo reported eiglit arrots diirin.r the mouth and the dispolitluo made of the same. Council then vinished.


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