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% Celebrated The'.best shoe yet' for the Best American Calf, Button, Lace and Congress, alllcut Hard wear Ln every pair. GOODSPEED & SONS 17 South Main street. FOB THE NEXT 30 DAYS Feíita at Cost AXD LESS THAU COST. We cannot iiffiinl to bol 1 STOCK. WE MUST SELL. We will meet ANY COMPETITION Wbati'ver, cveu if it is a BANKRUPT SALE. Hcar in Mimi (lint our Kt n-k Is Fiesh aud New. COME AND CONVINCE YOURSELF. KOCH & H ALLEETHE JUDGE'S CASH PUZZLE the mwm nu, Use Your Brains and Make Money. MEN, WOO, CUEK, EVSRYBODY. The Judgt propones to asist the Grant Monumeot Fund by orgnnlz.UL' h grand conipeUtlon on word-buildin (makinjr Uu argeel do moer of BnpItgh worde irom a ffiven éntönoe by tráiKiHin and ueiujc lettert to unit 1h pnroose), ufn; lor the theme the eentence "Who will he our uexi President?' and offerlntf Cab prtsei to iOCeeufnJ mrnpetitorB, each ot who wlll have to pav Ftfty (5(1) centa on ureetüitatiou of hfs coinpetitive pApAf Thfl money rceived will he tipplied a fnllows : Twenty-flve ceuta i t once crédito! to the Grant Fand. The remaininsr twenty-flve c-ntt, after deduciini; the leglTimaU1 expfiiccí ol adTertíiDfl iiaraey vl h thdi respective fltiHwere, etc , etc., will be placad Id a common fund to b ¦ equally divlded among the the elx euccepsful cmipïHt rg, i. ., tbe bíx persons sendlny in the larL't'nt liu of Englih words (proper rount incladcd) made from the eentunce ,'Who will be our next Pntfldem ? " The mtignilude of th ¦ pr .'¦ will depend on the amoantol money rct'v-d,or In other wordt on the mimbt-r o( comiu-iltoris Cummanicatiiit) open nntll F bruary 15. 1SS7, 12 o'clock. Thic ii not a ni'w thing. In Erfland larpe sums of money have In-en rnit'd fir cMiarlty by thit m''hod and thone who hv pariicipnifd and incldenta'ly ' elped a worthy object have won a prise af hlffh fls $10,0(H) ap a reward for mental activ ty. The nanu'M of coninetitors will be publtuhed from wi'ck to c k In JuBQê il iht-y muy come In. Thi will not on 1 y serve k au RCKnowiedMineBt of the receipt of the money, ötc., but will aluo servo to show the wivkly procreas of the fund. Qovcrning rulee in thin w ek JüJgé. Addru "CRANT FUND," The Jiulïi' l'ublisliiiii: Coinpniiy, Potter - Xrw York City. Bg-nïTI-ITT to h.' nucí,-, fut ihtrt ooi and reI l il V 'iiru to U9, ui. il wi' wlll -itiI yon I III tl I frci', Knmvtliliii; of creat vlne III I I auii lmiirti.nce toyou, that viill " rfrt.uinin 'lunlnivn which wlll bring ynn ln more mony right iway than anythfne ha Tn thlt worUI. Anyoiiti run do ihe wurk nnd Uve at home. Kütur MI ; all Hirt;t. SointMhim; new, thafJiiRt cotnn moiMJ fi r ,ill worki-rt. We wlll itATt yon ; rtpttel n1 ni'eth'd. ThU Ie one of Ihe irenulni',lniioiiaiitchauc'a ol a lifeilme. Thoce who art: nurt en't rvrii? míj wtll not dfluy. Adilrns Truk & Co., AoviiBta. Maine. 17ilT can live at bome.iiixl inuko more money at II I w(irk r)r "" 'h:1" a' nyiMne t-lee In thli" I iFI wwW. lapiikl ii"i nwnlcd; you are v ' Btaru-d TriT. lli.tli si M 'k ; tl) UU. Any one eau do wifk. Iur'e INtmlAgl uure fnïra flrat .-tuit. t'oë'ly o.uflt Ld twrma lm1, li tti-r iift dijy. Cos11 yon nothin to end u your ddrert! :unl iii d om'; if you are wím yon will do eo at once. H. Hai.i.ktt tt Oo.. Portland, Mnine. ASTHMA CURED GERMÁN ASTHMA CURE IoBtantl ra)icrH thn mMt violent attaok, and insures cctmfortAble leep M H1IT1NU for KKMl 'LTs.Keinic iMedby iohÁlatioo. itsaction taUnmndint, direct and crrluin and ft curo iu the reflult in all curnble catw. A inle trial oonvinctMi the mottt ski-utical. Prico 6(k). and $1 00 of ny OriifttriHt, nr fy iiirtil S.iinple Frrt1 for


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