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A Card. I (l'.sire to expresa my liearty tbanks to the citi.ens and especially totheChiefs of Pólice and fire departmeut and to the tire. men wlio braved tlie Intensely cold weather of New Years night and gave such generous assistance in rescuing my building! nnd goods from destruction by lire. Rly wisb ia that the year commenced u nder sucli trying circumstances muy be a pro8p(iroua one tor all oL you. Kespectfully, D. F. Ai.i.Mf.MUNcir.i;. Card of Thanks. We wish to express our sincere thanks to all who assisted us In the siekiiess and death of our llttle one. SIk. and Mks. E. C. Bassett. The Ann Arbor Savings Bauk. Anioiig the Savings Banks in our ftate there s none outside of Detroit that has tnken a more solid and prominent posltion than the Ann Arbor Savinga Bank. [U growth has been steady and of the kind that niikes it one of the best banks in the state. The list of depositors embraces our citizens occupyin all different poaltlons, but niainly among the farmer, meChanlct and laborera, and these are the classe wliom they especially seek. Tlieir maniier of doing business usures the confldence of the people. Deposita are received from oue dollar up and interest paid. Nothing as sensible ofbn itself to fond parenta and friends as to deposit a small amount at holiday time for some child, who will be prouder with a bank account than with any other gift. Saturday, the Hank will be opea for savings deposita from 7 to 8 p. m. Qreat Cloak Sale, One Quarter Off. Ladies do not fail to attend D. F. Schairer's Great Clearing Sale of Elegant Pluth Sucques, Astrachan Wraps, Newmarkets, Jackets, Circulars, Astrachan Sacques and Clilldren's Cloaks all at One Quarter Off for a few weeks to close out stock in thia department. Don't walt but come at once and Secure the Bargaius. 2w 30-31 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is recommerided by eminent physicians, on both sides of the Atlantic, as the most reliable remry for colds, coughs, and all pulmonary disorders. Inqnire of your druggist for Ayer's Almanac. Closed Thursday, Jan. öth, at the Two Sanis. Marking down clothing. Open Friday niorning.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News