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Ih nowT. inplo Theater at PhiladelpMa whioh cost Willi.iin M. Btngerly 1400,0X1 was minad by Hr on tha -,'Tth. ' Two tir men were killed bv falllng w.ihs. Ska ift ('., retail il y mmís m -rehants o: Chicago, made iui asslgnment on tho'7tl for the benefit of araditon A riot took place in Sun Francisco on t!n Ï7th, the drtver and eondnetors being rtnvon frora the str 'ot-ears anl propon rreokad by the strikors. The pólice, ii trying to stop the lawlessnats, were attacked with atonea Kked Wittkock, alias Jim Cumiting3 Tora Weaver, a Htondryman, El Kinnay, roal dealer, W. W. Haight, an sx-axpresaaaaeafw, and onr c'ook, a FTanmui du oooper, were undcr triest in Chicago ii the:7th for tho robbery of an Adam-, Ex presa car Ootooer Ü5 last, near St. Louis. With the men L10,000 was reeovoio,!, leaving $40,000 yct missing. Skv Kit m. hunilred poor cttizens of Charles ton, 8. C, wore givcn tho material for Christmas dinuers by means of 1500 sent froni Washington and 131)0 subscribo. t n Ni-w York. William M. Rtbbsok, a young Prtnoeton gradúate well known as a contri butor to magazines, shot hinisoir daad al Ui lodgings in New York on the 27th. It wa supposed that he was made insaue by ovrwork. Titk Baltimore ft Ohio Erpress ofrt ¦¦ kt Rayville, Ij., was robbod ¦ few nighta. ago of a bag of one thousand dollars ha si Iver coin. Tus usual animal i'onnt of 140,000,000 worth of internal revenue ttamp v,is ootnmencod at tb..; Troasury Departmsnt in Washington on the Tth. About Üfty omployes wore al work on the job. and they would finish their task in a weck or two. On the 27th two of the principal glass works of Baltimore raspandad oparations, insUting that thoir employés must with draw trom the trude league. From Ootobor 4 to the 27th inst. tho issue of one-dollar sllrer oerUflcates amountod to 16,300,000. Krom December li io date l,040,U00 of the two-dollar silvcr certilieate were issued. The supply wus not equal to the doinand. Mrs. Joshi' v Duw, living nf;ir Clinton. Ind., was shot dead on tho :3Tth by the accidental discharge of a pinto! in tho hands of her son, Albort Dean, who had come from Illinois to visit her. Is portions of Illinois the thermometer marked 27 degrees b ilow zero on the morning of the tTUi, in Iowa "i botow, in Wis¦onsiii 30 below, and in Minnesota 30 below. W. K. Soltïkk, an insolvent bankor of New York, was indicted on the 27th for grand larceny, in misappropriating the est-ate of his grandfather in the amount of flHÜ.OOO. Jidomexts aggregating f3.'VJ,5ÍX) against thirty-'ight insuranoe oompaniea wure serurod on the 7th at Madisoo, Wis. by the Insurance Cominissiouer for violation o( the Ktate laws. The steinii-rs R. S. Haycs and City of Natchez, with four barges, were burned te the water's edge on the 28tb at Cairo, 111. rhe losses aggregttted 100,000. Kont prolesssra o) Andover Colloge were on the 28th on trial in Boston for heresy. Prof üwight, of th-3 Oolumbia Luw School, held the prosocutin committee up to ridicule. Dr. Pattkn. an icol dentist, '.is burned to deatli in hia home it EUsworth, Mc. uu the th. The Northwestern Traveliug Men's Asjociation, in sestion at Chicago on the 28th, re-electad Jamos C. Miller president. Th? troasurer reporte 1 a oasb balaneí ot io.isi. Mui Joiiv Bi km:, oi S T.mtori. l'.i . feil iown stairs on the SBth with a lighted lamp in her hand. and, the lamp cxplodiug. she was burned to dcath. Repdkts on the 'J8th from all the iron and steel piants of the Soutu disciose a most remarkable development in tlio iron industry in the Bouth siuce the census of 1880. The River and Harbor bill, as prepared by the House Committee, appropriates f7,500,000. Joiis Ei-oa, Jn.,charged with the murdr of John Lavalle. was taken out of jail at Arcadia, La., on tha Mth and hauged to a tree. The Secretary of the Treasury on tho 28th issued a cali for íl(),üOU,OOü of three per cent. bonds. The cali wiü mature February 1. 1S7. At Angus, Ia., on the 28th the boiler in the Armstrong mineexploded. killing three men and fatally wounding another. Rev. Claytos, Presbyterian, forty-five year of age and in good ciroiinistances, hauged hiinself on the 2Sth from a fence with a halter at Macou, Ma No cause was known for the deed. Mks. Hkndekson, of Middletown, O., while handling a pistol on the 28th accidontally shot and killed her nve-year-old daughter. A band of safe-blowers was rausing great alarm in Eastern Ohio on the 2sth. Their thofts had been numerous, and rewards were offered for their capture. Heim's brewery at St. Louis was destroyed by fire on the 2sth, two men perishinif in the flames. Wittkock, the leader of the gang who robbed the express car near Bt. Louis last October, and who was arreste! receutly in Chicago, made a confassiou on the 28tU, and a large aliare of the plunder was recovered in his mother's baru at Learenworth, Kan. Undek peremptory orders by special agents of the General Land Office illegal fences were recently removed fiom 274,000 acres of the public douiau iu the Denver district. The pinkeye was spreading among horses at Buffalo. N. Y., on the 28th, and many deaths had occurred. H. Raymosii, dealer in hardware supplios at Kew York, failed on the 29th for VtOO.OW. Nadie Biqblow and Lizzie Hart, aged eighteen and nineteon, respectively, quarreled with their lovers at Bostou the other night, and upon returuing to their rooms swallowed poison aud died a few hours later. Tes building were destroyed by flre on tho -2f.M at Ureensburg, Pa. Loss, $l(X(,()0. Wili.iam BoHÖTTSji's spice milis at St. Louis were partially destroyed by fire on the th, causiug a loss of $100,000. A. E. B. Spakkow, from London, sunk 175,000 in a bogus cattle company at Las Vegas, and killed hiinself on the 29th becaue he had no means of support. By the derailing of a Kort Wayne train on the 20th near Darlington, Pa., six persons were painfully injured. Duhixö the yoar 1Ü36 thero were 8,010 miles of railroad track laid in the United Htates, at a cost of 160,00.1,000. At a meeting in Albany, Tex., on the 'iflth of county judges of the drought-stricken district it was stated that there were 27,900 persons iu actual noed of fooi andclothing, and an appcal for aid was m.ule. W. T. Uobsaday, of the Jiational Museum at Washington, who has been uollecting gpecimuns in Montana, reported on the '29th the visible supply of buffalo at sixty iu tho Ynllnwntonii dtrlda and ona hntrd In Kaix feil on '%h throughout th8 (raster part oi California, A btbamboat used as a boardinghouse at Jackson, Ala., was burnoil oarly on the moriiing of the 3!)th, and twnnty-Hve ¦¦!- sans lust th'ir Uves, U-u perisbing in tha llamos and tho nthers being drowno;!. Lacha, aged sixtoen yoars, was tbrown agalnit a rod-hot stove in St. Louli m tho 90tb iiy a larg dog, harolothea caught tiro, and she wu buroed t death. Mm. (CdwiM SiAfKüui), of Sanford's Corners, N. Y., a?ed mnoteen year, w.ia burin'd to death on th '.".itli by her clothe catchiug lire (rom a stove. Gkace Collins, ago,l four years, wa burncd to deatli in Chicago on the 29th, hor clothing catching Üro while she was playing noar a stoVe, Rkiikkt Kkasi.kt and Raymon 1 Murphy were lynched on tho Wtb near VicksUurg, Mis., lor the murder of Washington. Thb Dead-Letter Office at Washington givos an evidenoo of tho oarolessnoss of the public in addressing correspondence in a list of sixty-four letters addresscd to Pittaburgh, O., when Pittsburgh, Pa., was intendod. Chicago, N. Y., is often written for Chicago, 111. lx a roemt lot tor to a frtend n ITew York Mr. I'owderly strongly denonnosd tho S K'iiüists, and told thoiu Uut men who for '.VA days in the year advocate the use of the dirk and hullot, and who on tho Htïith day walk ip to polls and vote for the riiMtinuunre of the systom wtiioh they deDOunoe, oould not be recognized by the Knights of Labor. Th?, numbor of immigrant who arrivod in thia OUUntry in November was 81,01%, while in Novomber, 18ST. it was only '2 .i.07il. It was reported on tho H()th uit. that M rmon elders were making many ennverts in Eastern Mississippi. Thb product of tha Indiana coal mines for the year 1888 was ;!,OOO,IWO tous, an inrroase of 25,001) tons over the previous yoar. There were seven fatal accident in the mines during the year. Whii.k examining a witness on the 30th uit. iii a murder trial at Cotulla, Tox., Judge K. A. Harwood feil dead. Two tiioi'savo brewery employés in Philadelphia struok on the;Oth uit. against a reduction of twenty per cent. in their wagos. Trains were crossing the Missouri river at Sioux City, Ia., on the ice on the 30th uit. A special grand jury at ttolumbus, O., ontheüOth uit. found a true bill against flvecitizens for altering tally-shoots at the election held fifUien mouths ago. i li.i am Lester feil into a vat of prussic aoid at Cincinnati a few days ago and died ; few hours later. William Hutton, a woalthy farmer of Fillmore County, Minu., was cheated out of one thousand dollars by card-sharpers at New York the other night. It is estimatd that there were threo thousand separate strikes during 1SS6, and that the loss to the country was about f25,000,000. The new State Soldiors' Home at Grand Rapids, Mic-h., vvhich cost $100.000 and will accommodato five hundred persons, was dedicated on the 30th uit. Near Fairmount, Ind., on the SOtn uit, two boys found 20,000 in promissory notes and receipts which had been stolen from a store in Fairmount a few days before. While a party of Italiana weregambling on the 30th uit. at Pueblo, Col., one of them, thinking himself cheated, drew a revolver and flred five shots, fatally woundmg three men. Onb-half the town of Upper Marlboro, Md., was destroyed by flre on the 30th uit. At Niiholsville, Kv., the other night the Opera-House block (containing stores and jfticosi. a banking-house and Sparks' Hotel wero destroyod by fire. Loss, $100,000. Tin: value of the new gold received at the mint in Washington during 18SÖ was H,44,TO8.. Is the case of tho striking train-wrookrs at K-insas City, WIIUmD Vossen, one of itio aicused, made a full confession on the i 'ith uit., and gave the names of the others Implicated in the crime. A hand of counterfeiters was on the 30th uit. said to be working at New York, and irere gotting rid of their boguscoin through the agency of saloon-keepers and bártendors. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Asiihkl H. Barney, oue of tho foundera of tho express business, dicd on the 27th in York. It was decided on the 27th to hold funeral services over tho romains of Uoneral Logan ín the Senate chamber at Washington, but the time had not been fixed. Expressions of sorrow had been received by Mrs. Logan trom all parts of the country, and m many cities the flags were placed at half-mast over the public buildings. A frítate dispatch received at the Interior Dopartinent in Washington says ;hat Becretary Laraar was married at Macou. Ga., on the aftoruoonof the 27th, to Mrs. Holt, of that city. Rev. 8. H. Keeler, aged eighty-six years, feil dead in the Congregational Church at Somerville, N. J., on the 2öth. He had been in theministry sinc 1829. Tempbkaxce people opposed to tho thirdparty movement organized a State Temperance Union at Indianapolis, Ind., on the 28th, which is to be f ree from all party al.iances. Thr Prohibitionists of th Eighth Ww. consin Congressional district ou the 28th nominated Hugh Prioe for the short term and Peter Truax for tho long term ia Con}ress. Lbwis D. Hayes, for six years one of the editorial writers of the indianapolis Journal, died in that city on the ith, aged thirty-seven years. It was decided on the 28th that the remains of General Logan would be Interred n a cemetery at Washington until a ñnal urial-place could be detormined upon. The General died poor, and while it was clear that a liberal pension would be rranted to Mrs. Logan, several leading men throughout the country had alroady subsenbed $15,00) for her relief. A.ndrew E. Docthit, eightv years old, was married at Shelbyville. 111., on the ajth x) Mrs. Mary A. Kimmel, Rev. J. L. Doutht, a son of thn bridegroom, performing the ¦eivmony, Mrs. Kimmel was the third )ride whom the aged bridegrooui had led o the altar. The will of tho late John O. A. Williams, filo,! at Boston on the 28th, bequeaths Í4U0,000 to Harvard L'niversity. Wii.i.iam Kimmki,, ex-member of Confress and a prominent Marylunder, died at Baltimore ou the kfclh, agod seveuty-four years. James A. M' Mastkr, the veteran Cathollc oditor of the New York Ffeèman Jurnal, oxpirei on the 29th at lirooklvn, aged ixty.ix y.Mi- Thomas Latuirette, a ccutoiiüi iau, who lived under cviirj President of the United Siatos, died on the 29th at Planton, il J. At Central Music Hall in Chicago on the BTtnlog uf t'no 'Jyth twenty-five hundred ladies and gentlemen met to do honor to the memory of General John A. Logan. Preachers, soldier and politicians paid tributo to the d''ad hero. U.N the evuning oí the 20th a memorial nervlcfl was hld in Plytnonth Chnroh, Brooklyn, to celébrate tho completion oí the sixtioth year of the ininistry of Rov. Dr. Edwaril Beflclmr, IJ. I)., tliu oldast brother of Rev. Henrv Ward Beccher. Grverai. W. W. Lokino. a vetoran of tho Mexican wur, a Confedérate General in tho robollion, and more recently a corps commandor in tho Kgyptian army, died in New York on the 30th uit., seventy-ono years. Kkiend of Don Cumeron held a conference at Harrisburg, Pa., on the 80th uit., to arrange for placmg his name beforo tlie National Repoblioan couventiou as a candidato for Président BritciiAKi) A. Hatus, oldost son of exPresident Hayes, nd Miss Mitry Sh 'i-man woro united in marriage on the 30th uit. at the home of the bride's parunt in Norwalk, O. (ritimuK H. Hammond, the pioneer of th dressed-beef trade and tho foundor of a town in lmliiiua, died in Detroit on the 30tn uit., of heurt-disease, in his forty-ninth year. Miciiabi. Davitt, the fainous "one-armed patriot" of Ireland, was uuited in matriage te Miss Mamie Y ore at Oaklaud, Cal., on the30th uit Hilbornk L. Roosbvklt, one of t.ha largest orgun bullders ín the world, aud inventor of olee trie appliaiuvs. di-d In New York on the 30th uit., aged thirty-sevon years. FOREIGN. Oxe of th most severo snow-st!rins ever known in England blockaied tho ruilways and tore down the telegraph wires on tho 27th. The Secretary of the Treasurv was in formed on the '7th ttiat two nrrns in Honjf Kang were largely engage.l in selling eerliñeates to Jand Chinese in the United iSUite. 3. John Daw, a farmer living on the outskirts of Mtoheil, Ont., was gorod to death by a buil on the 'J7th. His wife ran out to the barn-yard, and on seeing the bloeding form of her husbaud on the ground feil dead. Thb moeting of the British Parliament has been postpoued until February. Cholkra was on the 28th offlcially declared to be extinct in Hungary, the total nuniber of cases in PestU being 960, ol Wtüob 499 wero fatal. The elertions in Ontario on the 88tb resulted in the return to power of the Liberáis, who will have un iucreased majority in the Legislatura. Mr. Glait.k oelebnitad his seventyseventh birthday on the 9Mh. Hekttendad early service at the Hawarden church, and receired presenta and congratulations from all parts of the world. Tiik steamer Sir John was fournod on the 29th just outside the harbor of 8t. John. N'. B., and five of the erew were fatally injured. One man was drowued. The vessel and cargo were valued at JwO.ikk). Thkkk was a growing belief in Vii'iiir.i on the 'JlHti that Hussia wüs determined on war. The Czar had ordered the massing of :0,000troops atKief. Tuk Chancellorship of the Britixh Bzc-tK'quer was on the 29th tooepted l).v Sir Miehael Hieks-Beach. to nll the msanaj created by the resignation of Lwrd K.mdolph Churchill BAJtOM vd pppiLSint, the aitronomor, ezpired in Vienna on tlv 2.)th, at the age of forty-üve years. Clkmknc:íau, the Freiuh statesman, in au interview on the 2UUi ut Vion.1.1, têü ! "There eau be no war betw sen Knincj and Gormany unless Germany makes th ' tir t attack, beeause every responsible Fren hman is determined that France. shall offor nu provocation." Five persons were killed and a uamberút firemen were injured at a fire on the SJth uit. in Lisbon, Portufil. Ir was announced on the 30ih uit. that during the recent great tnow-storm n Germany over two hundred live ren lost. In Mendoza, Argentino Republic, on tho 3Oth uit. there were forty-four new casea of cholera and eightcen deaths. Ex-Govkrxoh Gibbh. known as the Wat Govemor of Oregon, died in Loudon on tha 3Oth uit., where lie had reskled for two years. LATER NEWS. lx the year 1SSB there wero 27Ü persons killed in tornadoes, aili by boiler and other axplosions, tíü in lires, 17-4 in mining disasters, Üs7 by (loods aud druwuiug, 71 by lightning, 40 by snow-slides, 39 by falling buildings aud 06 by earthquake. 'i'he uumber killoa in railroad accideuts was S5j, against 947 the previous year, aud 2,74 lost their Uves in ocean aud lake disastois, against ,Jin in 1S85. Of tne üloucester (Mas9.) fishing fleet twi'nty-six vessels were lost last year, with 137 lives. Tuk numbor of business failures in the United States duriug 1)486 was 9,(ÏH. a compared with M,tïi7 in the year 1885, a decrease of 805 failures. The total liabilities for 1888 wore114,UUU,000, agaiust 134,UÜJ,000 in 1S85 By the collision of trains on the 31st uit. near Ban Antonio, Tex., flfteen persons were killed and several others were iujured. Thb business failures throughout Canada for the year 18S6 nuinbered 1,262, with liabilties of 10,3SB,000, agaiust 1,280 failures ia 1885, with liabilitiea of 8,881,000. Dwiqht L. Moody, the evangelist, commenoed a series of meetings iu Chicago un the 31 st uit. Memorial services over the death of General Logan were held in many Illinois towns on the 31st uit. Tbn miners were killed by the falling of a cage in a Houghton (Eug.) colliery a few ilay ago. Tuk fund being raised by Captain Leinon, of Washington, for Mrs. Logau, had ou tho lst reaehed HO.OOO. W. P. Nixou had placod in her hauds 6,5J0 contributed in Chicago. Foukteex persons were drowned on the lst off Bardsey, Eng., by a coüisiun of steanu'i's. Kkykral earthquake shocks of a mild character were feit on the 31st uit. at Summerville and Columbia, S. ( ' Tuk numbr of persons who committed suicide in the United States in 188ti was K14. against 97S iu 1S85. Of thi Bttmber, 7Ó7 were males and 157 femsleá Thera were 1,449 murders reportod, against 108 In LflBB; 83 bangingt, agamst UW the pi-evious year, and 133 lyucliings, aginst 181 in 188B Tuk Doleres Land & Cattle Company of Texas made au -etgnmitt on the lstto secure debts of (530,000. Solemn and impressive funeral serviola over the remanís of Senator Logan were held in the Sonate ctuunber at Washington on the 31st uit. There was a great thrung of people present. Kev. Dr. Newman preached the funeral sermón. The President wasnot able to attend, but Mrs. Cleveland was present, as well as tlie members of tho Cabinet and their wives. All tha branches of the Government wero n'presented. The remains wero placed iu a vault in Rock Creek Cemetery. An offor of a permanent burial-place on the Lako front in Chicago was said to havo been uoceptud by lint. Logau.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News