HlüUill' IIKK(TOHÏAsv Amoiii'in aniïky, No. 18 ineets ttrst ïuemtay of eH iiiontli. W. G. Doty. K. 0; W. A.. i'ou'lmr 1. Recorder. Wasiii'kvuv ("iivprion, No, ti, K A. M.- vlocis lirsi Moii'lav eaeb immth. Ianac H, 'I P-; "o"!'', sucretary. aUalNLSo CARDS. CLQTH CASKETS, METALIC And Óommon Coflln. Oalli tifiitett lo Djr or Niniu. Bmtmlmlng ¦ ipeolalty. stoerooraon K. Washington lUNt, ll.-sideace Oor. tilbertjrund Fifih. . II. J.'IOV r:!Es: niitiiiiisiitil OB'FíCK: : Over ach k Abel's Dry Goml Store. Bntnuiea next to Nition:il Bank. WILIilAH IIERZ, House, Siíja, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperim Glulng, (iildin(?, and Calciminine, and work ni evarj Axcrtption rtoin' in thf bst style. and warramud lo glT eatiafaction. Jhop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. V W. & A C. XICIIOLS, IDEIST'r IST SRoonw Over Ann Arbor SftTings Bnk, MiiMniic Temple Hlock. GASorVITALIZED AIR Admintiti-red tor Ihe painlee extracti'in "f t i-eth. STATE STREET Msrchut iin Establishment ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, DkarSik: Ifyoawunt a nii Ball doot order antll yon liave MM JOSEPH BKUKV. Mercbanl stal." itreet, Aun Arbor. Micti. ÏOO will tlml a very ne line of Kiikllsh Wormtwl tor Dfew Bntt, and all the NeweslHhadesan.t Wi-aves in Sack Sullings and trowserings In st ck anü samples to or der fruiu. , nlii i ¦ Onr Ion xpertenc ';..V, „,, „„,, ciothe tejBgTn1frli'flaror3êr, al Lowei Uvlng Vrices 0U and sec tor yourse f. CET-THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. Becurity held lor ihe pmtection of the pollcy h()l(iTr. CHR1STIAN MACK Beuresenta 'he followlne Brít-clai-n compinteí, of woich one, the Etna. i.aa alune iid 5n,0UO,onu nrc on'- In Hlny-fivi; yuars: Jitna, of Hartford % 0,192,64 Kratikiin ot PtaUattelpliiM 3,118,713 Germiinia, N. V 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,060,968 TjOiiüoii AssLirance, Loodon... 1,416,788 Micliiiriin F. A M., Detroit... 8OT.608 N. Y. Umlerwriters, N. Y 2,590,079 National, Hartford 1,774,608 PUoenix, Brooklyn S.789,086 Loases liberally djusted and promptly paid. Polieies issucd at the lowest rates of premium. nmtf LÜMBER! LX7MBER! LÏÏMBEH! If yon contémplate bnlllinr, cali at FERDON Umi liii! Corner Pourth and Depot SU., and ge onr figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and (tuarantoe AERY LOW PRICES JGive us a cali and we will make it to your I riterest, as our large and wcll tir.nlt-d stock fully ustains our assertion. Telephone Conocctions with Office. F. J. KttECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A. DcFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Glass Insurance, Steam. Boiler INSURANCE! RatcN, Honorable Arijustineiits and Loases Prompdy l'aiil. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS BPaOIAX ATTENTION OIVENTO C'OLLE'TION or Rk.ntm ANt Manacjemknt of Kkai. hiTATB INTBRKSTS FOB llKrtl DKM 8. ENTIBK HATISKACTION Tci OWWKKS Gl'ARANTBBD. A. DeFOBKST. I If I UT Mum niuiioy than at anytliinvelte br Uk 1(1 I ln(( uu ageiicy lorth! let üclllng hook II I I ut. li.'glnnt-rs Buccoed eiandly. Nouc " " fa.ll. Turnn frL-e. ]Iali.ïtt Book Co.. PortUnd, Mlne. ñOTUIIACURED! 1 I 1 1 III II Tinrt-itlw mist ikfptiial GERMÁN ASTHMA CUREriíríL niimt viiilciitattai'k. inaun-H oMjfi.rtiil.lo sImijfffocta pnrn all „tiur mnadlM rail' Xo wailiiiK for rrnulln. Iln n in Imini duili', ilin-i't umi irlain, umi n cure I. rfTrnrd in nlUTKAIII.K (-.[, ¦It prmaaentlj cured mi Refer lo me tt anj lime." ffon R. Intt fit Paul Minn "1 in mtirelj rMtored to helth by Ocmu iitbn , L""' . r" '"'". HamMm. ÜH,o ¦O.rm.n AKhm. Curt I, .11 ,ou ibla for II. It n.yer . Ík . ' ' ' ''" ¦""'"¦ OrmnUU. S. 0 MJ pnrflcltn rccommnd d Oerman Anhma Ture It ort e." Mr.. M 1. Trtriek. l.o„J„„d,rrt fj(o tkoiaidi of ilallar IMlm .. 1U. lk air InnM aboGt It. '"" "frmnn Anthinn ('urr ff) pold br all ñrnir mat at Sqc. ?,„i - 1 , „r M,,t by Stfm, lrg3Si of prlce 'I nal iiaciaifu frri. ti anv nddma f., aUtp_K. IIKKM VN. M.l. .wi.KSiImiÍ, CRIBE for the COÜRIER.
Ann Arbor Courier
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