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W LROYALfi&'..t 2i B fewJSS POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThiKpowdernever varleN. A marvel of pnrlty, AiiiMiKlli "J wholesomeness. More economu'ftl lllan the kind. and cannot i told 1 ti competlllon wltli tlie mtiltltiide of low tost, Hhort welght, aluin or phortphate prtWders. Sold only In cdns. Koytil Haking l'nn der Co . 1O6 WhII hl. N. V. SKTÑ aSCALP. Cleansert, Piirlfled and Beautifled by the Ciitlcura Hcinedies. For Cleansinethe Skin and Scalp of OiHíaurfnir Hnmor, for nllayine Itchlng, Biirniix; and li fl muil ttion, lor curine the flrst symptom 01 Eczema, l'-orlasis. Milk C'rust, scald Head, Scroinla and oiher inheriteit íkiriami blood diseane. Cuiicnra. the grcat Skin ('ure. and Cutirura So.p, au exQOlstta skin beanniW, t-xtemally, and ('uilcura KceoHeni, the new ltloud 101 fier, interna ly are tn alible A COMPLETE Cüllf.. I have mffered uil mv II fe wili skin dttmiai "t d'tferen kinds, aml have fttrer fnnd perm inent re.ief, uiitil, hy theilvice o' lidjrfWnd I ued your v.iluable Cutü'unt Remedie. I tv th t'm a thur neh trtal, niiiiü six or the Culirura Retolveut. two boxfs ol Cftictira and neven raKP" of Culicvra Soap, ard the reuil1 s just whai T bad been told it wonld be - acomplffe cure. BB1.LE WADE, Richmond. Va. Reference, O. W. Latimer. D nft'iil, Kichimnd I was tronhlcd wlth ralt Kheum fnr a numbero years. so ttaat tbe fkln entlrely came off of m mndsfrem ïhe flueer t'pi to the wrlst. I tried remedies and doctors1 prec ipilons to no parpóle mili 1 rommenwil uklng Cuttcura Ut medies, and uow I hui eodrelT cored. E. 1. I'AHKKIÏ, S79 Northampton St., Boston. IMUHJGISTS ENDORSE THEM. Ha e sold a qaantity ol yonr CuHrnra Remediei. One of mr rmtrHiart. Mrs. Henry Kintz, ti.i had tetter on her; hand to onc'j an extent a tocaniethe kin to peel off, and for eight yearn -he m.nVrel j;reatly. wm compKtely cated ly the nee ol your med'cwe. O. X. NYB.!Drn.'glt, Cantón, Ohio. ITCHIK6, SCALT, PIMPI.Y. For Ihe Inet year 1 huve had a npectes of ltrhinjr, caly and pimply humors on my face to whtch I have apiliel a greai many meihtfds of treatment without utic-ce, and whicb wa? apeedily and entirely cured by Cuiicaro. Mrs. ISSAO PHELP8, Ravena. O. ( Ml II( IM I IKK THE1H. We have sold yonr Cutirura Remedies lor the lat -ix years, and no mediciuee on uur shelvee give better satlsfaction. O. F. ATHKK1ON, Drugglat, Albany.N. Y. Sold by all Druprelsts. Prlee: CoricrR. 50 Ci; Uesoi.vent.S1.00: Soap, 25cU. Pottïb ükuu asi Cmumi Co.. Boston. Seud lor "Hov to Cure Mkln UlHeaHCM " fTJTTTJC! Simples, Skin Blemishes and Baby ITXii U iJ0 Humor cured by ('utlcura Soup. Catarrh to Consumption. Catarrh in iui delrQrtiv lorre utsnU next t and undoubtedly leads on to conaumptlon. It la tberefore singular that tbose aftlicted with thii fearful diease xhoind nol make It the object of iheir llvee to rld themnelve ol it. Ueceptive remedies concocred by Jgnorant pretenders to medical knowledge have weakened the confidence of the great mijority of soflerers In all advertied remedies. Tney becdme reigoed toa lile of mtaery rather ihan torture themelves wlih doubtful palllatlvee. But this wlll never uo. CaUrrb must be met nt every utaga and comhaitcd wiih all onr mtght. In many ca-en (tie diwa.-e na a-fumi'd dauLL-roii xympionis. Tlie boues and cartllage of the nose, the o gins of hearing, of sceiDg and of tastfng ho affected as to ba uselees, the nvnla ao elungated, the throat so ii (lamed and Irritaied as to produce a constant and dlftreslug cough. Sandkiiüiis RADICAL Tkk meets every pteM of Catarrh, trom asimple head cold to the most loarhrtome and dectrnctive stages. It is local and riMi -i tu; on. Instant in-elKvirg, ptrm-inent in curlnp, safe, econoinlcal and never-fa'liDg. Kach package contains oneboltleof the K.itCAIi C't'KK, and one box of Catharbal Kesiii.VKNT, and one Imi'roved Inhalek: prlce 11.1.0. 41 KIDNEY PAINS. rL And that weary sensation ever present f JH tho-e of imlained Kidueys, Weak 1 1 Back and l.ulns Achiog lllpa anti Sides ) AF overworked or worn out by di-ease. deliiliiy ur disKlpitlou, are relleved In one niiuiiti' and are speedily cured by the ( itk i ka Anii-I'ain Plastik, a new orlg-Inal,elegant and lnfl.'iiniii'ition. At druggists, 25c ; Uve for $1.00, or ot Po th Druuand Chemical Co., Boston. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Aim Arbor. The oldeet sgency In tbe city. Efttttbllxhed overaquarter of acentury ago. Represen tlng the foflowlng flrst-claüs companlex, wltb over #60,000,000 Capital and AMOU. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL IN8. CO., of New York. NIAOARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRAKD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of Loudon. LIVERPOOL, L0NDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Kus i.. ii RateH Lovr as tlie Lotrest, Lofiftes Liberal I y Adjnsli i and promptly Paid. C. H. MILLEN. K Outnella nll otliirtoks. Hon. BBHy -l J. S. V1h! of Va., says; ' Whotvrr ¦Wé0B fakes it uptn4tmittfr%rh4-thr he r be Mr, Ulaine's friend or euemy, M kkjWm tfïi nerrr put tt down utrtil ir ¦fe HJCL hcM rrad thr whott." Hon. AIN n jLyM WÊB f. Thunuun, naya: "A chutio %tap br tn our poUtioal hUtory." A mi Axontx wantod on c-tiims¦hé uloii oritalary. Addr , Krlti Hmtiu n., VWHOTn Cnlwrnb. f"" fl AT T netdi tri mam, bat tboM vbo wrlt to I I KUnsoa A Co. Portland, MftlDtwillrceiT I T I I II frf, fuü toformatioa bont work whlrh I l I they cb do. od llTlbom,thtwillpr M J U 13 (htm froro %& to 2S pr dy. 8om hT roed onr $00 lo iy Kilher tez, joang or oíd. t"[ital rot rtqafrfld Voo rt&rUd tr-. ThoMwbottart at onc I rf Uu!utl7 iur of iuuf Utllf fortuMi. AU ia Mt.


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