That Wife Of Mine
She met rae at the door lail nlght, All ilatnly, freah and rnllliiK, And threw her pluni arma arouml me Uglit, In luanuer moNi Im-iíuIIIjiu. Tlien In her Rweet, lnipulHlve way, ttbe hugged me anü k issnl me, And told me hOW llvelong day l houht uf me and mlss-tl uit', She helped me off witli coat and hut, And led me, still close-cliiiglnt:, Into tlie dlnlng-room, and sat Dowu m the tuble sluglng. The meal wil perfect ; lresh-cut flow'rs, Tue lirellghl wariu and ry, Made uil neem brlijlu ; swirt rif w the licturn, And we we re, O ! o oony I Tïien, after dluner, uhe and I Hang the oíd bojíos together We OM to Klng In divyH one hy. My I, fiirt wan llke a fealher'! Our huppliifss madeearth a llfuyen, And now, as I review it, X reoollect ,iw;is eleven Alinosi before we knew It. We sat there on the sofa (hen, She nestltng close besldf me, Soflly ahe smoothed my halr, and wlien I kïiM her lid not chlde me, She tondly pluched my cheek, and so, Her dlmpled hand upon It, She wlilspcred Uarllug, do you kiww I neod a nlce, new bonnet? "
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News