Nu veil Hls Life. Mr. 1). I. Wllooxton, dt Bwh Civp, Kv., ijs lic was, tor niany yenrs, badljf tflloted with riithisio, ;üsD Diabetes; the ];iins wvtK uhnost uiieii(lmal)l and would ¦omatlmM almnst tlirow liim ulo couvulslons. He tried Elcclric Bitters and (iot relict trom lirst bottle, and alter taking slx bottles was entirely cured, and had gained In flesh elghteen ponodi. Says lie positively believes lie would have dief] had It not been for the relief alTbrded in Electric Bitters. 8old at lilly rent a bottle ly Elierliaeh & Sou.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News