A Miraculous Escape From The Grave
I liavc beflO In poor Uealth with a 1 issased Koraaet) and livor, cansí ns a caqkered mouth contimmlly for ten yearg. I kcit aboul inv house unul a year ago last June. For three years prior to tliat lime 1 liad a severe paln in tlie región of tni lieart, at times seeming pattenduranoe ít aflecúfd ni y Bhoulder, took all strength from my umi; could set no relief only by poultlclng. My siiiniach being so dlseaaea, my t'ood cmi-c. I me rrcat distress. My are alga seeuied to be in tlie way of my recovery, arnl not the least of my sickness. I etnployed Ihe very best of medical atslstanee I cuuld gct while in Ciro, tliis lítate, but little encourajrement could Iget. Was moved to Vallar, Oct. 1, 1886, on a bed, jíivinj; :ne every ten minutes a teaspoonful of brandy and ce witli only a tewpoOBfal of noiiiisliinent ut a time. Iconuuenced bloatinff soon after arrivlng liere, bad every appearanceof dropsy. We called our Caro physiclan here, and he said my coiKlilion was worse tlian when in Caro. Ou the 27th day of May last we called a conncil of doctors trova Vassar, "three in numlier." All of lliem pninonnced my Date incurable. I had witli tlie rest Inllummation of tlie bowels, and I layalmost lifeless. iniloni' of tho leadillg plivsicians suid it I QOUld lio restured to a -sane miiid ai;:iiii it yvould bu all my busband mijfht etpect, and anythingthat would sootlie me was all tliat cernid be done. My hnsband írot me soine medicine at Johnson & Williamson's, drnígists at Vassar, and commenced (,'ivinj; it to me, and Ín three weeks' time they bejran to put me in an easy chair, "for a sliort rime aacb day," at which time I liad nouseot my low(!rlimbs and my back was tminb; it v;i i little mora than two montlin before I couli) walk without cratebea, I aa noar a well wonian, have ualked one and a half miles williin a mouth can eat all kinds of food hihI cnj.'v it, have írained from S poníais sílice I ist May, to 110 novv. Could sav more of my siekness, but delicacy prevenís. 1 want to say lo niv frieinls tliat llibbtiil's Ulieuinatir Syrup and Piasters are nu-dicines tliat cured me. I Med tour planten wlth che tir-t five bottle; have used ten hottles in all and am well. It' anyone who reads this has any doubt as totlieautbenticity of my statement, it will ilt'ord me jileasure to reler tliem to my neighb.ns ull nbout here, as they are all MtoBiehad at my lecovery. It is a great family íeinedy. Very truly, MUS. Olí ESTER Qa.I . Vassar, Mich., Oct., 11,1--;. 'I'liis is to certtfy tha', I hnve known Mis Caire slnce slie carne to Vasssr, ;ind kuou ii, , niris i-i fonii in ncT statement above to he trw. Yirv trnlv. Of Hiuj Dt Jöhnioo iS wiiliamson, dmgjrNts, Vassar, Mich.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News