Real Estate Transfers
Adallne E, Holland to Mary E.Balcolm, Aan Arbor 4,000 W. D. & C. S. ('Imilwtck to Howard Everett, Hharon 40 Franklln Everett to Howard Everelt, si in run 700 John O. Havens to Josepb. DeMosli Ypailanti .' 430 Joseph O DeMosh to Phllamier L. Post YpsllKiili 400 Jacob Tibbles to lluiiiiali Tlbbles, York (KXI L. Gruner to Frederlch Husel. Ann Arbor 300 Siisan sholdon toC. and M. E.Spaelli, Anu Arbor 2,500 Russell H. wilson to Florence S. Willinms, Milan 1,000 Funny Tliunnnn to Tbomas Ryan. Ypsllantl. „, (j.-, Wm. H. Wanty to Allda Hlakeslee, Augusta 800 Jas. T. Sraith toSoplilaT. Sinith, PltUleid 1,000 Jacob Bock to John W. lleok, Ann Arbor 100 Stephen ('. Vates, by sheriff, to Marión L. Lawrence, et al., Ypsllnntl 480 Tbomai l'lynn to Fred. J.Wideraan, Urldgewutcr ]r0 HeDryHackto Edward Chase, York, 180 James Kennedy to Mlchael Kenuedy, Northtirld 4 960 Ciirollne M. Qott to C. H. Rlchmom! Ann Arbor 995 Geo. W. Donalcison to Thos. I. Wood, Hallne 570 NniMMin ItasHett to George A. Lludeusi'hinidl, Lodl 210 Mnry A. White to Humplirey Elllott, AiiKiista ii" J. W. Busa, et al., to Nlcholiw Weber, bwo aoo Nloholas Webber to J. W. Buss, et al., BolO ;20
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Adaline E. Holland
Mary E. Balcolm
W. D. Chadwick
Howard Everett
Franklin Everett
John G. Havens
Joseph C. Demosh
Philander L. Post
Jacob Tibbles
Hannah Tibbles
Leonhard Gruner
Frederick Husel
Susan Sheldon
C. Spaeth
M. E. Spaeth
Russell R. Wilson
Florence S. Williams
Fanny Thurman
Thomas Ryan
William H. Wanty
Alida Blakeslee
James T. Smith
Sophia T. Smith
Jacob Beck
John W. Beck
Stephen C. Yates
Marion L. Lawrence
Thomas Flynn
Frederick J. Wideman
Henry Hack
Edward Chase
James Kennedy
Michael Kennedy
Caroline M. Gott
C. H. Richmond
George W. Donaldson
Thomas I. Wood
Narsena Bassett
George A. Lindenschmidt
Mary A. White
Humphrey Elliott
J. W. Buss
Nicholas Weber