What It tflial it Does. HocmI's Sanaparilla is made of aarsaparilla, danddion, mmidrake, cherry burk, uva ursi, dock and other vuluable medicinal agents lon and favombly known for thelr pewcr la eradicutlng dUeastand pa. rlfylnjj the blood. It will cure, wlien in the power of medicine. Scrofula, Balt Iïheum, Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation. I}illiousne8S, General Debility, Pains n the Back, Kiilney Complaint, Catarrli, Feiiüile Weukm-ss, (!;iucerous Humors, Humorsof tliefjco. Ringworm, Pimples, L'lcers, Sores, Tumors, Seald Head, aml all discases arising from an impure Itate state or low condition of the Mood, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is made by C. I Hood & Co., Lowell, Maas. SJold by all drugSists; fl, six for ïm. Girls, Ieam tliis by heart : A youiijj woman that deliberately marrics without understanding the art of cooking, is takng upon herself a seriou9 burden. Especially is this true of those in modest circumstances. Sour bread, leathery steaks and wishy-washy coffee are not eonducive to happiness. One may thoroughly understand art, music, science and philosophy, be familiar witli'mytholgj" politics, (alk like n foook, and in every languaje, vet if the simple art of rnaking a loaf of bread is neglected, the education is sadly incomplete. - Ex. A Common Cold Ih ofion thi' brgiaatag of vrkxM Btftcliniis of t Tbroat, Bronvhiid . mul Laatl. Tlicroforc Ilic tmportance oí c.-irly uit] effoctlve trcatiurnt cnonot 1? estlmated. A; ef t '.. : r. Pectoral may nlv:iys l)r rclii-il upon for the pedy cure of :i i"ll or ( 005I1. ].:¦ ,T;inu:iry I WJM :i';ir!.'il tl) a dcvra Cokl, whicli. l.y nvuS.i and frequent esiKWOreii, bovair.i ¦: ¦-¦. Hnlly Mtllins u tiiy Um . A tin.i ¦ ¦""¦_li loon Iiillow'd, siri'inr: nii 1 Ir :ih) in ,,¦ cliest, trom hirh 1 rl iuteiwely. In ing viiriniia n nwilif. iili"iit olilainiliu' relief, 1 cuiiiUit-UfeJ takiug Ayer'a berrj Pectoral, uiul Speed i ly Cured. I nin RatUfiH tl):it tliii -ïfiiv snved raj II - Juo, Webster, V:n i,U. 1. I ccmtnictcd :i iovom róM, wMrtl pndil nlv jevelood lutu 1 prstent ing dnngeroua mul Kviuptom. My pliyMclini :it oiior unl nil Inc u-'1 1 ' Ayeri Cberrv Pertorwl. limtrueli were followeiS, ml Ou1 rpnll vns ri :iiiii perumncul cure. ¦ 11. 1-. BIun nou Rogen l'iMiik', Tvxns. To yi':iv apo T stilTi n i from 1 wvrre Cold wliU-li M'ttlcil en 1} Luiivk. 1 con¦ulted - :i i-ii-ii iiij-ii i:ni. t'k the medicine llicy prewribrd, bul rieled ouly temporary n-lk-f. frii-urt iuUuced me to try Ayer'R Cbcrr; IViumuI. After tiiklng tú o bottles of innliHnel Mi turcil. Sinra ihwi 1 1 1 tü Peo lor:il tü lny ihiUhvii, m..l uvuaiduc it The Best Remedy for Coll-i. Coojrli, iii'l nll Tlimat mul Lunjl dlseaw, ever uscd In r laiiiily.- Uobért V:imk rpoul, Mi mi ii" . Pu. 80111e tinid n_"o I took 11 .-'.i-'it Osld, whii-li, being ïn.-lriii-a. gn w wurf, na Hcitlul en my liin-. 1 li.ul o hncking COagb, iuul w'ns V. r Wlk. TtlOSO wlu kiu-w me beat oouanlertHl my lii' to bc III sreat danger. I contlmu-d to luffer nnlil 1 ooiiiiniiii'P'l u-in.' Ami's CIuitv pilctornl. Leu (hau oue bottleuf this :ilualile medicine cunil mr.iind 1 feel tbnt I owc the preservRllon of niy lif' to in carative povrrr, - Mrs, .tui Locltwood, Akron, New Turk. Ayer'f Cherry Prt'tnrnl i eonldered, licre. t one grint ren ily for hII dtoeawi of the tltroat aml liirnni, uil h mor in deinaiul Ihan hhv otlii-r medicine of üs class. - J. F. Roberts, Jlu;iiulia. Ark. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prcpsred by Dr. ,T. C. Ayer tí Co., T.owell, Mim. fck)ld by DruggUU. I'ric $1, êll boules, $5. "! VTT1TT to be mude. Out this out and reI [II II V t urn tn Qt, and wc will 8ecd you I lu 11 I free, KRDtthtag of (jrt'at value I iin'l tmportance to you, that wil] ¦¦¦¦¦¦-" tart yon In bDHlnes whicta wUI brine yon In more money ritfht away tlmn miything elseln this worlO. Anyono can do the work aud we at home. Elthcr ex ; all ces. Somethinjc ihïw, thftt iust eoloa money fnr all workert. We will start you ; capital no' needed. Thi 1? one of ihe jrenalne.tmportaat ctmncci of a Itfetime. Thope who are ambltimi nnd t-nttrprisinK will not delay. Address True & Co., Augusta, Maine. Mean live at home,nnd makc more money at work Tor at, ihan at anyibl&g die in tbU world. Capital not needfd ; you are starled free. Both sexe ; all ayes. Any nne can do the work. Lart-' earninps nure from flrf"titart. Costly outttt aod terma free. ïiettcr oot delay. Coets yoa nothiag to seod ux ynnr iidclrese nnd flrd out; if you witte you will do eo at ooce. II. IIallktt A Co., Portland, Muine. cl8ei wlth employment t homn, lln' hole of ihe Mme, or lor ttioir ppare moment!. DlUlimi IKW Illf ht and profltAhle. Perpond of elthsr cox enelly i'ttni Trom TjO to $.".00 por tTMiaff, ttud il proporlional sum hy dvotin all theirtitne to the tmttiiem. IioV8 and ulrla earn tani Dearly hu mnoh au inrn. '1 hat all who iee thip may tend thelr hiI rtrops, and ti-tt th1 bostlMIV, w.' niiiki' olïVr. To fiiich a are not well sattafied we will tiend one dollar lo pay fu tbe trouble o( wrlilnv. Kuil particular and outfit free. Addmse Gkohhk Btihüon & Co. Portland Malne. HALE'S HOliEY is the lt Cough Cure, 25, 50c., 9L GLENN'S SULPHUR SOAP heals and heautifies, 25c GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kills Corai & Bumon,, 25c HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- RUck & Hrown, 50c PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Minute, 26c DEAN'S RHEUMATIC P1LLS are a aun om, 60c.
Ann Arbor Courier
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