short mlvurUsemoiits uut to exceed three unes, of Lost anu Found, Houses for 8ale or lli-nt, Waiiis, etc.. luserted tliree weeks tor 5 cents. Sltuation wantod, free. rpO KENT A Hallilsomi' Sultr of ROOlnl JL In a private house. Enqulre at the ( 01 - kier office. FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE- No. IS, Cemetery street. Apply al Uourikr office. SITUATION- As olerk by a young man of tl; good eduatlon andgood bublui. öulary no object w here there Is a chuuce to rise. Addrcss Box '.i, Anu Arbor, Mlch. 29 FOB SALE- My house, 47 Ann street, for sale, or wlll exchange for smaller house or well located vacant lot. 11. M. ïaber 1327-tf. rnllK OLI) MADENKW.- Clothtngcli'aiicil X and restored lo lis OK1GINAL COLolts, new and brlght, without belng dyed or havlng lt Ilulng8 made wet. Overcoats, fl.UO .¦ach. College Luuudry, Main at., opposlte J. Keek Si. Co. -Ui-Uw rn RKNT CHEAP- A small house on East Ann streel, near Observiitory. Apply to O. L. Matthews. Keal Enlate Agency. 2í3 LOANINO-Money to loan on Hrst-class lleal Estáte Mortgoge at Currenl rates of nlorest. Mjillsfactory arrangements made wlth capltallsU deslrlng such lnvestmenta. livtry conveyance and transactlon In abstracts of tilles caicfully examlnod as to legal effect. ': 1'. KINO. Ann Arbor. THE VOICE, The best prohtbltlon paper pulillsheil, lately enlarged to twlce lts foruier tlxe, or etght paies, can be had for $1.00 per year, or In clubs of ten forouly 60 ceuts. Ttiose wlshlng club rates wlll please forwaril tliclr name oniv and when the requlslle number Is secured wlll collectaud reinlt. 30 Ebkeot Caktf.k, Agt.
Ann Arbor Courier
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