Didn't Induce
Lan Thanday i oommittea froui this .city, cousistinjr of Col. H. S. Deau of the ö. A. il. post, Mayor liobison, Aid. Hen and üeeorder Pond of the couucil, wout to Ailrian to endeavor to Induce the Southoastvrn Soldiers'and Sailors' Associatlon of Michigan to hold its ncxt encanipMuiit ut Aiui Arbor. This comtnittee eniliiiviiicil but did not induce. Tliey took wiih tlicm the written pledges of ten of tUe 8o!id men of tliecity, any one ofwhom would have been responslble for twenty or thirty times the unoimt, to give the as¦OCUtton $1,000 in cash ; the exclusive use t tht'commodloiis fairgrounds and grove oppositc; half-farc on the railroaüs and the running of special traius as the occasion might demalid. Adrián carne in at the last moment with a proposltlon signed by one man, W. T. Lawi -ence, pledging the association $1,200, the use of a smalt park, half-fare on the Michigan Southern road only, which road ¦gned also to give 10 per cent. of its earniugs on the occasion. The other roads leiding to Adrián were all silent. In view of the fact that Lenawee county had the encampment one year and llillsdale one year, while Monioe and Jackson were not candidatos it was thought no more than justice to allow Washtenaw a chance. But with the usual proinptitu.de of Lenawee, Ilillsdalo and Monroe they aecepted a proposition, which to say the leut, was not backed by any financiul solidity, and set down on Aun Arbor, by a linal vote of 15 to 21, which of course they had ¦ perfect right to do. It is a little singular that Washtenaw county ahould be eternally hitched on to these counties, politically and otherwise. They are not naturally attached to us nor we to thein. The resident of our county do not have the strong ties of frlendshlp which the iuteimingling of the people and social intercotirse naturally brings. Our natural allies are Jackson, Livingston and Wayne counties, with whom we have inüm;ite relations in bolh a business and social way. The cousequence of this state of aflairs is that they are three, we are one, and Wasliteuaw stays out in the cold, most always. Why Washtenaw does not seek alliance with her natural neighbors in these associations is a mystery. Being a spectator nt the meeting the peculiar tiguring thereof could nol help but be noticed. After the sealed bids were opened, and privutely perused by the secretary, the man who presented the Adrián bid wascalled for by him (thesecretary) whoseeined to requlre a good deal of coaching as to its provisions - the bid was taken trom the table also into a side room and hawkcd aboutsome time before it was ready to present - while the bid trom Devil's Lake was not handed in until the others had been opened for some time. This was probably all straight work but it was susceptible of a very crooked constniction. Tliere is one consoling thing about the aflair, hovvever, Washtnaw county has the promlse that she shall have the encampment some time in the future - which may possibly happen. The time for holding the encampment was lixed for the 23il, 24tli, Sfith and B6tb of ncxt August.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News