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y e nuiice mui wov. Liuce ñas ap pointed Stanley E. Parkill, of Owosso, as a member of the State Board of Ptiarmacy. Mr. Parkill is a gradúate of the pbarmflcy depurtment, clae9 of 77, and U one of the popular and rising young men of the state iu hit) profession. ín th8 :i)iointment at least, the Governor lus showii wltdom. 'J'lie democratie joiiinals and the prohibition journals are each baving the horrors over the fact that there Is a prospect tliat a prohibitory amendment will be submitted to the people by tlie present leglslature. It is extremely diftieult for these journals lo be happy anyway. Tliey are so tlioronghly sourud. Give the people good roads, Mr. Legislators, and let the criminal classes prepare the material therefor. In this question of good roads lies an easy solution of the quvstion of prlson labor. The prison contract system chu be abolished by prison labor in preparing inacad.-imiziiiii material. It is said that the non-en forcement of the dog-tax lmv comes frora a failure in its provisions; no coinpeusation being allowed tax collectors for collecting the same. Should not tuis defect be remediad at thi.s session o( the legislatura f Üog on a law that's of no effect. Let's see ! There was a youn fellow named John n ie Enright if we mistake not the cognomen, flguring in politics just previous to Xoveuiber last. Don't hear anytliing of him any more! Wonder if lic still retains his residence in Michigan? Will the present legislature consider the question of putting prisoners confined in county jalla for short or long terms, ut work breaking stone for maculaniizing highwaysy Stone ynrds for iramus, also would prove au etfectual :ure. That whlch ík murally; can never be nade pullllcully rlght.- Ypkllunll Cummer¦lal. Then why don't you makc an agriculural [par out of the Commercial ?


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News