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lirilïM! Save your Money whilo you can and do not fail to attend the the Creat $3O,OOO Slaughter and Creen Ticket Sale of Dry COods, at D.P.S6HA[RBR'S For a Season of 3O days we are going to reduce our Stock $10,000 during the Month of January. A big cut in priccs will do it. So we have everything re-ticketed with green tags. Look for the green tag. Itwillbe impossible for us to give an extended Price List of this Grodt Slaughter, as it embraces the entire stock of every department in our establishment. We mean business and are making itvcrv interestingfor our Friends and Customers. We never have taken a back seat for any house in the City and you will always flnd our Prices lower than any other house for clean, fresh, desirable No trash to close out ; no old styles to give our friends, and we do not advertise goods not in Stock. Frightful Slaughter in the Cloak Line. Last golden opportunity for the Ladies. Absolute Slaughter of every thing in the Cloak Line remaining, at prices less than the raw material cost, to say nothing of making and trimmings. An opportunity which every one should improve immediately, as only a few garments remain. Ladies you can save Money this month by buying Black and Colored Silks, Satina, Velvets, Corduroys, Colored and Black Dress Coods, Underwear, Hosiery,Cloves and Flannels. Housekeepers, Hotels and Restaurants, you can save Money this month buying Blankets, Quilts, Comfortables, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Crashes, and Lace Curtains. Come and see them. It will payyou. We want our Friends in the Country and our Patrons living in surrounding towns to improve this, the ORCATESI UAKUAIN ODportunityof modern times We intend to divide a lot of money amone our Patrons so come on and do not be too late. D. F. SCHAIRER.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News