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The Ann Arbor Turn Verein...

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The Anu Arbor Turn Vtrein are to give ii masquerade Feb. lOth. KI len llill, wifeof Carlos HUI, of the lst ward, died Jan. 8tu, at the age of 57 years, of cáncer. Mrs. Hiü was formerly of Oxford, Mich. Funeral Momiiiiy from tbe house on Liberty 6t., trom whencethe remanís were taken to Oxtord Tuesday. Couuty Treasurer Belser fuinishes bonds in the sum of $150,000, witU the followlng signers: H. F. Belser, Frederick Schil) ld, C. Mack.W. D. Harmnan, J. J. Robison, K. P. Harper, Jacob Knapp, J. J. Reiehert, Win. C. Murray, O. Eberbach, D. Rlnsey, W. W. Wineu, B. Manu, Jno. Hagen, W. B. Smith, Win. Deubel, D. Hiscock, C. H. Worden, C. Reyer, Gustave fff , Moses Seabolt, L. Gruner, Fred Hutxel, A. 1) Seyler. The annual election of dlraeton of Uie lst National occured yedterday, and resultcd in the re-electiou of the old bonrd, as follows: Philip IJach, Chas. H. Hichmoud, E. D. Kinne, E. Treadwell, Jas. Clements, Henry Cornwell, Win M. Creery, Alpheus Felch and John M. Wlieeler. Tlie diiei'tors met and elected offleere as foüows: President, O H. Uichinoiitl ; vice-presiilent, l'hilip liaeh ; cashier, S. W. Clarkson. Mr. Bach who had been president tor nviny yeirs, declined a re-eleetion, and nominated Mr. Richmond tbr the positiun. Tlie bank deolared a 4 per cent, scmi-annunl dividend receotly p lyable Jan. M '7. Forest Hill Cemet 'ry Ciupany board of director niet yeaterday aml choge ofBcers for the year: President- J. Austln Soott. Seoretary and Treiwurer- W. W. Wlnes. Klnniice C'ommlttee- H. 8. Deaa, Wllllam Wanner, P. Bach. CoumiMeeon Superintendent and Help- Scott. Wlnesand Deun. CommlUee on avenues and Paths -Wlieeler, Rluhmond aud Cheever. Coiumittee on Lots- Scott, Wlnes, Buch. The secretary and trearurer wns instructed to put $2,000 more at interest. Tlie Beethoven Gesanfrverein elected ou Monday, January 10, '87, the following officers : President- Anton Rlsele. Vlce-preslUent- Johu Wotzke. Secretary - Wm. Krank. Treasurer- Albert Manu. Collector - O. Josenhans. Archlvar-Tltus Hulzel. SUindard-bearer - John Boes. Music CommlUee- K. Kempf, Tltus Hutzel, A mi .in Elsele.


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