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The County Agricultural Society

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At il ineeUiiíí of tlie b aid of inina?er of the Washtenaw Connty Ajrricul t ur;i I and Horticultura! Society, held at th} court house last Thursday the fullowiug tippointineuts were made : Nmli Q. RutU, Marshal -JollD s. Nowland. WSupt. of Cattle- Joliu Sperry, or Ann Arbor Town. Supt. of Humen- J. V. N Greqory. of Lima. Hupt. of Sheep- K. E. Leiand, of Norlbfleld. Supt. of Hwine- John Kepler, of Ann Arbor Town . Bq 't. of Poultry- Iwis C. Hall, ef Ann Arbor City. Supt. of Parra IinplemenU-Orlando Latlirop, of Superior. supt. of Kurm nuil (tarden Producía- Prof K. Huur, ol Ann Arbor Town. Supt. of Dalry nul Kiirm Proluct8-Geo E. Bperry, of Ann Arbor Town. Supt. of Krult aud Sweet Mcnts- 11. 8. WliiuiiK, of ritlsrtekl. Supt. ol Hoes, Honpy, KIe.- il. V. Markliüiu, of Aun Arbor City. Supt. of Mechauleal Work- Henry Paul, of PUtHflt-ld. Supt. cf Flowers- Win. Coualn, Ann Arbor City. Bapt.of FltieArtKand Neodle Work- Mr. A. V. Aimi-k umi Mías Manan Uoodrlcll ( Aun Arbor. A resolution was ndoptrd nauiing 75 or 80 of the sulid men of lliis motlon of the coutity as trustees, empowerinji thein to pny the iii'ii ii;:ii' and executo a new mortgage upoa the grouuds in tlieir own name, with interest at ti per cent.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News