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Board Of Supervisors

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I he toHownijc l a synopsis oí the proceediugs of the recent session : 'I'ln: cominittee 011 prlnting was authorized to luí ve tlie proceedines of tliis meeting publUlied and buund iu with the October session, at pro rata ratea. The Ann Arbor S ivinf8 Bank was requested to jrive bonds for $150,000 tor the (leposit of tbe couuty funds. A couimuí) catión was received f rom tbe prosciitin2 attorney of Lenawee couuty in rrliit ion to the 1 v of paupers tbat couuty claims lo be supporting for Washtenaw county. The bonds of the various county offlcers were received and approved, as follows: F. W. Howlett : bond 5,000 as master in cbaneery, and $2,000 as clerk. Suieties, Uobert Howlett, K. Kempf, R. 8. Armstrong and Jno. Clark. Jas. Ke-trns: rei.-ter of deuds, bond $3.000. Sureties, J. J. Reiehert, H. C. Greitory. tintín ii ilion . in-im yja Jno. Ryan, N. E, Sutton and Jeiry Walsli. Coroner Clark: bond $2,000. Sureties, David Kinsey and Geo. V. Oropsey. Uoroner jenkins: bond $2,000. Sureties, Wm. A. Tolcbard and E. Duffy. The report of the county trenarrr showed receipts to have been $28,9bJ Ü(, lncludinr an overdratt at the bank ot $3,135.52; with excuses at first figures nii-ntioned. Tbe comniittee lo settle witb tbe county clerk found a balance due him of $94.15. Acommitteeconsistinji Messrs. Hughes, Davenport and OilbiTt were ippointed to investígale the blind ccindition of soiue of the earller records. A resolution was passed authorizing the comuittee on public buildiugx to obtain plans and specificalionf for heating the county house by stt-am, and after agreeiug upon a plan to let the job to the lowest bidder. Tlie couuty treasurer reported the followinn tine ilion íes paid in: E. K. Frueauff, Ann Arbor $ 92 00 E. B. l'unü, Anu Arbor SO 00 Cttv of Ypsllantl 183 00 W. H. Hlshop, Augusta 1 00 $276 00 The blll of the Hon. E. D. Kinne, for $250 for assistiuif Prosecuting Attorney Norris in the Wells cse, and of John F. Lawrence for $75 for assisting him in tbe James case, were both allowed and ordered pald. The bonds of the Savlngs Bank In the sum of $150,000 were received and sureties approyed. Supervisor Brxuu oftered a resolution instructing the members of the legislature from this county to work for the changing of the law iillowing newspapers 70 and (5 cents per folio to 50 and 25 cents per folio- that's ñgta, whittle down the printer's pay, of cour#e, but how is the board of supervisors interested? They never have any Hdvertising. Mr. Purtell tried to get $100 appropriated to test the case of tlie dispute between hliuself and Supervisor Biaun over tbe assessmeut of personal property, but failed.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News