Probate Court Proceedings
The following business has beeu transacted sílice our last report : Kstate of Sarah McDoum U Milieu. Petition for probate of will. Hearing Jan 3l8t. Kstate of Michael Purtell. Final account of exeoutor lieard and allowed. 1 - -tiiif of Jolin Georte öchlegel. Petitiou of probate ot will. Hearing Kebruary 7tli. Kstale of Johanna O'Neil. Jumes Sager appointed admiuistrator. Estáte of Jeremiali Kruin. Homer Bogel uppointed executor. Kstate of Joseph Hawson. Kdvard Smitb, of Clinton, appointed trustee Estáte of James Aloran. Margaret Moran appoiuted administrator.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News