Company A's Officers
The Board of Directora of Company A met lust cveuiiij; an.l chose the followiK civil oflicers: Preifldent- Heury Merrlthew. Vlce-presldent- Sld Mtllaril. Sooretary- Ueo. E. A.p!l. Tlie followintf company oHioera wcre also chosen for tlie year: lst Sergeant- Oeo. K. Apfel. W " -Oeo. DenKler. 3d " -John hiirim. 4lh " - John Dawson. Sth " - c'hBS. HiM'liin. tinartermasler- C. M. Kltig. IhI tXirporal- J. Kischer. '¦d " -Shell Uranger. S1 " - Saín Heniie. 4th " _W. Tute. 5th " - W. Kannenberg. eitli ¦ - WIU ArmstroiiK. 7th " - Will OoeU. Hth - L. Bucliolz. (Jolor Sergeant and Bugler- C. M Klng. 0. A expects to hnve a big menngerie nt their masquerude Feb. 22tJ.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News