The MioliifMii Almanak eives tlie Ypsilanti as a repiibliran aper, tjhades ot SC. John and Gen .laukson! No city in Mlchljran livi-s p to tl. e law reeardiuif the closifij; of stloou oo lejfal holUlays and Bundayí better tlian Aun Ar'ior. - Di'inoc.r.t. Wliirli s muck to her credit. A Creat Victory A Terrible Case of Scrofula Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla " In the winter of 1879 I was attacked with Scrofula in one of tlie most aggravating forms. At one time I had no less than thlrteen larga abscesses over and around ray neck and throat, eontinually exuding an offensive maas of aimost intolerable to" ëS'dSFe. ton J',.,?.".? to fully describe my sufferings, as the case was compücatod with Chronic Catarrh. Aitcr three years of misery, having been treated by I three physicians, I was worae than ever. Finally, on the recommendation of W. J. Huntley, drugglst, of Lockport, I was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. And now, after having taken twelve bottles, within the last twelve months, the scrofulous eruptions have entirely ceased, and the abscesses have all disappeared.exrepttheiinsiclitlyiicars.which are daily becuniiuc 'smaller by degrees, and beantifully less.' I do not know wliat it may have done for others, but I do know that in my case, Hood's Sarsaparilla has proved an effective specilic indeed. As an evidence of I my gratitude I send these facts unsolicited, and I am ready to verlfy the authenticity of this cure, by personal correspondence with , any one who doubts it." Cbaklks A. Eobekts, East Wilson, N. Y. This statement is conflrmed by W. J. Hunt ley, drnggist, of Lockport, N. Y., who calis the cure a gnat victory for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Send for book giving statements of many cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Made only by C. I. HÜOD & CO, l.owell, Mass. 100 'Doses One Dollar. "DEPORT OF TUK ('ONDITION -Of THK- MICHIGAN FURNITURE CO., OK ANN ARBÜK, MICHIGAN, iTIade aa Reqtiired by Ltn. ¦wraoa, Merchandi8e, Lumber, nnlshed and unfinlsbed work on haud a8 pf r lnveutory $2I,9!)I 5 Real Estáte l.'t,(W_ K Machincry and Tools 4,'a'ls OU Book Accounts 13,751 SO Cash on hand ! tSi U-Vi 8 I.IABILITIE.S. Capital stock J40.000 00 Surplus Kund 1.3.053 8 ?53.avi 89 Wedohereby swcar Iliat theabovi; Ik ¦ correct statemeut of the conditlon of tliis paiïy. Wm. D. Hahhiman, Ii. KI NKK. HAS. K UlSCIK'K, Diri-ctors. Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 81 Ii day of January, 1887. Alkx. W. Hamii.ton, Notary Fublic. At the last reguhir maetloc oi tuc Director of tlils company ati atiiuml dividend t Beven percent, was deel u red. pejrable Ut MOOkbOlders of record, ou the Hrst day of Kelruar.v. 1887, at the olflce of tlie Ann ArborBavlnin Bank. CHAIÏLK.s K. HI8COCK, Secretary. Celebrated The best shoe yet for the Best American Calf, Button, Lace and Congress, all cut Seamless Hard wear in every pair. GOODSPEED & SONS 17 South Main street. W. TREMAÏNirS FIHE AM) l.IFi: insurance mm i I Xo. Ui Kast Hurón Street, )ppolte Cook Houw. Ten Flrst-CtuM Companles rcpn-Miitcil. ssotts Over $25,000,000.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News