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THE JUDGE'S CASH PUZZLE Ia bebalf of TBS BUIT MONUMENT Fi, Use Your Brains and Make Money. KEN, W0MLK, CSILDKN, EVEWBOW, The Judge propoeen to asslst the Grant Monument Fund by a grand compeiltion on word-building (making the largest numberof Stglien worde trom a glven eentence by traUBposing ¦nd uxinif letters to snit the purpose , oning lor . ihe theme the entence "Who wlll be unrnext President?" and offjriDg Cash prlzes to auceefafnl competitori, eacb o! who will have to pay Fifty (50) cents on pregentation of bis competitiva paper. The money received wlll he pulled as follows: Twenty-flve cenu is at once credlted to the Gram Fund. The remaining twenty-flve cente, after deductlng the k'Kltimau.' expenses of advertlslng name wl h their respective angwers, etc , etc., will he placed iuacommon fand to be eqaally diviiled amnng the the six successful competitors, i, e th ix persons aendin in tbe latent lista of English words (proper nouu included' made from the seutence ,'Vho wlll be our aaxt President ! " The magnitude of the priz; will depend on the am.unntoi money received, or in oiher word on uní p'mmanlcatum open Thta is not Í }LL! 2 lcUk-, . of money have been ralserf "lor"n!ailtyre[ method and thoee who buve participated nd . cidenrally I elped a worthy ohjecï have won a ptize as high as S10.Ü.K) as a renard for mental actli' tv. Tbe names of comneiitora will be published from week to weck in Judge as they may come in. 'l'hip will not only serve as an acknow edsem'nt of the receipt of the money, etc, but will uUo aerve n show the weekly prozrem of the fund. Goveming rules in thie week's Jtuigt. ui "CRANT FUND," The Judgre Publiühing Company, Potter Building. - Jnv York City. '" _TIIE_ t887DETROIT TRIBUNE. The Metropolitan Republicau Journal of Michigan. A Standard Family Newspaper The subscrlption list of the Detroit Tribnne his been very largely increased under its ncw mana.einent. and its politica! inriucnee made itselfstrikin_'ly feit in the campaitjn which bas just closed. Asa uterllnK Family NeWHpmper itwill not merely maintain its high standing during the coming year but itwill bc strenLthcned and im' THE TRIBUNE ( imtninN All the NfWr, Forei -n Domestie, St.ttc and JLocai, in the most readab.e fonn. It contalni the Ja test and most reudable Marhet Report. It cootains able, vigorous Kuitorials and punvent paraeraphs, candid and timely comment on current issues and important qucstions of the day. lu short it is a BRIGHT. LIVELY. AGGRKSSIVE REPÜBLICAN NEWSPAI'ER - A MICHIGAN PAI'ER FOR MICHIGAN READERS. The WEEKLY TRIBUNE Is a larfje ei-jht-pae paper of 64 columns, containinL editorial discussion of current issues from tht standpoints of accurate inlormatioa and adherence to correct political and economie principies, ínterestinsr and valuable miscellancous rcadmif matter, original and quoted poems and SKetclurs, and selcctions frnm the best ntcrature of the day. Especial attention will be paid to' topics of interests to the rural community, and to discussion of questions of inteivst in practical agricultura!, letters on fatm and home topics, receipts, etc. In b' ief, neither, paios nor, expense will be spared ia keeniug The Tribune a Arst-rlAMSFamlIy Newnpaper, stront; in all departments, and in every wav worthv of the ureal state with whose history and enmth it has been so long and so closely idcnliñed. t:e:r.:m:s: Per Six Thrte Annum Mos. Mos. DAILY, cept Sunday $5.00 $2.50 $1.25 DAILY, includiiiï Snnday... 6.00 3.30 1.50 WEEKLY _ 1.00 .50 -30 For Si. 50 we will send the WeeVly Tribune for one year and a copy of "Our J'amllyi'hyNici&n,' a valuable household ined ical work ot 544 pa?es, well printed and handsomely bound- a Dook thal retails at $.co. Tlie Weekly Tribune will be sent on trial to New Subscribers three months for 2O coiits. All posta?e prepaid. Specimen copies free. Remittances may bé sent at our risk by drafts on Detroit banks, money orders or in registerad letters. Liberal terms to ájents and canvassers. Send for particulars. Address THE TRIBUNE, Detroit, Mich. The best Higtory of the War that has iet aupeared. - Boston Travellen L'WAR; The pintes of Harper'B Weekly dnrinK the War haviug been destroyed. HARPER'S Pictorial History of the Reftellion [ the only means of obtaiutng It-s In valuable nlstorlcal lllURtratlons. In Iwo plendld 'olio volumes, same slze page as the Weekly, iiid contalninK 1.000 of 1U famous Wr picures. Prloe for set. can lage paid, In beveled loth, 16 00; in Half Turkey Jlnnn. hnd'orae uilt lamp 011 slde n uiarbleJ eilü"; PO AVOID DECEPTION, 8KE tHAl ÏOOÜS BKAK HA.RPER'8 NAME. Solil by mbsoription only. Seud for illustruteil circuÜcDONNELL BRO'S, 185 Dearborn St.. Chicago, III. Of Priceless valué for Preservatúm. ioston Atlvertiser. 17.
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