THE BIG AND Iftsti Event OF THE YOUNG NEW VEAR BBQINS AT MACK k SCHMIDS Being the semi-annual grand clearing out sale oí all winter and surplus stock at the publicas own pricc. The genuine and trustworthy sale in the city. Cali and see how much you may get and for so little. Our entire stock of Cloaks everyone of them fthough we have an immense stock,) must be closed out in this sale, without reserve and regardless of cost or value. Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets and Plushes at prices that should open the eyes of every lady in the county and make her a purchaser. Great reductions in Blankets, Flannels, Underwear, etc. It will pay everybody to come to us and see what bargains we are offering and we guarantee to save buyers from 25 to 40 per cent. on their purchases. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ruslTIVKLY O.NK Al'PKAKANCE ONI.Y, Thursday, Eve., Jan. 13, '87 The Representativa Iriah Comedian, W. J. SCANLAN PEEK-A-BOO. Undr the man ademen t of Auguatus Pil uu, in the G reu test of all Irish rlay. SHANE-NA-LAWN. By J. C. Roach aod ,.-!. J. Arinoy Knor. An t Irish Comody Love jL Story, lllUBtratlDK Hfe Vb= ftv in Ireand lu the year 3 1790, under the OrutCy MuSOááí tan Parliament - oDe fi vrV of the happlust epoche % t y v 1 K rliieh hlr-tory. CoaMéJj" V VJA. turnes hlstoriCHlly corcTHÍÍÍ ) Wcl reet. Hiar Scanlan's -' KcÜTè New 8onn wrilten by T-A Tl'Y lïttn durui' kis late IH tour In Irelaud. ƒ ]ir "Gathering the Myr ViJ tle with Mary," bukƒ -¦X'ëA íeíted by hla mceiiit; I T - with a lovely Irish f -t" 1 1 i;lrl,who escortcd him -_ 1 V I as a L'indii through J I Ijfc. the Gap of Dunloe. ( "J I íCfJ "Why Paddy 1h Al_ jLhl UI way Foor," - - JT y- i ber, Boy, You are I. 1 Iriih," and all the old Jlj=j y- l'ttvorites. inclndlng -v :--Ql -zL. r-v_ hls world-famoas "' HA. tr "PBBK-A-BOO." - ADMISSION, - 75, 50, 85 Cents. No extra oliurge for Reserved Seats on Sale at Yale's l'ost-Olilco New Depot. PROPOSALS FOR VVOOD Sealed proposaU for SI) Cords of wood, four feet Ioiik, y. ui nu, green, ody or Htmlglit hlvkory, bard miiple and second growtb whlto oryellow uplaad ouk, in quanUtleti of not Iosh than ten cordu, will be recelved by underslgned unttl tbe JJI of Januiiry. IHS7, inclusive, up to I p, in. The wood to be dellvered In tbe next thirty diiysafter awardlng the contract, at the different school housea, in Hiich (juantltleu bh directed. Tbe rlglit lo reject any and all ollurs Is reserved, L. QRUNEH, No. S S. Malu Street.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News