¦lacksun gets the uoxt State fair. Twin girls at Fred Schlandcrrr's. The Arbeiter Veicin holda its annual meeting next Monday And now the people in prepared for the annual pcach-bul tïeeze-up storles. Drested pork is on the up grade. Buyers are now paying $.")@r 50 for clioice lots. Paul Schuil was tuite seriously bitten Frtday bv a dog owned by Henry Lhubragayer. At a meeting of the Michigan Furnitnre Co., last Wedneaday evening, L dhrIdi'iid oí seven per cent. was declared. Mrs. M. Adelle Hazlet, is to deliver her lecture entitled "The Boys In Blue," at unión school hall, Saline, on this Wedncsday evening, Jan. 12th. VlgQant lióse Co. met last Frlday night and resolved to (lisband. This will beregretted by the city as it is upon the hose companies that the city most depend for protection from tire. Spare our blushes while readiug this from the South Lyon Picket: "The Ann Arbor Courikr is 23 years old, bilt does not decay with age. Lach issue s an lmprovenient over the preceding one." The Rev. Andrew M. Fitch of the M. E. cluiicli who recently died at Albion was statioued in this city In 1843. His wlfe who survivi's him ü a sister of the wife of the late Hev. ü. ü. vVhedon D. D. The comp mies cotnposlng the 4th regiment have been ordered by Col. Robinson to indulge in skeletou drills. The tir?t regiment skeletons have received no such orders, so the Company A boys sav. Wtn. Aprill will offleiate as president, and I). B. Greene, secret try of the county supennteudeiits of the poor for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell have been re-elected as keeper and matron respect ively. The atniosphere has been suggestive of Qreenland's icy mountaln during the week past, the top of the meren ryseldora being allowed to catch a peep at Old Zero. Tliere has been a big Hall ou the coal bin. Commencing next Wednesday the 8th annual session of the funeral director's association will be held in this city. The meeting will be held in the city hall. Oliver M. Martla, of this city is one of the officerf. C'. Mack was ín Detroit yesterday, in attendance upon the annual meeting of the Michigan Fire and Marine Ins. Co. The eompany stands well and declared 4 percent, semi-annual dividend. The surplus is now $G6,000. It is said that John Keek will remove to Grand Rapids and commence business over again in the furniture line, telling yo(nls on commission. With all ot all niistbrtiines Mr. Keek has a great maiiv well-wishers in Ann Arbor. The Dexter school board has let the contract to build their new school building to Claire Allen, of ' - '"" ' toi f 13.000 and the old building. He is tci have the same completed and ready for occupancy by the lsl of October uext. That red-headed edltioa of theArgus was a credit to lts 53d anniversary, and evidently a source of revenue to its publishers- who, we hope, may live to celébrate its centennial. The Argus is forj;ug nhoad, and we sineerely congratúlate it therenn. The Grand Chapter of Koyal Arch Masons will meet in the city of Detroit, Jan. 18lh, at 12 o'clock, with headquarters at the Michigan Exehange. The delegates trom this city are C. E. Hiscock, H. I.; J. L. Stone, K. L. C. Goodrich, Scribe; and P. H. P"s Watts, Doty, Wilson and Handy. At the annual election of ofrlcers Friday evening the Bicycle Club elected C. W. Wanner, president; Clarence Berry, vice president ; Geo. Keek, captain ; Geo. Frothingham, lst lieut. ; C.B. Davison, bug) er; H. A. Kyer, sec; II. C. Nickels, trca.-uror. Several new members were Voted In. The installation of ofHcers of Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 27, A. O. U. W., last Thursday evening at Beethoven Hall, was a grand success. As early as 8 o'cloek the hall was crowded with friends of the mcinbers. After thecereniony dandng was begun and kept up to the wee Mnill hours. Mrs. S. A. Grosvenor, of Monroe, president of the Second District Wonian's ( 'hriatian Temperance Union, desi res to meet the ladies of the Ann Arbor Union In Cropsey's hall next Tuesday afternoon, Jan. lSth, at : o'clock. Mrs Giosvenor particularly wishes every member of the union present, as she has important business to bring before them. At a meeting of the school boird last evening, J. T. Jacobs was elected to till the vacancy caused by his removal from the elty for a short time last fall. Next Tuesday evening was set aside for the special order of discussing the location of the new school building- the north and east aides being the contestants; and provisión was made for teaching afternoon classes at tho high school, the immense attendance, 550, rendering it necessary. At the council meeting Monday evening Chief of Pólice Sipley reportad that neaily all of the street gas lamps were frozen up, one patrolltnan linding only 4 out of 22 that would burn, another 3 out of 18, and so on ; so the council proposed to do away with gas entirely and wait for the electric light. The clock tower is also dark, and remains so riglit along night after night, hut the bilis are payed regulaily for its illuininatiou. In the apportionmentof committeeswe notlce that Senator Gorman is on Appropriations and Finance, Immigration, Fisheries, Hules and Joint Uulcs, and Rel'oini School for Glrls. Uepresentative Ilarper ld ou Agiiculture, Northern Asylum lor the Iusane, and State Library. Hepiesentative Manly ison Michigan Institutlon for the Deaf and Duinb, Military Afl'airs, and Soldier' Home. These oomnaltteei will give our members a good opportunity to work for the Universlty. James B. Saunders, adjutant of Welch Post, G. A. H. of this city, has received notice from the (uarter-inaster General, Washington, D. C., that the government will furnish head stones for all of the old soldicis buried here - upon proper applioation being made. The govenmiciit te dl the stones here all prepared, paying frelghts to the city. The post will h:ive to take the stoues froin the depot and sec that they are properly Kt, al thelr own expense. As there are ftbout 50 to be furnished here, it will cost the !"-' [iiite a littlc ainoiiut to pay this mark ot respect to their depaitcd comrades. As the rank of soldier, date of death, number of regiment and company of these deceased soldiers or sailors mast be given, relatives could aid the adjutant woudorfully by sending in such inlormation.