A. L. Noble fs 011 tita alck 111 once more. Chas. S. Kall experta to go on thero.ii' f'or a Boston clothini; linn soon. Misses Kmma aml Maggie Bower visite I Detroit a nou pie of days lust week. Miss Nellie Lataon, of Brigtlton visited her annt. Mis. D. 0. Fall, durlnr the week. W.iircii Wüdhams, of J. ï, Jacobs & U ., now rcjuices over i SS lb. boy at his II 'U-C. # Louis I). Taylor }{oes to Clilcago toinorrow to accept a potitlon in the auditor's office of the Wabash. Jlr. Ö. H. Mooie aud lamily, and Mr. C. N. Webb and wife, of Saline, visiu.l at Henry Bliton's last week. Miss M atilda Biown and Miss AnnieL. Andrews have rcturned from a three moDtllI visit in Ni'w Mexico. Mrs. Wood, see Anna Nlchols, of Pittshorftbj l'a., s visiting her motlicr, Mrs. J. F. Xichols, on X. Ingalis st. Mrs, C. Y. Uook of Churlevoix, and Mrs. Sterling of Belleville, are visltlnsr thelr sister, Mrs. E. J. Knowlton. Charlie IJriss?, of Dexter, is In the Hegiáter of Deeds ofllce helping Mr. Kearns (hiiin tlie time he has charge of the abstract books. Will A. Grooin, formeily of the CouHn force, called upou us yesterday, looking healthy and happy. He is now one of tlie proprietors of tíie Gratiot Advance, published at Ithaca, and is doing wcll.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News