University Items
Ihi! junior laws t:ike up the M book of Blackslone this week. Prof. Wlncliell is down for a lecture before the ChautaiNiua Circle of Detroit, n the iiear future. The senior pbarmics took a trip through the cipsulefactory.located in theCODRiBa building, last Montiay. Don A. Oarwood, )it. '81, writes thatlie has been ordained high priest in the Jewish chureli, at bis home in Auburn, Ind. The Students' C'liristian Association is mnkinjr arrangement to observe the week of prayer for colleges, commeueinz Jan. 20th. The Clioral Union held a meeting last evenliig, and the riot act was read to its membert, Siuce the death of Mrs. Gen. Hum frrent attraction eeems to have tuiii'il away. Michael Breiman, of the tirm of Brenuan & Don nel ly, Detroit, was in the city lut W'eduesday visiting the l.iw departmenl in compDy with Prof. GrifTln.niakiiiff the boys a pleasaut little speech. The fourth lot of books, consistiría of edltions of Faust, for the Goethe library, luis arrlved; and the flftli and last lot, euiisisting of English transliitions of Goethe's works is expected in a few weeks. The Chicago ínter Oeeau and several Othet paper about the country have been publUUiox iiUeaed pictures of Judge Oooley Chat are clear cases of libel, and f the Judge feit so disposed he ought eanly to obtüin jmljfinent agaloct thera therefur. On Thursday, Jan. 20th services in observance of the day of prayer for colleges and othcr fchools willbe held in the university as follows: At :! p. in. local time, PreelJent Angelí will give a discourse i thechapel. At.7p. in. looal time, tliere will lm a meeting for conference and prayer in the same place. tm... nL üwi-tt otfvicij iiititM all persons interested in the study of Kal)li Wahlo Emer8ou to be present at thelr huil uext. Saturday eTenlut(. Miss Kennedy will furnlsh a iHojrraphioal esay and a critique will be jrive'i by Mr. Hewey. H. E. Sniitli will deliver an nration on Emerson, and select reailins wili be j(iveu by Mr. Covell. Miuic by Miss Buzzell. The Senate Coinmittee on the University is composed of John O. Sharp, of Jackson; J V. B ibeock, of Sf. Clair; and Chftancey W. Wisner, of East Saginaw. The House Cominittee is composed of Representativos N. McMillan, of Kent; E. Z. Per ki na, f Eminett; J. A. Green, of Bav; F II. Watgon, Shiawassee; and Byron A. Snow, of Siííiuaw. Tlie Univeisity Musical Soeiety is an organization that deserves the encouragement of our With the excellent musical entertainment! it bas brought to tliis city, and the lulyancenient in musical lore it bas been the means of promotinji here, the Society deserves encouragement. It is dolng a good woik, If not for ourselves, Individually, perbaps most certainly for our chitaren. It is difflcult to in ikf the older and uncultivatcd ears appreciate soine of the heavy classical music, and if the society would mix in a little " Yankee Doodle " with its Wagner, and 1! eilioyen and Moztrt, it would find its enlertnliimcnts better patronied, undoubtedly. Give the old folks aome old fashioned, popular American songs, and lel the youngsters monopollze the expert bii-iness wheu they eoiue to take our places. Give the audieuces a little fuu ik e iion:illy also. l'eople like to be aitiused.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News