Kil win Bootli on his present tour íh a wblect of much cominent. Not less remat kible is the success of that genial favorite, V. J. Scanlan. He began his season Scp:emler 16, at Poole's new tlieatre n New York in wliicli he was tlie first star that played. Tliere he played for tive weeks :o very largo audiences, and he m iirli t have extended his run iidefinitely luid it imi jen for contracta previously made lm Ilim to appear in other cities, the managers D which wilh whom he had dates iiaviní refusi'd. to cancel. Since lcaving New York Mr. Scanlan's tour has been a riuniphal projjress through Pennsylvanla, New York and New Jersey, and the Vientres in which he played have been too siniill to accomnindate his erowds. He has made a significant record of an entire advanced sale in most of his cilies. His liiindreds of frlends in Ann Arbor will rejoice to know of his good fortune. The Daily Herald, of Newburyport, Miiai, says of Herr Andre's Swiss Oomany: "A lartre and enthusiastic audience was present last evening. Tlie performance exceeded all expectution. The muic s unique, is given in an exquisite marnier, and the yodéis especially cairied the audience by storm. The company is notconlined to the characteristic music of the Tyrolean Alps alone, but give selections aswcllonall tlieir peculiar national in-iriinicnts, soine of which evolve the sweetest sounds." They will appear in tliis city before the season closes. To morrow, Thursday evening, at the rand opera house, the Ann Arbor pubic will have the grand opportunitv of istening to the inimitable and only V. .1. Scanlan, author of the famous and never old "Peek-a-boo! " Here is what the Píew York Oraphic has to say of uim: The tecond week of the season at Poole's new theatre begins to-niglit. The business done at tliis place rf umiifement since the opening lias establlshed the success of the new venture beyond all ques,ion. Mr. W. J. Scanlan, the young comedian, lias been cordially reccived at ;very performance by a large number of lis admirers, and liis son;s are already jeing whistled on the etreets, a pretty sure slgn of their popularity. "Gatherlng tbe Myrtlc wlth Mary" and 'Why I'addy is Always Poor,'1 the new Mings sniiff by Mr. W. J. Scanlan in 'Sliane-na-Lawu" at Poole's new Theatre, have created quite a musical craze, everybody who hears thcm hiunming or whistling either one or both. Mr. Scanan bas made a big hit as Shanv. - EvetiDg News. The City Band give a RMMqmnde at beethoven hall Friday cveninj; ncxt. Everybody invited.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News