CKEAAffJ &PRICESI ) I flAVORj QwnR öctracts V (S. - TíO i i NATURAL FRUIT JMgNUrirTCAjig FLAVORS MOST PERFECT MADE Preparad ..i.hstrlrtroairdtoFnrily. Strpnerth, and HstUMalneM. Ir. Price'iBakingrowdereuntaiiu m Anini.iina.I.lim'.Aliimof PbosphatPR. Dr.Price'k Extract.-, Y anilla, Lemon, ote, fla nr df UcioUBljr. LampEhiIney Eá ' f , SEETHATTHE „J JO A EXACT LA3LE IS ON j (r EACH CHIMNEV AS A gj Z 8 SHOWN IN PlOTURE. t II S J f3 v ? H tol f "r yji 13 tf iI i i" ' f.0CT-,10TH-t8 f M VNUrACTUREID ONLY 3Y GED.Á.MAGBETH&GO. ' i'ITTSBURGH PA ) FDR SALrBV&EALERSjyERYWHERC. STROH'S BOHEMIAN BEER. FOB FAMILY TJSE, HOTELS UD RESTAURANTS. EVERY BOTTLE IS WARRANTED. TO BE HAD AT A IX SUS, DHUGGISIS AND SEALERS. Packcd in Cases or Barrels to suit Purchasers. Bottled at the Brewery, DETROIT, - MICH. n. TJ I TU 1=1 3E3. tíGANIS IMPERIAL TRTJSS. wpiriil Spring, gradedfroiu 1 to V [Hundís Ín pressure. WORX DAY ASD MGHT, by un infant a week oíd, or an adultSO years. Liulles TrusHes a perfectlon. Eooloxe stamps for testimoníala ol cures, etc. KHAN IMPERIAL TRÜS8 CO., AS ARBOK, MlCH. OTstIáimSs maxufactürí:rs of ScliooIandCliiircli FÜRNITURE. mu imrsi; chaiks AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prepared to manafactare School aml ( Imrrh Kuruiture, and Opera House Chuirs, Luwn Setlees, L'unip Tables and the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The liest nnil aimplest and most rellable I n use. Kepairlng done on hort notlce. Also dealers In l'l MI'SCVLIXDKRS. WPEÍ.ETC. TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PEAÓH BOXF.S. BKlíüY CUATES, In Inct, any artlcle made to order. NO, 33 N. FOURTH STREET, AXN" AKBO1Í, J1ICH. REAL E&1A1E INSÜRANGÊ" AGENCY. OP J. 0. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNEY AND NOTAKY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and renta collerted oo reasrmable terms. Nodc l)iii Ha aad Hrst-clHss Insurance Companiew represented - with insurjince capital of $10,(KX,i)0(l. Haten iis lowasany other i n su ranee company and laMM promptíy puld. i lílica over American Express office, Main stri'fl. nn Arbor. Mich. FOR DYSPEPSIA. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERGY, INDICESTION, ETC., ETC. rM nowíorás ACIO PHOSPHATE. A llqulil preparatlon of tlio phosphates nd phosphorlo aeld. Recommcnded by Pliyblclans. It makeH :i delicióos drlnk. Invlgoratlng and stronnllii'nlne;. I'amplilet free. KOR BALE I!Y ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, l'rovldoner, IMiodo I.siand. 0T1IKWAHE OF ÍMITATIONa I LLtunArn i(. i situtiwu ¦ ruriuli..i, WrtB na., JulicmiU, Wl
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