'' C msumption can be Ciired." Dr. J. S. Cftmbs. Owencville, Ohio, says: ' I have glven Seott's Kmulsioii ol Cod Ltver on wlth Hypopbosphitei to foor pntlentswitli botter reeultsthan seeincd pnnible with any remedy. All wereheredltnry catas of Lnng rilseae,and advaneed lo iii it itage When ('chil'Iis', puin in the clu'-t, rVeqoeirt breathlnu, frequent poite, Irvci tuu Kiiüiciition. All these eases li ivc IncreaMd In relgbl frona 18 o-2x Ui-., and are not now neming any medicine." WJiat maki'Riill boy btblei' bniincins ?" Don't jrirl tiiUjicsboiiiicc. and ir' tln-y don't wliy don't t hc_v t A cycloo is like thrce Mhool jrirls n]In ;il)iea-t - it't turn out for anytWog. Drniikenncss, or Liquor Habit, oan bp Cured by Adminisleriiiir Dr. Hamos' (Jolden Speelde. I' cn be. jriven In :i OUD of Coffeí or tM witboul the kii'iwleilge "f the person tak nï It, effeetlnjt h ipeedj imd permanent enre, whetlicr the patlnot le h moderate drinker or un alooholto wreek. Thoutanda of drankardi i ave been made temxt:iIc man wlo bkTe taken the Golden sppclflc In t enflee without tbelr knowledga, nnd to-dav bellev tbey quil Ii'iiiki ii jr ( ' their mvii freewlll. No Imtini'ul ctlrris resuM trom it s ndmrntrt'Htlon. ( 'uit.s iruaninteed. Send tor circular and itlll purticiibirs. Addre-s in OOnfldenW Ooiden BpecIHc Go , I8B Race si., CIbcIoUati, Ohio.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News