Weekly News Summary
Upon th reouembllng of the Sen ate ob 4th Mr. Cullom announoed Míe d htti o Tor Loy.ui. and vm! Ihat it ;ui -ai ly d ¦hotüd Introduce approprlai withothwrs, wuul'l pay i rilting tribute to ala momory. Out of Vaspeot fr the dead Senato the Senute attjtmniril for the day ...Id th( House Mr. Thomas 111. ofl(lutioi which was unanimously adoptad, "thttt th House has heard with reut sorrow the ;ip nouncement of the dciíi o f Bon. John . Ijogun, late Senator of the Untted Stutes fron theStuto of Bllnols." As a hnthiT evldt the respect for the deoeated sturtesman, m ad juurmnent waa taken uu til the JtU. Amono the bilis Introdaoed ia thadenateoi the rth wore the following: Hy Mr. I'lmt flx the amnunt of Uaited States bonds to tx required of Nati"mnl baúles; by Mr. SluTinan that all persons on the peusion-rolls for loai limb or Umbt shaU reoetv6 ureara of p from tho date of discharge or dlaa billty; by Mr. Blalr, t approprJ ate 1600,000 to proinote thr oolore people' world's exposlttOD to bc held at Bir mingham, Alu., in 1887 ; by Mr. (!;ill. to liüh nol lefts than one agrlculturul ezperlmen1 station and farm in each fff the svf;il BtatM by Mr. Mitchoii, fcograni to ttM wt4ow of( toñera Logan a pension of 2,000 per annura. Mr. Platt spoke at length on the lut.-r State Oom bill In the House the Iniliun Appropriatloi blll, oovering 5,ll.r,000, und the Mila.uy Ar. ui emy Approprintion bill were pa-se-1. In the Senate on tho Gth bilis were PMS64 RTanting pensions of $3,0(O per annum to the widows of Generala John A. Loiin anti Krank P. Blair, and to carry into effect thn treaty with China for the suppression of the opium irulïlc Mr. Blair ptoaantod memorial from ¦ number of orguniations m ill parta of the country, asking legi-slation to pmveüt the rlola tion of the Sabbath in the running of rallroad traing. The Inter-State Commerce bill was forther dteOMMd ...In the House the PeAftlO) bill, which approprlates 1,974,000, was p and the Naval Reorgain.ution UiU Wfl cussed. In the Senate on the 7th sereral pi'titions were presented in favor of the Experimental Agricultura! Stations bill. BUJj were passfd to adjust the claims of any State for expenses incurred in the rTattonal ilcfonse, and approprlating $30,000 for the wUküVf -nul daughter of Erskine S. Allín, tho inventor of the Springfleld breech-lo.iding rifle. Adjourned to the lOth In the House the time was prlnoipally occupied, in oommltteo of the whole, on he private calendar. At. the avenlng ieasi m forty-two pensiiïn bilis won pancd. In lludtng one pranting fifty dollars per niunth to tlio widow of Gtnurul Durbin W'nnt. DO MEST IC. A COLUSIÓN in the railway yards at Elmira, N. Y., on the 4th resultedin foor men being fatally lnjured. In a wreek near Painted Post, N. Y., several car were burned. An express train was wrocked on the 4th at West Bpringileld, Mass., by the breaking of an axlc. One person was burned to death and thirteen others vvere lnjured. A larve unount of mail was burned. The thermometer dropped to 22 dagreis bolow zero in sections of Northorn Florida On tha 4Ui, and orango trees in exposed pluces were damaged. SuakI" earthquake shoeks wero folt on the morning of ïhe 4tli at Charleston nul BummeryiUe, S. C, but no damagc to buildings resulte 1 Miss Kate NlCHOLaOR, of Mavsville. Ky., m ubout retiring on the ereatngof the 'M aiul knelt m front of the tire to siiy her prayers. Her olothing took tire amt sh was burned to death before th.' flamen were extinguished. Wii.liam BCRKLBTT, :i ferrymuil on the Okmulgee river in Qeorgia, was paralyied on the 4th immediately alter cnrsing his Creatm-. Tme heaviest snow-storm ever kmnvn there was on the 4ih prsvoiliag in seetiona oí Louisiaua, tho snow bein;; a loot in depth. Pbesident Ci.eyei.axd has commuted to flve years' imprisonment the senteiir.' of John W. Parrot, of Arkansas, convicted of murder and senteneed to be hauged Jauuary 14. A s ï . K I ; 1 1 i. vl of ice-harvcstcr treta struck by n train near Pewaukee, Wis., on the 4th. and three of thoin wero killed and nine injured. Owino to a strike of doek-hands at, Port Johnson and Eiizabethport, the mines in the Wilkesbarre (Pa.) district were closed on the 4th, throwing out of cmplojment 8,100 persons. The reeeipts oi the fï.ivernment during 18H were 1801,000,000, compared with SW6,000,000 duriii!,' 1885, w hile the expenditures were taS,00ü,0 X), against 257.0oo,00Ü for 1885. Tho reduetiou of tho public debt during the calendar year 1886 exceeded $100.000,000. Tuf. boiler m ewton House's grist mili at Elwool. Iini . exploded on the 4th, completely wreekmg the structure, killing two men and woundiiijf others. Ik the month of January last year ninety-eight persons were killed on railroads in this country, while in the flrst three days of the present month fifty-two persons have fallen victims. Sligut shoeks of earthquake wero again feit at Summerville and Charleston, S. C, on the Bth. Threk sons of Joseph Mauri, a Brooklyn (N. Y.) druggist, were on the 5th dead from some strange disease, and three other members of the family were in a dying condition. While John Grigsby, a nineteen-yearold boy, was skating on the Ohio river near Louisville on the 5th the ice broke up and he was carried away on a hugo cake a distance of twenty-three miles beforo rescued. Two BUTTEiiiSE factories at Pittsburgh, Pa., were permanently closed on the !th on account of the decisión sustaming the State law against the manufacture and sale of oleomargarine. William E. Dizan was on the 5th imprisoned at Wheelock, Vt., charged, within the past three years, with murdering his live infant children, whose skulls, it was allegod, he crushed with blows of his nst. W. J. Ueshi.kk, tanker and milliunaire. on the 5th gave $100,000 to the Colurabus (O.) Female Benevolent Society. One of the walls of tho Pillsbury elevatorat MinneapOlis, Minn., collapsed on the 5th, itxty thousand bushels of wheat over the Manitoba tracks. The I09S was heavy. A severe shock of earthquake was feit at Baige, Tex., and vicinity on the 5th, greatly alarming the people. TnE Hoosac tunnel was sold at Boston on the 5th to the Fitchburg Kailroad Company for 10,000,000. Tiikee boys at Rutland, Vt. , and two at Wentworth, Mass., were iatally injured on tbe5th while coasting. The Baptist mission school at Salt Lake City was burned by an incemliary tiro on the 5th. Loss, 2,.ïi"w; Insuranoe, #800. Snow feil in Georgia and Mississippi on the 5th to a depth of flve inches. Tiikee men were killed on the 5th at Sheaklcyville, Pa., by the explosión of a boiler in saw-mill. The coal production in tho United States during the year lSH was 83,406,729 tons. against Hl,ü93,190 tons in lSSj. Thi Counoll "f the Wnlan Brotherhood ou the 5tb Lssued aiui hor olraulai denounoIng O' Dono van Rossa. Tin: roundry of E P. Alli & Co., at Milwaukee, was barbed nn the 6th. Loss, (380,000. Btuikers exploded a dynamlte car tridff e bbo Bth in the slot of te treet-car cable ;ii Sun Francisco, produclng an affect Uke a ii esrthquake and doing much damage. Thiri wope fourteen pouohos of letter mail an l about a trucklqad of paper tnail hurned m the rei ent railroad wreek atTifli ti. O. Thomas Joihíkoh on the 8th clAsed ¦ thlrty day quail feat at Bprlngneld, 111., by outinï throo on that day. iloph of the Henry Clay oolliary, noar Bhauokin, Pa., tciok tiro on the Oth, and heavy lnsscs were snticlpated. Four men were burned liv ezplOBioAl of gas and iif een bundred persons were rendered iu E. Uünoan tSvu-Fi-N, mi adrertiaing : of New York City, failed on the üth for 1100,000. A N explosión of natural gas on the f.tli ut Voungstown, O., caaaad ¦ loss of iioo,000. Beveral persons were badly burned. Advioïs of the Oth report the loss Mar ETlattery of the American shlp HarMills and hor crew of twenty-two men. () the Oth the thermomoter marked fl6 degree below oro at Moorehead, Mimi., 27 below at St. Vincent and 23 below at SU Paul, la the taaie state. At Bismarck, D. T., it waa : below; at Hnron, 1). ï.. 25; at La Crosse, Wis., 17; at Davenport, Ia., 17; at Milwaukee, 11; and at Omaha, 17. At Fort Garry and Minnedosa, Northwest Territory. it was 32, and at Q' Apelle, H. Miís Oi.i.ik Browh, aged unipimii years, of Mlddlotown, N. Y., was on the 7th sent to an insane asyluni, the result of standerous reporta cireulated by John V. Baird. FLAMKson the 7tli swept away thu ihhrhine-shops of the Northsro Pacitto road at Porgo, D. T., valued at 1-Ü,OOÜ. A Sas FRANCISCO paper on the 7th reroived a Irttiü' stating that the reeent dynamito explosión In that city was planned by a powerf ul society, organized in Chicago immediately after tho Haymarket riot. The Chicago sub-treasury received during the seven davs ended on the 7th an avi-rage of five counterfeit silver dollars each day. A new variety bears tho date of 18S.', and was passed at a mercantile house. Ajsisxmkxts were flled on tho 7th by R. Rothschild's Sons, saloon-tixturc manufacturera at Chicago and Cincinuati, with liabilities of $1(K),O1X). Jt was positively stated on the 7th that at Aitkin, Mimi., dui-ing the night of the Citli the thermometer registered 60 degrees below zero. JohxTayi.ok feil into a mash-tub at the vinegar works in Louisvillo, Ky., ou the 7th and was scalded to death. Tuk beach for thirty miles betweon Pellys Island and Little River, S. C, was on the 7th covered to the depth of over a foot with dead nsh, mostly menhadon and porgies. It was thougbt that they were killed by some volcauic disturbance. Such an occurrenee had nover before been known on that coast. Theue wero 271 business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the 7th, against 273 the previous seven days. Hkn-rt Morris, of Woodbridgo, N. J., treasurer of the New York Textile Filtering Company, disappeared on the 7th with funds of the company amounting to 170,000. Tnt: horse-shoe works at Valley Falls, R. I., were burned on the 7th. Loss, $830,000. The eighth National convontiou of the American Agricultural and Dairy Association has been callod to meet in Ñew York City on the 8th and 9th of February next. Dairyingand dairy legislation will rereive considerable attention from able speakers, and by contributions from able writers. F. K. Moreland, 160 Chambers street, New York dty, .u-v and treasurer of the association. s. ..ii Pickhr, twelve years Md, and Chester Dodd, aged ten, q.aarreled at Jacksou, Tonn., un the Uh. and Plckler, procurBg B shot-gua, sought out tho Dodd boy and shot him dead. Rfv. B. F. Sti i.i„ Methodist pastor at Oxford, [ad., and Mrs. John McCoole eloped on tho Ttli iinii wure believed to have gone South. Botli lef) sponsés beürnd. Til Wholesale drug Brm of (ireensfelder & Co., of Siin Pranclsoo, failed on the 7th for OTer $180,000. Two insBRS, Josepn Perry, aged ieventythree yi ars. and Robert Pnce, aged sixtyiivo years, i-uiwins, were found starved to death on the Ttli in an old frame building in Philadelpbia which they oooopled. Their ¦iiinliinid wealth was estimated at f20,0UU. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Ames, the Democratie oacdidate for 3overnor of Minnesota, on ttie4th wunt before Judge Corey, of the St. Paul municipal court, and took tho oath of offlee, although ;he official count gave McGill, is Repubican opponent, 2,600 plurality. The Indiana Supromo Court on the 4th afflrmed the decisión of the lower court in the Lientenant-Gorernorship case, in effect declaring that Green Smith, the Democratc claimant. had no standiug in court. The Lcgislatures of New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio and Nebraska convened on the 4th. Andrew R. McGill (Rep.) was inaugurated as Governor of Minnesotaon the5th. James W. Reíd, the fiHiy mullían from tho Fifth North Carolina district who disappeared from his State because of business troubles, resigned his Beat on the 5th. Secretary Lammi and Mrs. Henrietta ïolt were married at the home of the bride n Macon, Ga., on the 5th. The Legislatures of Connecticut, Massachusett-i, Halne, Illinois, Michigan, Colorado and North Carolina convened on the th. In all excepting North Carolina the tcpublicans elected the presiding oAoen n that State the Indepeudents elected heir nominees. Víctor Tard, of Medina County, Tex., lied on the 5th, aged ninety-five years. He vas a member of the famous Old Guard of Napoleon. Tu f: Republicana of the Minnesota Legisature on the (ith nonunated ex-Governor ?. K. Davis for United States Senator, Senator Cockrell was renominated by Misouri Democrats, and Michigan Republicaiis nominated FranoisB. Btockbrldge. Tin: Legislatura of Connecticut on the i'.th ilected P. C. Lounsbury Governor and ramos L Boward, Lieutenant-Governor. 'hoy were the Republican candidates at he late clection. Tuk Repnblloan Congressional convenum on the Othat Kan Clatre, Wis., nominated Hugh J. Prtoe for the short term and Neis P. Haugen for the long term, made vacant by the death of the late Con gressman Prlce. The nominee for the sliiirt tem is a son of the latter. JOSBFH Tosso, a wcll-known violinistand composer of the melodycalled -The Arkansaw Tra veler," dled on tbs Oth at Covington. Ky.. aged oighty-üvi' years. UovKiiNDit Bodwbll, of Halne, in his inaugural address on the fith favorcd the levying on ösh from Canada of such ratos of duty as to exclude the article. (invKRNoR Li ri:, of Michigan, and Govemor Thayer, of Nebraska, delivered thelr Inaugural addresses before their respective State legislaturas on the Oth. Il tho cloetlon contnit of Pag ts. Pirer, B Rhoda Uland ruso, ¦ majority report (rom tbc Electlons Commtttee of tlio Nutional House, made on the 8th, held that nelther la entltled to a seat In Congress, [n the oase of Kldd va. Bteele, of Indiana, h unauimous report was made n favor of stel.-. BepubHcan. Bovcmoa llUI look the nnth of offloo as Governor "f m tsmohnaotta on the Sth. In hla inaugral address to the Com eut Legislaturo on tha Sth Qo varnor Lounsburyafdled atteation to the alarmlng extent of Uliteracy in the Stat.-. Indiana LeglslatuN convened on tho rth. The Sánate was callod to order by Greon Bmlth, President of the last Sonato. Ai'i'ording to law and precedent tho Sonate should havo beon ojienod by the Stato Auditor, and tho assumption of this power mal with vigoróos opposiüon from Che Republicana. M uoh tronble waa antJolpated. The House wai organiied by tho Etepub licans. Bom houses of tho Missouri Legialatnre organized on the Btb by electing the Üeraooratlo eauous nomlni Th (overnorof Indiana on the 7th reparted tho total debt of tho Stato at W.OOü,Om. The insano hospital consumed about ono-fourth the entiro revenue of the State. lx each housoof the Missouri Legislatura a bilí was Introdnoad on tho 7th for tho submission to the people of the cuestión oí pTohibiting the liquor trafilo. In tiio Indiana Legislatura on th 7th the Democrat9 in the Sonate rofused to meel m joint si'ssion with Ihe House to listen totho (liivi'rnor's message, and thedoonment as road by tho elerk. In the House the message was talilod without reacHng. The Senato aljourned until the llth. Tirr. Hrst edition of Henry (íeorge's ncw papar, the HUmdard, made its appearanoe in New York City on the Tth. The Secretary of the Traaaury on the 7th gavo a speeial ageucy to Herberi P. Beechor, of Washington Torritory, a son of tho Brooklyn divine. Fkaxk B. McDoxald, son of ex-Senator BCoDonaM, of Indiana, dieil at Washington on theTth. He was employod in the Treasury Department. The Demócrata of tho Eighth Wisconsin district met at Eau Clalre on the 7th and nomlnated Dr. Samuel Johnson, of St. Croix, for the long term, and Joseph Hardeen, of Superior, for the short term, made vacant by the death of Representativo Piiee. The Knights of Labor nomiuated Dr. C'. Alxander, of f.uu Clalre. Ni"". Sniii.n:, long knmvn as the living sketeton, 'lied in Otócago on the ?t h. He iras foi'ty-six yeai-s old, and welghed forty-üve pounds. FOREIGN. Bt an explosión on the 4th in a coal-plt at Mons, lielgium, thirty niiners were killed. The bodies of six of thein ha 1 been reeovcred. Advic of the 4'.h from Buenos Ayres, Argentina Repnblic, stato that ofaolera in its most malignant form was raging there and that the Somber of deaths daily was frightful. The dead were removed to the outskirts of tho city, piled up like c ttes and burned. Wii.i.iam THOMP8O1T, United States Consul at SouUtamptou, ilied on tho 5th from bronohitis, Fur.iiKiuii; Hiivi:. Consul-G-enenil aï Berlín, Infonned the State Department at Washington on ttie 5th that Amorirau eitii'ns taffered great annoyanoe in Burope onless eqnipped with pasaporta. LoxOOM iidvu-es of the llth report fearful snow-storms at Florenc '. Wmuv. Oeaoaandln the whole of Piedmont, Ínterrupting railway and telegraphio communloation. Tuk lintish Government on tho 7th rofused the privilege to parade with arm 'o the Oate City Gtaard, of Atlanta, G.i., which had plannetl a tour of Europe. Focnyonng men were hangdd on the rth at Sydney, Ni'w South Wales, for brutal assaults on a girl of sixteen years, whom they had decoyed into a suburb Advices of the 7th report the destructlon Of several villagea in Switzerland by avalanohes. Ro lires were lost. A shock of earthquake on the 7th at Djemol, África, destroyed many housus aud killed seven persons. UATCR NEVV& Ei.i.iai! lUnmTT. tlio oldest praeticing attorney in tlie United States, died at his homo in Erle, Pa., on the 9th, aged ninetytwo years. He was a member of Congres! during the war. A OOA1 familie was threatened in New York on the 9th, owing to a strike among the coal-heavers. Advices of thoSth say that the continued strike of tho dock-laborer3 at Porth Amboy, Hoboken and other plaees kept in idleness six thousand men and boys la the viemity of Wilkesbarre, Pa. By a ooUiaion of freight trains on the 9th at Wawaasett, Pa., two men were killed and two iujured. Ar Ules City, M. T., the thermometer os the 8th registered .V) dQgreea below zero, and at Pembina, D. T., it was M ilegree? below. A pirb on the Sth in Lawrence, Kan., which started in Kahnweiler & Bros.' drygoods store, dostroyed property valued at $200,000. Up to the Sth the fund raised in Chicago for the benent of Mrs. Logan and forwarded to her amounted to flS,O0O. Tkrkiiu.i: snow-storms still prevailed on the Sth in tho mullan. t oounties in Eugland. Travel of all kinds was suspended, and it was feared that many persons had perished in the storm. Tuk Germán ship Elizaboth was wroekod on the 8th near Cape Henry, Va., and twenty-flve men were drowned. At the memorial services in Chicago on the evening ot the Sth, in honor of General Logan, gotten upby the Department of the Illinois G. A. R., over three thousand persons were present. Fekdixni Gkxtxer. who was the first man to brew lager beer in the United States, died at College Point, N. Y., on the 8th, aged sixty-eight years. Tuk exehanges at twenty-six leadlng houses in the Unit"d States during the week ended on the Sth aggregated 11,196,325,911, against 1811,61486 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1S80, the increasc amounts to 18.2 per cent. ¦Ii m;i: Auiov Bhaw, ex-member of Congress from the Sixteenth Illinois district, died at his home in Olney on the 8th, at the age of seven ty-six years. Tiikee girls, no one of whom is more than twenty years of age, were placed in jail at Lewistown, Pa., on the Sih. for the murder of John Ackley. Liquor caused tho crime. TnKEB Polish art students at Rome committed suicido on the 9th. No cause was known. Ai.t. the oftlcors of tho steamer J. M. White, which was burned recently near Bayou Sara, La., with sueh terrible loss of Ufa, were ïndioted on tho 8th for manslaughter. '1 in. Unitod States Seríate was not in sos. sion on the 8th. In the House the Senate bill repealing the Tenure-of-Oftiee net was reported, and Mr. Hiseoek introdueed a bill to reduce roveuuo taxatiou aud duties on raw
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News