MAüAWte IWORA'S CORSETS. B üUl.ll HIHSC. . Mi-rchanigsay thoy (rive twtter SKB9As.-Uisrauioii tl'.an miy curw-t n tl.ey ever soM. I'n simuleer Sf9 Wf iwnmiiiiTei ti., m fi.rllieirflne 9:1 jj . shnpe. untiot rek orrr BI V_T Ato i,.i'ti,'iiluiy likr.l l,y =)_ VI Liullnof fiilllliture. Ilïe ON[ - „X whüi covert tlio open spaco .-¦¦ nB7 TIio'T.V KI INE" Í tf" y hiwtho popular KkhoK BPJ vik.s Stpuü. whlch ¦ f- ycan le Inatftntly taken ík-, s9 ont. wiTlh'iT irmsd OB KdjC KIinNn. t y I.idiea. uk f or ¦K MAliAMK MOÜAftOH; _ nf SKT K. No itht-rs hnve tlio ''11 W c''l"'T't-'l French 'ui-red Sfcl iB ""l. i.f IinitM m ,] iito ,!,,, ,i,. o . puhiic. HH or wjiIiï hv oH lfadM'3 dcnlV f lunMI ¦ ianufai-tuifl hy Madame Mrn's Contour, i, KR Al s jt ro , Madame Mora's La Reine. Btrminfïiam, I Madame Mora's Aldinc. ï. O. Flttrlri madame Mora's Comtort Hip. " Lcouurd ;iu, .. - ASTHMA CURED CERMAN ASTHMA CURE Instantly rflliere the mort violent ftttack and inhuren comfortable tdeep. KO WAlTIHtt tmr KBHlL1N.Ileinir "wed by inhajation. itaaction iflimmediate, direct and eert ni n . and a care is the result in all curable caites. A single trial convinres the moet skrptical. Pnce 60c. and 91 00 PENNYROYAL WAFERS. gfl Prescription of a physician who LS[jtfiiïSl tas had a Ufe long eiperience in HjMjrr trfatiiig female disposes. Is used DQ-t monthly with perfect success by WK X over 10,000 ladkg. Pleasant, safe, B? 3 effectual. Ladies Bskyour drugfc_ pist ior Pennj-royal Wafi-rs and mMkmcX. ae no substitute, or lnclose postVKnSsee f or gealed particulars. Sold by ¦BWVtPx all druirprlsts, ?! por box. Addresa THE EUREKA CHEMICAL CO.. Dïtboit. Mica. Süld in Anii Arbor, Micti , 'tv rbacu & Suu 130S-1360 ANN ARBOR FHUIT ORCHARD BARTLETTES, HEUS HBEAUTY Anti all klntls of Autuinn Penis. WHITE GKAPES, CONCORD GHM'ES, SALKM GRAPBa EtASPBLRRTa SIIHUBS, mul WINE Plcüsr cnll at the (ncliniil rn West Uu idii slicct, or senil f OUT urdcrs lor Fruit nuil Kruit Trees caily to EMILBAUR, - ANN ARBOR. lW!(-lf UÍ k l'M.RSAli fcn".. L Vpornl WUr E ah VSS ' í HÍ5"!iírfWíií. '" OW Ruth! llMUll Í MteCtafan. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. MJch. l'iMI'I.KTK AltllANUKMKNT FOK Physician and Families, Keiler and Cbeaper AND MOKK CONVENIENT I'IIAN A STATION KY ÜATII TUB, W1TII NO EXPENSE OF ÜATII Hoiim AND FIXTUBES, TH IS PAPER "ir?r..EvI lll# I #11 kil UOWELL A COS Newspapor Advortlging Buruaa (10 6pruca ¦¦¦¦¦¦ f flfft# ' tisüKicontracUmay Nlltf Vllllli lm made lor il L, il kif lUIIIX
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