WHITE IEDBE MONUMENTS! !onumen[3Í;rafSíatuary THE ABOVE GOODS CAN BE SEEN AT E 53 SOUTH MAIN 8T, OPPOSITE KECK'3 FURNITURE STORE. BENJAMIN CULY, Agent. 31-81 ASSIÜNBÖNOTICfl! NOTICE Is hereby Rlven to all whom lt muy concern tliat the undci-Rlgned has been duly nppolnted umi qun.lnVd u Iba AsNiKiiee In liisolvency f W. lt. M.mroe and Cliiiri Wlnchesler, p irtm-rs. dn'iiK baalnen al Cleveland, under the name ol Mnnroe Broa, .t Co., and Ido, Kreiichs A Ca: ut Patneavllle, hl, iinder the nnine of The Palnesvllle Lamber Co; at, Alllance, Ohlo, undiT the name ol The Alllance Lumber Co.' ut Salem, Ohlo, uudpr the name ol The Salem Lumbar Co; at Clinton, Oblo, under the naiae of The Clinton Lutnber Co.; and at Aun Arlmr, Mlrhlvan. under the name of The A tin Arbnr I,iiinler Co, All debts due tosaid flrin must be pald to me asasulguee, or to A. F Martin, Agent, and claim agalnst sald istutr praaeoMd accordiriK to law. WM. B. SAl'NDKR-). Asslïnee. 'i .kvki.amd, Oiiio, Deo. 27th, 1886. Sawing Oade Easy. MONARCH LIGHÏKOi 0 SAWINO MACHIH1 19 SENT O3ST ÈÊ M ao dat Tot lorain? cump. wood-ysnls, farmers gcttinff oa Move wiKXJ.íuiíiaU uaü' ot itf;-cutunfl - it iimriaU TfimtM4ë Ktd viriy. ,', f }& cnn saw loti! IWst an ¦y. ImmetiB savinuc ui a!or tuiii uoney. Wrlt forclomntiy illiötraua cati.oit ia 6 brilllant oolont ¦üMoliiïUtuntly lllunniKcl ,¦ vin ó oolun. AIlCrM AiKUtB Wanted. Si ¦IMi ¦ monasch uro. co., ca:.:2ntestilli, ill. ABNER MOORE'S TONSORIAL PARLOR, HTJiáOOSr STEEET, Ncxt door to tha Kanner' and Meclmnlc's Dunk BAIR CUTT1NG, BHÁVIKO, SIIAMI'OONING AM) DTBING. The b of Wo-kmon and SHtlsfaotlon UtMkimntaad. AltyCDTIOCDQ orothers.who wish to oximln Hl WCIl I lObllW thii paper, orobUin limitn on dvettising space when in Chicago, will find it on filo at th.Ad.1.t.inKAgncyo LORD ftTHOMASl
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News