A Man
V W v WHO IS UWACQUAINTEO WITH THE OEOORAPHV OF THI8 COUNTRY, WILi. aEZ BY EXAMININC THIS MAP, THAT THÏ i[pSC%? l l i no i sf ;.' CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By reason of its central positlon, close relation to principal Unes East of Chicago and continuous Unes at terminal pointa West, Northwest and Southwest- is tho only true xniddle-Unk in that transcontinental system which Invites and facil' itates travel and trafilo in either direction between the Atlantic and Paciflo. The Rock Island inain Une and branches include Chicago-JoUet, Ottawa, La S:llo, Peoría, Geneseo, Moline and Rock Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Fairfleld, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa. West Liberty,Iowa City, Des Moines, Indianola. Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxville, Audubon, Harían, Guthrle Centre and Council Bluffis, in Iowa; Qallatiii, Trenton, 8t. Joseph, Cameron aud Kansas City, in Missom-i; Loavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Faul, in Minnesota; Watertowii in Dukota, and hundreds of intermedíate cities, towns and villajes. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos Speod, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. lts roadbed is thoroughly ballasted. lts track is of heavy steel. Itc bridfres are soUd structuren of stone and iron. lts rolUngr stock is perfect as human skill can mal-.c it. It has all the safety appUances that mechanical g-enius has invented and experience proved valuable. lts practical operation is conservativo and methodijal- its discipline strict and exactin?. The luxury of its passenger accommodations is unequaled in the West- Tinsurpassed in the world. ALL EXPRESS TRAINS between Chicaaro and the Missouri Rivcr conslet It comfortable DAY COACHES, maraifleent PULLMAN PALACE PARLOR and SLEEPING CABS, eletrant DINING CARS exceUent meals, and - between Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansas City restful RECLINING CHAIR CAR8. THE TAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Xs tho direct, ravorite Une between Chicapo and Minneapolis and St. Faul. Over this rout solid Fast Exproas Trains run daüy to tho summer resorts, picturesauo lücaiitios and hunting; and fishini; (rrounds of Iowa aud Minnesota. The rich wheat flclds and errozing lands of interior Dakota are reached via Watertown. A short desirable route, via Séneca and Kankakee, offers superior inducement ) to travelers between Cincinnati, Indianapoh's, Lafayette and Council Bluffs, St. joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, TTnnawa City, MinneapoUs, St. Paul and intermodiate points. All classes of patrons, ospecially families, ladios andchildren, receive from officials and employés of Rock Island trains protection, respectful courtesy and kiiidly attention. Fop Tickets, Maps, Folders - obtainable at all principal Ticket OmceB in th' United States and Canada- or any desired information, address, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, ruidontand General Manager, Chicago, General Ticket and Passenger Aeent, Chicaso
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News