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NO FEE!! ) S8TiBLisnp. 1851. ) Merrll UN...

NO FEE!! ) S8TiBLisnp. 1851. ) Merrll UN... image
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NO FEE!! ) S8TiBLisnp. 1851. ) Merrll UNTILBETTER ƒ DETROIT.MICH. ƒ Block j"J(í5a5K The Eegnlar, Old-Establishsd _ PHTSICIAÍÍ & SUKUEON Et Wr i rtlll troiting lth tbc crcitert 2# SKILL AND 8UCCE88 YOUNGmen.middle-aged men and all persons who by theirown acts of Impru drnce or Folly at any pcriod of Jife have brough upon themselves, the evil effect followine closcl upon the heels of lrr.n surcisinn of the lawi oí nature, should consult tne Ichrated Dr.CIarke at once. Remembert Nervoua dlene(vith or without dreams) nr debllity and loss of nerve power treated scicntincally by new methoda with rever faiiing success. SIt malees no difiere neo wbat you have taken or who hasfailed tocureyou j$g'7".ie terrible polsonn f Syphilis and a! bad blood and flkln disenPB, completelv erai cated without mercurv. Kfinember (bal tln-one horrible dlseasr, if neglected or Improperé ireatcd.curaes the present and coming gencrutions 49-All unnatural discharges cured promptly wuliout hindrance tobuaini s. NTo experimenta Both Rexcsconnult coníltlriitlally. Ak-miik experience important. A written gunrantee of cure líivi'ii in every caso undortaken. aw-fsutterern from any chronlc dlneasewrite Iliatory and Symptoms of your case - plainly Ciscs solïcitcd which others have failcd to cure. JCTSend twostamps for c1brntpd works on Chronic. Nervoui and Delicate Dj- lei. Yo have an exhaustivo sy nip toma tol oy by whicl to study your own caite. Consultation, personalh or by letter, free. Consult the old Joctor Thoiisands cured. Office and parlor private. You sec no one but the Doctor. Hef ore confidïnjf your case consult DK. i'LAKKl . friendly letter or ca!l may save future suffering-am shatne and add golden vcars to life. Medicines sent everywhere secure frnm exposuro. llours Bto 8 'f Sundays, 9 to 12. Addre, F. D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. MIch CURES Coughs,Colds,Asthma,Tickling in the Throat, Whooping Cough, Quinzy, Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary Diseases. YOUNC'S jCoucHi DarisvilloMirh ' t TL, ril. Micta., Au, 15, 1874. - S " OM. i. JHT4. - I I was attacked 1 "A have tnetl Dr. R. with ft severo' J $ A.Younti's Oougta cold and J i and aiuh Hynip ened with lunR t v m ! fOf more than a fever while on a I mV % year, as I had ocvisit to Hudson, 5 M raKinn.aHRreraeMich., about a dy for Colds and tnt h Hei. sof (Coudha, and much so that I J i found It a rettable was unable to Hll WÊ medicine. 1 have an appolntment i $ utted his AfflM to preach on i H umi Iiver Syrup account of my ! in iiiy family with eevere coujihlnK, (' I H 1 the bent of sucbut manatipd toji $ cess, curing my Ket home. and ¦ ¦ mother iwhoe mediatelv took( age was over Bome of í)r. KA t Beventy year) of mjrcniiKh lefl me ' 1'eTer ""i"1 ¦""'¦ assonn a I I k ! aflor the second menced takluii it, KJ Wil and ferer. and I flnd J' II take pleasure nent relief when ! in reroninienilinu I am Httnrki-ii m the above rcniiby conith on: JJdien to all who lung cnmplalnt. """" need them. Kv. Uubt. Cope. Uev. s. B. Kimmïll. Sold by all drugglêts. Prtee, 85c.. 60c. and tl.CO. Jarge boules sent free on receipt of price. W. JOHNSTON ÓL CO., Oetroit, michicam. RINSEY & SEA OLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND , Flour and Fesd Store. We kep coiiHtantly on trtnd, BREAD, CRACKEItS. ( AKES, ETC, For Wholesalf and Rotnll ¦ de. We hn'l alío keep h rapplj o) SWIFT & DEÜBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! lellii Flour. !L}¦ I lour, Ituck % lieal Flour, i orn "Ical, Peed, Etc., At Wholesale and Ketail. A Lrnertt! stock of GROCERIES ano PROVÏSIÜNS Conetaiitly on hand, uhicti vt i 1 1 he éold on as reasonable ttirms ae ut ;tny other tn the cit . Ch paid for BUTTEK, KG(i -, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. (Joods d-üvercd to aoy part of the city without extra charire. RIXSET SEABOLT. NEW WnklBÜNI. While THK RIW VOKK WIIKLT THI III ¦¦' Ei most r[Hn-.ive pubtication of its class in the United States, ncverthelcss lts pricc is now ñxed at $1 a v"ar, the Wc f 'il y .it Lz ; in both cases an extra hopf with a club of 10. The campülgn just closcd founrl the country in the trough of the politici! wave, Th Itepublican managers have made the bt-st struijlc they :ould against a state of ral apathv. In a few States they have been aided by Uw inspïring presence of a jjreat leader, whose hes have au a - ened almost the only enthusiasin anywhere shown, The resuliof the campaign ia gratifyin; its gtdnt are an inspiration; the Democratie fatwa are a jilain guide to the popular dr ft. Krom this tiuu'orward the country WÜJ feeJ Ü1C lift of the advancing wave of iSSS. which, if we all do our duty, WÜJ sweep out from Washington tne masquentders now n possession, the foet of protection, equajily and latriolic government lt is now the duty "of atl earnest and experienced workers to lund tht'ir enerves toward uiuted and he.irtv work for l9B& The ïarty Is to be cnnsolulatcd, cltécred and rallied. To this work THE TRBUNL piedles its zealous efforts. THK TRIBI7NF oflers for 1SS7 severa! iïcellent premiums, inchuiin The Tribune Kook of Open Air Sports. A work compiled by THE TltlBUNH eapecbilt) "or Uie younjf men of the United St tam, lt ¦ horoLigh statement ot t!ie pftM t of UpenAir athlctic imasements in America, with sutfvesions to beginners, the ruks of everr important irame, the records of notad contests and the 1 nents of American Champinns. The loo rul con tab about 150 illuslrations. Chapten are provided on Archery ; Hasc-haJ, with the r cord ni vonderf ui pl.iymi; and the Lfaucarul AaSOCiatiOO contests, and instructions how tocurve a ba 1 ; Lawa Tennis, Court Tenms Pos4 bal), Cricket. Racket, -acrosse, Horsemanship, Croas Country Muntinr; . V achting, with a discussinn of Sloop and Culler , ind instructions Hnw to Design, Build and Sail , 1 Boat; Rowtng, Canoeiiiir. Ffthhiff, Trapping, ] iunting with bhot-un and liiil, Camping-ont, Winter Sports, Hicycüng, Amateur Photoyrmphy ind a few minor sports. AmoiiL the writers who iave contributed are Williatn Blal tie Maurice [hompson, Captain Jacob A. Aujfur, Cavalry In tructor at West Hoint. Darid Kirby. Thomas , lapham, Gener.iKieor. r W. Wiogatft, Pneaaor leorge Goldie, Director of Athktics of the New York Athlctic Club ; and a large number of private [inflaman throughout the country have furnished ' act concerning the wild game and hunting sports if their several locallties. No book of this characer has ever been put into print in America. It is ufliciently elemental tobe a BoyN Own Book," ind answer all ttie purposes of our manly youth. , nd yet will also meet the demanda of adults. ill e rcady for delivery December ist. Octavo, 500 iagcs. Ketail pricei $2 50. Terms, postagu p;ud. vith Weckly, 1 year, $3.50. with Seuii-we kly, 1 -ear $3 50; with Daily, $1050. On y to be had in onnection with yearly subscriptions "to THE TRIBUNE. Also "Blunt'í Rirtc Practice,'1 a book for every ïunter, and National Guardsman; ¦ fineWalthin Watch ; the I.ow-priced VVaterhury Watch ; the wo Unabndgtd Dictionaries; Wood's Medicine, iygicne and Surgery. IMustrated ; and Voong 1 oncordance of the Bible. Sample copy, gtving terms in fullt sent free. 3rder by postal canl. A Club Agent wanted wlierevcr there is none, THE TRIBUNE, New York. O The Bl'YERS' Gl'IDK 11 taiioni s i. and Mui. u. i rjwll j-rnr. 3VA Mk(raf ] ' ill!. Inihra.xlili ovrr 3,600 Ulil.l rl Ioik - K ' Picture t.nlli ¦ , .i i:s iK.i.sui. nim ttirect to contumers on all gomia for I personal or flunlljr me. Telia Uow to order, and gtvel exact coat of ; thlufc yon use, eat, drink, Mrar, or . han fun with. These IRVALl'ABLE ( HMK.S eontain Information uIchih I from the marketa of the world. wlll mail a copy KKK.K to any dreM pon reeeipt of 10 rt. to dffrny i expense of mailing. lt u h. ar (rum you. Rtspectfully, ¦ MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Ü27 Oc 9ZV Wabaah Avi-.ur. Chicago, 111.


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