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Michigan (Tentraj, The Miagara Falls (ko...

Michigan (Tentraj, The Miagara Falls (ko... image
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Michigan (Tentraj, The Miagara Falls (koute. Time table takinp eflVct Nov. Mth ihk 4 rntral Mtandard Tm+. CHICAGO To DRTKOIT. m ice Ë=s '7 I ¦ i 4.M. A.N. P. M I M p m L _ Ohlraeo..I.v. 6 50' 00 .110 4 lli i 7- ü ?,; ¦ Mlchlgandty VIH II II 4 65 57 10 U T 2" II .V 12 15 5 49 SIS " Kalumazoo... 11217 160 6.W USO 12 3 í V Battle Ciw: 1 II Iü7 7 Si .... 1% & S Marshall ' 40[ 2' '" Alhlon 128 882 mi 23 jí? I57 nwUke.... SS8 ÍS"15 ('hebra 3 59 ' B 9S Dexler 4 14 i"'". .'.W ' "" - ' 5 Ann Arbor.... 4 33 5) 45 4 4 Í5ÜW Yp.Jlaiti 480 6 S ' Jg ÍS Sí WayueJnnc. 6 l." 1,7 oíí10 n" ¦-'¦ hodI nñ :.::. jjrjy; I'KIHIUT TO CHICAGO" J.Ï ñ éj fie i ¦ _s_ _ __ ó" i L 3 De.roi,....,.v A7ío Wï&WVfc'Ahv W.ymJunc. 7 40 58 2 08 4 887 ÍK:Ypillanti .... sin 1012 2 20 5 IS 858 1020 gir..:: SS ::::::::: $ gs o..uke. 10....::::; .10 '?ck'"' 9 85 1136 33? 7 10 1052 Í2M1"' ' Mrjbjñ :: . y g 1 bu 4 S n 1 2 "¦¦ gStf Sí! !8 ?í:' I S i Ct"caK.,...Ar. 515 hjQ n 7 jnLiiIS amula UlvUlan. iiKTHOiT to BrrrALO.- StanUarii Time. I m O I iiisnL I P. M. F. M. A. M. i. M Detroit ...L 7 15 10 65 5 00 6ioi2;w St.ThomaeAr! 11 06 2 07 10 10 401 S 25 A. M. F. M. Toronto...Ar 9 10 5 20 Ottawa pmr2ó 4 3K .. Moutreal I 00 20 Quebec t84ii p. . a m m.'I homas,Lv 1110 a 12 100 8 5033o" Wat. rlord. . 13 Jí 3 24 3 04 1 1 1 1 4 4'. Weiland 1 53 4 42 5 12 13 U 6 06 I-allc Vlew i ,u V. PhIIh. Oit. 2 22 S 08 123ÍS5 Snp'uBdge. 2 85j 5 20 1 40 B W BurrAi-o to ditkoit- S'andard Time. la !f =f i1m i L 6 SS S A. H. '„ J Philddel'a.Lv (X) p. H 1' Ne i York... 10 30 6 00 .... u s Bfton 836 3 00 '?lu vvo coter... 50 4 40 . . SprinL-fleld.. 11 35 B (15 ... " " mi í, Alhauv 3 oupm 10 U" ... a el I'tic 45 l-i-.U-m ., ' ' 55 Syracii-e. . 7 4'! 2 00 .....1 L Roch.tier.... .5 4(10 ín m üuiwo .. Ar u 15 550 ..... w::! Bnffalo Lv 11 3i)pm 5 45 t'tfí' !i0U U 35, iiíp'nBM'up 12 30 hit i'ü N. FallcOot. 12 4j B 55 n S KallBVk-w 704 ! , , Weiland lio 7 2 i 7 10 i(j'o5 133 St.ThomanAr 4 10 9 55 11118 lio 4 :ÍS Qnebec.Lv 2 30 10 00 MoiUi. al s 141 u (jo " 1145 Í1S35 Toronto, K 10 1 05 St.ThomasLr 4 15 000 300 1I5(445 "¦" "".„.Ar 8 05m 1 U5pm Mi 5 20p' 8 4j O. W. RUGGLB8, H. W HA.K G. P. & T. Agent Aüt.. Aun AiW. Cblcaso. Toledo, Aan Arbor A .-r1li Mi.Iii: n Kailway. TIME srHKDULB. To take effect it 12 o'clock, nnnn, 011 Sund.iy, Nov. 28i h, 1886. Train ron by Standard Time. GO1NG NOKTH. GOING SOUTH - A -I1 -S SU U #í U n s I a, i a. ; p.n.p a. a. M I. ve. Arve i. ,r. ilr ti 10 .! 15 6 15 Toledo 9 20 1 30 11 30 6 17 3 20 5 20 Manh'in Jone 15 1 26 u s 6 30 3 25 5 30 Alexis i) 10 1 Ib II i:i 7 OS 3 42 5 45 Samarla 8 5s i &i io 5:j 7 42 4 00 6 05 MonroeJuDC 8 4ó 12 42 10 :tt 8 02 4 10 6 15 Dundee 8 32 12 Si o 22 8 'i= 4 20 6 25 Azalia 8 25 12 21 10 11 8 44 4 :il 0 3.1 Milán 8 OS 12 13 10 00 i i 4 46 tí 50 Urania 7 41 11 51 i) 4t M 40 4 B 7 00 Pittorield 7 37 11 43 9 40 0 03 5 10 7 18 Ann Arbor 7 20 11 30 SU 10 30 5 30 7 30 I.elaoi H 45 11 li 9 lll p. m. 6 28 8 30 Howell a.n. lio 20 8 15 ... 7 20 9 30 Ilurand ... 9 301 7 20 7 45 9 2 Corunna I ï U8 k 38 7 6S 10 00 Uwobío 9 i !¦ 8 10 10 05 Owiíso.lunc 8 55 6 2 9 15 11 231 llha a ..... 7 4 5 15 9 33 114.1 Si. l.oii .. 7 27 4 7 9 41' 11 53 Ato I... 7 24) 4 iO 10 30 1 45 Mt. l'n-mant 1 0 :Y) 4 00 Soutli Lyou Rrancli. NORTHBOUND. STATIONS SOU l'H BOUSD. Trln 6 Trn 1 " P. m. 10 30 I.v. Lelands Ar. B 45 10 40 Ar. Wordi-ns Ar. ti 40 11 00 Ar South Lyiin I.v. 6 30 Connection: At Toledo, wlth rallroads dlvergIhb; at Manhattan Junction, l(h WheeliuK A Lake Krte K. K.; at Alexlê Jnnciion, wlth M. t'. H. R., L. S. & M. 8. Ry. and F.1P.H H. R.; at Monroe Jnnciion. wlti L. S. A M. S. Rj .; at ünni.i', with L. S. & M. 8. Ry.. M. ü. Ky.; at Mllnn Jnnctlon. wlth Wahasb, át. Lnnls Ky ; t Pttti.fleld,wlth L. . M.s. Ky.; at Ann Arbor ith Michigan Central R. R., and at Sonth Lvon ivith Detroit, Lanlug & Nortneru K. K., and Mlcli. A. L. Dtv. of Grand Trunk Ry. H. W. ASIILEY, General Supt. W. II. BBNNBIT. Gen'l. Pa.. Aif.nt. THE ÁNN ÁRBOR SAVIN&S BANK, ANN AHBüR, MICHIGAN, Iraasacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. Orirantzed ander the General Banking La ( hls Stati-, the tockhnlaors iudivii'nnll) Hable or an additlonal aoinunt cqual to the ptork held hj hem.thereby creating a Unarentee Fund tur ihe lenirtt of DepoKlt r ol $100,00.00. Tbree per cent. Interest Is allowed on all Shvidki Jcposite of one dollar and upwardi, acoording to he rules ni the líank and Interest comp unded eml-annnally. Koney to Loan on unincumlen-il eal catate and otber good ecurity. DIRECTOHS: 'HRISTIAN MACK, Wm. I). HAKRIMAN, V. W. W1NKS. DAN1KL I1ISCOCK, V1LI.IAM DKUBKL, V.'ll.l.AKu B. SMITU. DAVID KIN8EY. OFFICKRS: '. MACK, l'rc. W, W. W1NKS, 'ce-Pre. y. ü. HISCOOK.Canhler. INSURANCE KBAL KSTATK and LOAN AQENCÏ OK A..W. HAMILTON Oflloe, No. 2, Flrt Klinir. Hamllton Block. Partles deslrlng to luiy or sell Keal KstRle vill liinl lt to I li.'lr tu .¦uil on me. HirMIII)l lSflrst-cluss b'lrc Itianranc ¦ (nniiuiii's, havlng un itggregiiie capital over jSO,00,000. limes l,ov. Ineses Hbt-rally iljustod and nniptly paid. I Miso Issue l.lfe and Uivesttnelit Pulirles lll he New York Mutual Life Inmirmiee ('oinauy, Assetts, JAJ.IXX). INrsons deslrlng Ac¦iilent Inraranoe, enn bare yearly poiicle vrittfM lor tbem iirTravcler's Uoupou Insormce Tickets lianed at Iw tutes lu the Aeel' leot Inrarano Ooupany of Nortli Amerlo. 4ona to Loan al Ourraní KnteB. office nonr rom I ii. m. to 12 tu. and - t.' p. m. ALKX. W. HAMILTON, Httnüton Hlock.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News