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ftom POWOER Absolutely Pure. ThispowiiPrnevor varíes. A marvel of parlly, si iflml h and wh.ilrsinnt'iit-.Ns. Mor uomlcal t tut 11 untinary kludttand oannot soul in oompetltlon witli tfae maltltude "f low test, Bhori irelght, alamor phoxphate powrter. Sold ooly io oana. KovhI ItuklnPonder 'o . IO Wall st.. N. V. SKIN ni.SCALP. CleWMtft rtiriüel and Itwiiiiüled In the Cutfeura Kriurdirs. Kor ('l-aiinin the Skin and Scalp of DiêfliiurIns Humor, for fiilavioir ltctilojr, Burnfrig nd h il imtn itton, for cnrinir the ti rst ympT'im oi Kcwinn, PeortAsie. Mi Ik Crnst. Kaïn Hind, Bcrolnla :i ii .ither iühci ifcd i-kiu and blood li-t-au. Cuticiir:i, the graat Skin Care, and Calleara Sm.p, an exq'ïi(;ie i-kin Hcautifl-T, cx'emHllv, and t'uiiema Kt(olvent(the new Blood Kmifler, interna ) ure un lible. A COMPLETE CÜBfc. I huw snflVred uil inv lile w l differen ktiidp, and hre itver f n prm ineai reiie1, uut 1, 'iy (M nil oa of i 1 tt'y ir end I Btftd ytMir C'wi1' f(e I ev them n thor nii'h ti ia], c-iny ,v iu. ti' '- nf the Vuticura ent, two hoxt h ol V''tifurn Htid reven 1 ii Kf of Cuicvra Soopt aiwi the rcenl' wir jast wlirt' l htid het ij toid it wonid '- acornplfte cure. BELLR WA DB, ftlchmund, Va. Referfuc i W. l-aiiiiicr. U iuv.'i-1 t„ -¦ ¦ SALT RHECM CÜRED I W9Ê trou'iled wltli alt f Iilmuii for ¦ immbt-r of jreara, ? that tbc f kin otirly ctmic off of m} h fn m fiiiirtT Mpfl t the wrift. I Trit-d remediet and dociort' pre-r Iptlont to na pnrixe umli I coromencff) takin Cuticura Remedies, iind nuw I mui tiiiite.y CD red. E. T. PAKKER, ;ïT9 Nortbampton st., Botton. DRUGGISTS ENDORSE TH KM. Hae Kold a qanntity ot yonr Cuticura Remedle. Ooi; of my CBJi 'iiicr-, Hn, Hfüry Kul, who hnd teittr on her hand to eutli an ext tocaufethe skin to peel o ft", and for Igtatyesn -hf suffered greatly, h coroph-tvly coted by tne your medlCU C. S. .ViL,.I,-u_'L'i8t, Cauton, Ohio. ITCRIHG, STALT, PIMFLT. For itu iHct ytrar 1 hava had u apvctM ! ItcblDg, fcaly and pimly hunfirn on my (net to wblafa I hve ppliad I rem m iny nic'hudj ( tre.atmi-nt without BQCCMSj and whicn wam specdily and eutirely cured by Cuiicur. 1 :-. ISSA'1 PHELPS, Havena. O. NO MFDÍCIXE LIKE THEM. VY h ,v.' siiid yotir Cutnuru Btmêtlit tof thfl la-t ix yt-iir, aDd no madicinet on our sltelvcn 2 w bel it latlafaetioD. C. F. ATilEK i UN, DrnurUt, Albany, N. Y. i'old by all DrogltoU. Prire : Ootiodbl 50 Ca.; Rmolvhtt, 1.00 : 8oAi, 25cta. 1'ottkh Urüu anu Cihemical Co., lto-iou. Seud for "Hutv to t'ure Mkiu DiHeiiMCN " pT5 TTT5O Pimplen, Skin Blemlfbe and Baby WTXuUi3wa llumorr curad by (. 'uticura Soap. Catarrh to Consumption. Caiarrh in ii dealnictlve forae Mand n xt to and anduubtedty e ou to conüumption. Il is ibere fure Hiniilar that thi8t afiiicted wilh this leur lul r-hould nol niüke it the object of thi-ir Uvei to rld themsc.Tei ol it. Decoptive remedie- nmcocred by IgBOrut preU'iiderw to medicnl knowlbdve weakeoed tbu coi.fldence of tbegrwt in juniy of autlcrerö in all adverii.-ed rem Toey beeome le-igned t a life of niiwery ratber than torture th-mnelvep wltb doubiful p iílíit 'v .-. But tbie wili nvur i,o. CaUrrh muct be mei ' every ttêgn and combaitcd with all our mtffbt. In mniiy ca-usftie dis -ac ban a-sumid danK'rou ome Tu booMUBd crtilige f Ui aove, ' ni ol li'MriiiL.'. r1 Reelog anti of tanting (¦ affL-cted ai to b4 OMnew, the uvuia bo eloogtted, liie tbrnal so i'llamed aud irrit iieü at lo prodnGu conauni and dl u-m üigcuoirb. HAJTDrOKO'fl KrVIMi AI, CUBI e vi tv i){ CaUrrb, l'rum a tlmpta h-ad cold lo tbti i'hr-Dint' mid (ïe-'ni'-ii ¦ BtAffM. It it" local Had coiMtituiioD. liittaut in relicviri, prrmuueut itt cminjtt safe, c-conumical and uever-ia Iiiiíí. Bieb MCkage ContliDi ouebottleof the Kiu ai. ii be, and one box of Cathabbal Hkvh. i ni and one Imi'kovkd Iniiai.kü; pricu tl. 0. fw. KIDNEY PAINS. Êê And ttin! wfjiry S'-n-ation ever present T H m rii itm-t' of Luflamed Kldneyt. Veak mL üack aiifi Lolni Achlní; Hipa aml } Jkr uverworkid orwor&oat by ii-t'iite. debilny ur diMlpaUoa, in rl ijvert In one minute atid are epeedily curt-d by tin; C uticuka ami-I'mn l'LAnTKii, a new oriií-iüal.elfL'iiiit hik! Inflammation. At clriitrÍHt(, S5c ; tlve for $l.i)ti, or Ol Po TBB URL'ii AND ClIKM IC AL Co., Hoe tOD. C. H. NULLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldeRt agency In the city. Establlshed over aquarter of acentury ago. Kepreeentlng the followlng tirst-class corapanles. wlth over 00,000,000 Capital and AmU. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL, IN8. CO., of New Vork. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. UIUAUD IN. CO., of Pbilaüelpbla. 0BIENT INS. CO., of Hartford. ( i )M M EBdAL UNION, of Lomlon. I.I VKIU'OOL, LONDON and GI.OIiK. WASHINGTON FIEK mul MAItlXK, Ol llostou. Ratpx Low iis tlie Lowett, LoiMa Llberilly Ailjnslid mul iroiMtIy l'uiil. C. II. MILLEN. m JAMK8 K. m,AIK'8 KL Outsi-ll all otherbouks. IIm. WWiK J .T. s. wis.cjf Vu., ij-h: " H7i. WmtJ&m l'ikiml ¦,,, „,,„,, n'l, rtvhOurhe iWKT? ' Af. Blaine'a friend or eiwmv, TT&i JÈM "''" n,-rrr jmt it down vnlil L: tFA uL 'w' recid tne whole." Hou. Allen I1 HU J. 'lJiuniiult, saya: "J cingle ABFvír '"¦¦ ín onr iHilitiriilhUtory." -JL ¦¦HSH AK'titH wantod ou nitniHííBBW(S -itinoriwlary. A.l.Si . a..s OrvrVra, SR'-k. RPV ; ,,:„, i.„,olii,. ti AT TÏ 'M !¦ ' ¦¦. l"it thme wtio writê ta I I Kuilen Co .Portland, Mln,wlll rcel. ItI I I I'"1". 'ul1 "ifnimstioo bout work which I I I I Hiey cn di. nd Ii linirn.tlint wlll pr MUUU (hem frurii IS to f 25 par daj. Soma liaa tarnpil OTer $5(1 in a day Kither ex, younRor old. Capital notrequlrcd Vou areltarled frea. Thosa wboatart at ouc are absolulclr wt of iuuk Duit fortune. All tf nflw.


Ann Arbor Courier
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