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mi.i.s ere reportad Is the Benito mi the llthfortho relief of telegrapb operator! during the war, and t equalize the pensions paid tosouliers and iallora who beoame totally disa"led. The House 1)111 for tho relief of settlers and purchasers of lamls on the public domain la Nebrwka and Kansas wae oonildered anda substituto passed, aml the Intei-State Commaroe btll was further discussod In tho House büls ere reported to proliibit the appolntment of Congresslonal oommitteea to al tend funerala at the public expense, aiul to prohiblt tho draping of public building! In mourning except upon the authorlty of the President, and the Kiver and Harbor bill. The bill Drastinif a Department of Axiiculture aud Labor was passi'd. In the Sen;ite on the 121h Mr. Mnnderson lntrodiu-ed a hill to fiirilitute proinolions and to rel ut from active service on their own appllcation ofllcer of the army who served darían the war of the rebellton throe yearn ai offloera at etilisted men In the volunte. r or regulAr army. Mr. Alllson reported the Army Appropiiation bill. The Inter-Stato Commerce bill was fur ther discusscd In the House the Anti-Polygamy bill was passed after an extended disrussion. Mkmihu lu ere presonted In the Beaat! "H the 18th relative to the claim of .John Rouh for roductlon of internal revenue taxea and for tho repoal of revonue laws. Bills were reported for the erection of a monument to negro soldiers and sailors, and to exteml laws to unorganlzed territories of Kansas. Mr. Euirts epoke at length in opposition to the Iniei stair Commerce bill. . . .In the House ¦ hili vu pataed amending tho law regulatintt the removal of iui-,e9 from Stato to Federal courts. Tho bill to abolish unnecessary customt, dlstrloM and ports was favorably reported. H11.1.S were introtluced in the Senate on the 14th granting arrears in certain cases to those pensioned by special acts; to amend the net of Maren 8, 18T5, rrantlng to railroads the right of way through the public lands of the United States, and to make an annual appropriation ot 400,üü0 for arms and equipments for the mili tia, After discussion the Inter-State Commerce bill was passed by a vote of 4S yeas to 15 nays. Adjourned to the l"th In the House the conference report on the Klevtoral-Oount bill was agreed to and several private Senato bilis wore passed. At the evening sessiou twenty-four pension bilis were passed. DOMESTIC. ' The houso of Prof. Crraham Bell at Washington, with lus valuablc library, was destroyed by flro early on tho morning of the lltu. The loss was placed at 50,000. Sevex building at Butuvia, N. Y., ïncluding tho Daily Nmu office, wero deBtroycd by tire on the lltli. Thu Iobs was heavy. A NOTEo burglar and raurdcrer, named Dunmanway, formerly a membor of Jesso James' gang, diod on the Uth in tho Rhode Island Penitentiary at the age of sixty-nine years. Ho was said to have killed twelvo men. A. J. Bkeck's shoe factory at Brockton, Mass., was burneJ on the llth. Loss, Í110,000; insuranco, t,000. Fihk, followed by an explosión, ruined the dynamlte factory at Plattsburg, N. Y., on the llth. The snook was feit for twi-nn miles around. Tin: strike of coal-handlen at Eastern shlpping poiuts bad 011 tlie llth caused a suspension of raining in all oollieries dependeut 011 tlie Lahlgh Valley road for oars. There was only two woeks' supply at Proiidence an.l varlou nt:s In Ne.v Baitlan i. Majok J. I'. tii li.üuii. at one time chief of polic-e at St. Paul, shot hims.-if dead at Cleveland, O., 011 the llth, because of coutinued illness. Voi. -iv JSknni:, Bged twouty-ouo yeejpa, shot and killed Olara Carter, agod eighteen years, at New Orleans on tho llth because she refused to marry him, and then shot hiraself, inflicting a not dangerous wound. The total postal reoeipts in the United States for the quarter ondod Decembor :il, 1886, show an inurease of $X),000 over tho corresponding quarter of the previousyear. Gkanvii.le Prewitt was executod on the 12th at Montieeüo, Ky., for tho raurder of Jarvis Buck and his sister, whora he killod to socure $5.30. Pbatt, who forged chocks for 114,000 on tho Piiciflc Bank of San Francisco, was on tho 12th senteueed to fourteen years in State prison. At Portsraouth, O., during the burning of a saloon on the 12th Thomas Murphy stood at a second-ñoor window and told the crowd in the street that he would rather burn than jump. ïo that idea ho sacrificed his life. As a result of the coal-handlers' strike at Perth Amboy, N. J., three collieries at Shenandoah, Pa., suspended operations on tho lath for an indefinito period. Several thousand men and boys wero thrown out of work. Uxkxown persons removed tho spikes and loosened a rail on the Missouri Paciflc track near Dunbar, Neb., on the 12th, and a passender train was wrecked, plunging down a fifteen foot embankment. Tho engineer was killed, the express messenger fatally hurt and twenty others seriously injured. Br an explosión of natural gas on the 12th in a cellar at Pittsburgh the chief of the fire department and five of his men were painfully burnod. Hermas Smitií, a Boston oil dealer, failed on the 12th for $130,000. Two men were burned to death on tha 12th in an oü reflnery at Lima, O., their clothes catching ilre from blazing benzine. The Chicago Drug & Chemical Company failed on the 12th for $100,000. Durin'o a three weeks' mission in Cincinnati, which ended on the 13th, Francia Murphy secured the names of seven thousand persons on his total abstinence pledge. Maky Baker, agod eighteen years, the fasting girl of White County, Ind., had on the 13th abstained from food or water for eighty-two days, and was said to be "feeling well for one in her condition." Fifty lodges of Crow Indians, in a condition next to starvatian, were camped at Clark's fork of the Yellowstoneon tho 13th. The estímate of the Department of Agriculture at Washington for the year 1880 on the corn erop gives an aggregate of 1,006,000,000 bushels, grown on 75,000,00ü acres. Tho aggregate product of wheat is 457,000,0U0 bushels, from an area of 37,000,000 acres. Geoboe W. Wedek, an extensivo manufacturer of boots and shoes In Chicago, failed on the 13th for $100,000. Tue elegant residence of N. B. Ream, of Chicago, valued at $200,000, was destroyed by flre at 2:30 o'clock on the morning of tho 14 th. Stkikin'o miners near Moosic, Pa., flred on tho men filling their places on the 13th, who roturned the fire, several persons being seriously wounded. A vast mass of rock and ice near the Horseshoe falls at Niágara feil into the gorge bolow on the 13th, changing very materially the formation of the procipice on the Canadian side. Whilb drunk on the 13th William Agnew, of Palmyra, N. J. , struck his wife with a chalr and killed her. Johx M. Wilson, who, in October, 1884, confessed in Chicago that he had murdered Andrew W. Dealy In Pennsylvania, was hanged for the crime on the 18tb. at Norristown Wiiilb continu at Plttsbufrb, Pa., on tlin i:itli two boys namod Smith and Mertt r;i ii thelr slod into a heavy wagon and wort killed. Evidbsck taken on the 13th by the grand jury at Ogden, Utuh, showed that In a threo-room house in tliat city live Willard Bingham, two wivos, tweuty unmarried childrun, flvo murried gons, with their wives and nfteen children, and two hired men in the attic. Loi'isvillb, Ky., experienced on the 18th the unusual visitutum of a mid-wlnter thundcr-storm. It ruined very hard for some two hours. Mom; dynamito was explodcd on the lRth on tho Huttor Street cable road at San Francisco, dostroying two cara and iiijuring sevoral persons. At tho door of a residence in New Boston, HL, were found on the 14th the corpsos of James L. Doughty and Miss Murthn Benedict. Jealousy was no doubt the cause of the tragedy. Wiiile coasting on the Hth at Waynesburg, O., Harvoy McClollan, agod twelve yoars, dashed into a wire fence, the barbs cutting big throat, causing instant deatb. A syndicate of Amsterdam baukers has purchased nine hundred square miles of timbor land In Wostern Florida, on which U found a colony of Hollanders. T. J. Cluvbrich, who was hanged on the 14th at Richmond, V., for the murder of hls cousiu, Fannio L. Madison, died without making a confosslon. Fires In 130 iron milis in the United Statos during 1886 caused losses aggregating $3,400,000. - Ax attempt to reduce wages in the tobacco faotory of P. Lorillard, at Jersey City, caused a strike on the 14th of thirtyüve hundred employés. Os tha 14th two factions of 'longshoremen engaged in a riot at New Orleans, four persons being seriously woundod by shots and one by a knife thrust. The principal business block at Lagodo, Ind., was burnod on the 14th. Loss, $50,000, with small Insurance. Tiihfk cable-railway strikers at San Francisco were arrested on the 14th for causing tho dynamito explosions on the Sutter street road. At Waterloo, Ia., on the 14th Will Crosby shot and killed his young wife, and then blew out his own brains. Domestic uuhappinoss led to the tragedy. Ai.nsiiT O'Dell, Jamos Lamb and John T. Echols (white), and John Stephens (oolored) wore hanged for murder on the 14th at Fort Smith, Ark. The trial of John Arensdorf, charged with tho murdor of Rev. Oeorge C. Haddoek, at Sioux City, Ia., has been set for March21 S. Samubls, aged thirty-elght years, dled in Chicago on the 14th f rom hydrophobia. He was bitten by a small dog with which he was playing three months ago. The bark Craighir, bound from Liverpool to Philadelphia, was reported lost ou the 14th with her crew of flf teen men. The business failures during the seveu days ended on the 14th numbered for tha United States 294, and for Canada 29; toUl, 323, agalust 299 the previous seven days. This was the largest number reported in any week sinoe January, 1886. The total values of exports of beef, pork and dairy producís for the twelve months ended Deo. 81, 1886, were $86,044,351, agalnst $93,559,516 for the same time the previous year. As old hotel at Salem, Ore., occupied by Chínese as a lodging-house, was burned on the Hth, and three Chinamen who could not escape were burned to death. In a prairie flre on the 14th near Taylor, Tex., Mr. McFadden had three thousand acres of pasture and fencing destroyed, and five hundrod sheep burnod to death. PERSONAL AND POLITICA!A bill was lntroduced in the Illinois House on the llth appropriating $50,000 for a monument in Chioago to Senator Logan. Dr. Wiluam Pekrï, the oldest gradúate of Harvard College, and the last survivor of Fulton's steamboat rlde down the Hudson river, expirod on the llth at Exeter, N. H., at the age of ninety-eight years. Is the Indiana Senate on the llth Lieutenant-Governor Robertgon was admltted, but made no formal dcmand for possesslon of the chair. Senator Harrison and other prominent politicians were not permitted to enter the chamber. Thb Dakota Legislatura met at Bismarck on the llth, the Kansas Legislatura assembied at Topeka, and tho Texas Legislatura convened at Austin. Goverxor Adam9, of Colorado, was inauguratcd on the llth at Denver. FiiANK James, the reformad train-robber. arrived in St. Louis on the 12th to seek a clerkship in some large retail stora, and in the event of failure he intends to keep a clgar-stand. Mr. Yaple, lato candidato for Governo, was nominatod for United States Senator by the Fusionists of the Michigan Legislatura on the 12th. The National House Committee on Coinage, Weights and Measures agreed on the 12th to report favorably the bill provldlng that after July 1 trade dollars shall be redoemed to the extent of 1500,000 monthly. The Democratio majorlty In tho Indiana Senate rejectod a resolution on t'ie 12th declarlng that Lieutenant-Governor Robertson, having been duly elocted tho Lieutenant-Governor, was the lawful presiding offloer of that body. Senator Winter protested on behalf of tho Republican mlnority. A JorsT resolution was offered In the Nebraska Seuate on the 12th asking Congress to pass a law for the election by tho people of United States Senators. Thb West Virginia Legislature convened at Charleston on the 12th. At the joint session of tha Nevada Legislatura on the 12th William M. ötewart (Rep.) was eloctod United States Senator to succeed Senator Fair (Dem. ). Resolutions of respect to the memory of General Logan were adoptod on the 12th by the Executlve Committee of the Irish National League of America, which was in session at Clncinnati. The Wisconsin Legislatura convened at Madison on the 12th. C. K. Erwin, of Tomah, was elected President pro tem. of the Senate, and T. B. Mills, of Jackson, was chosen Speaker of tho House. At the National Farmers' Congrega in Washington on the 12th resolutions were adoptod asking Congress to make the Commissioner of Agricultura a Cabinet offleer; to extend the bencflts of the gignal service to farmers, and to regúlate intor-State commerce. Thb Democrats of the Tnnnessee Legislatura on the 13th nominatod W. C. Whitthorne for United States Senator. Hon. James Jacksos, Chiei-Justlce of Georgia, died on the 18th at Atlanta, aged sixty-seven years. Mrs. HENRr Win- died on the 13th near Bloomington, 111., aftor fastlng for fortyseven days. The Democrats of the Indiana Legislature on the 18th nominated David Turpio for United States Senator. Miss Licy Stanlet, of Evansville, Ind., was on tho 13th appointed Queen of the Gypsies in the United States, flllinf the place made vacant by the recent death of her sistor, Mrs. Emma Stanlay. Thb remains of John Roach were interred on the 13th in Ureenwood Cemetery, lyn. Tho funeral servUie were conduetoa by Bishop Harris. GENERAL JoSKl'U R. HiWI.KÏ WftS IlliüMimously ronumlnatod for Unitod Stilte Senator on the 13th by the Republicana ol the Connecticut Leifislature. Oovkrnor Kcmk, of Wisconsln, in his message on the lüth directa uttuntion to the fact that In the groat majority of labor troubles the rights and intorests of tho wholo peoplo are rudely affected, and thoy havo tho rlght to onforco peace; says tho flnuucial coudition of tho State is gooa ; says the young should havo the special protection of just laws, and promises the Legislature hls hearty co-operation in all efforts to improve tho laws oí the State. Senator Wolvekton was on the 13th noniinated for Unitod States Senator by the Demócrata of the Pcnnsylvauia Leglslaturo. Charles B. Fakwki.l, of Chicago, waa nominated for United States Senator by the Republican caucus at Bpringüeld on the 13th, William II. Morrison was norainated by the Demócrata, and Benjamin W. Qoodhue was nomlnatod by the Labor mombers. The Arizona Legislaturo on tle 13th pasaed a bilí repoaling the law disfranchising men for practlcing polygamy. The Republican leglglators of Indiana on tho 14th renominated Bon Harrison for United States Senator by aoclamatiuu. Tuk National Assoclation of Naval Veterans has chosen as lts Commodore C. W. Adams, of Chicago. Ueoiigb H buist was nominated for United SUtes Senator on the Hth by tha Demócrata of the California Legislatura. In tho Indiana House on the Hth Meagher (Dem.) wan unssatod, he being a justice of the peaoe wheu elected, and Dickerson (Rep.) wa given the seat. Thls makea the Legislatura a tic on joint ballot. Thomas Powell and Henry B. Stanton, veteran journalists, expired on the 14th at New York. The latter was the husband of Elizaboth Cady Btanton, and was in nis eighty-second year. FOREIGN. It was roported on th llth that negotiationa with China for auch moditlcation of the troaty as to entirely prevent the introduet ion of cooly labor into the Unitod States had been successfullv concluded. The Alcázar palace at Toledo, Spain, recently restored ai a cost of 11,000,000, was destroyed by firoon the llth. Twonty persons were hurt more or leas sevorely. The auicides at Vicnna last year numbered 35S. In tho Gorman Parliament on the llth, when the amended army bilí carne up, General von Moltko appealod to membora to adopt the ineasure, as strong Governmenta are the bast guarantoe of peaco, and if the bill were rejected ha deemed war certaiu to come. HoWAn T. Blackstonb, who stolp $75,000 while clerk of tho Canal National Bank of Portland, Me., was arrestod on the lUth at Winnipeg, Manitoba, by the sheriff of Oxford County, Me. It was shown on the 12th by unimpeachable evidence that Robert E. Sproule, an American reeently hanged at Victoria, B. C, for the murder of Thomas Keatings, was an innocent man. Advices of the 12th state that one hundred negro converts to Christianity had boen burned alive al Auganda, África, by order of King Monanga, and that the Cing had declared he would kill evory Christiau found in his domain. Lord Iiiksi.ekh (Sir Stafford Northcote) while ontering Iord Salisbury's aftlcial residenco in London on the 12th feil to the floor and almost instautly expired. Ho was born in 1818, and comraeeeed his political career as private socretary to Mr. Oladstone in 1848. He reeently withdrew from the Conservativo Government Mit. Rae, an Irish landlord, went to the poor-house at Klllarney on the 18th because his tenants would not pay their rent. Prince ili MiKrk' military bill was defeated in the Germán Reichstag on the 14th, and Bismarck immediately dissolved that body. A nevv election will le held February 2L Advices of the 14th from South America say that cholera was raging In Uruguay and the Argentino Republic, hundredü of persons dying daily. LATER NEWS. Prof. Edward Olnet. LL. D., the emi nent mathematician, was fouiid dead in his bed on the morniug of the 16th at Ant Arbor, Mich., death having rosulted from heart-disease. He had been for thirtj years professor of mathematica in the University of Michigan. Sam Jones commenced a series of revival meetings in Boston on the 16th before immense audiences. Thb exchanges at twenty-slx leading clearing-houses in the United States during the week ended on the 15th aggregated 1982,210,648 against 1811,614,686, 'the previous week. As compared with the correspondí ng weekof 1SSÖ, the decrease umounts to 8.8 per cent. Thb Eliot church, at Trenton, Mass., valued at 70,000, was destroyed by flames on the 16th originating from a disjointed pipe. Flame9 on the 15th destroyed the distilleryof Crawford Fairbanks at Terre Haute, Ind., valued at $100,000. Tbe publishers of General Logan's book reportod on the 15th that up to the date of his death they had paid him an average of one thousand dollars por month, and the sales had gince increased to a marvolous degree. In portions of Michigan and Ohio hogs wero dying by the hundred on the 15th of cholera. Over flfty tons of powder exploded on the löth on the schoonor Parallel, at San Francisco, wrecking the vessel, the Cliff House, the signal and life-saving stations and other buildings. It was reported on the 15th that Irish pauperism in Ireland had increasod sixty per cent during the past year. A Bill was introduced in the Legislaturo of Texas on the 15th requiring railroads to give ttnrty days' notice of the discharge of employés or reduction of their wages, and also requiring laborera to give a ïnonth's notico of a strike. A sxow-gnDE on the 15th at Marshall, CoL, killed two men and swept away many buildings. Mrs. Abby Kellet Fostbh. one of the most noted workers in tlie cause of temperance in New England, died at Worcester, Mass., on the 15th, aged seventy-six years. Gkneiial William B. Hazen, Chief Signal Service Offlcer of the United States, died at Washington on the evening of the 16th, aged fifty-seven years, of diabetic coma. Ho had been a sufferer from diabetes, but his death was unoxpected. The Boston coal-breaker at Plymouth, Pa., was destroyed by fire on the 16th, causing a loss of 100,000. Over four huudred men were thrown out of work. The United States Senate was not in session on the 15th. In the House tho conference report on the Inter-Btato Commerco bill was presentod. Bills were reported for the consolidation of customs districts, for the collection of more accurate statistics of exporta, emigration and immigration, and for the retirement and recoinage of the trade dollar. In committee of the wholo th River and Harbor bill was considered.


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