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Uñkñt NO FEE ! I 1 ESTABLisHED i85i. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER ƒ detkoit.mich. ƒ Block. f7 fÑ The Re8nlar' Old-Established L í PHTSICIAIí & SURGEON X SKILLAND SUCCESS K V--A.XjXjYOUNG MEN, MIDDLE-AGED MEN and all persons who by their own acts of Imprndonoeor Follyat any period of life havehruuht upon themselves, the e vil effccts closely upon the hccls of trr.n tgTenion o f the laws oí nature, should consult the celehrated T)r.Clarke at once. RememberlNervouB discne(i(with or without dreams) or dobillty and loss of ñervo power treated scientiíically by new methods vitli rever fnilinp success. Atf'lt makes no diíference vrhat you have taken or who has failed to cure you. JiT'.ie terrible polsons of Syplilli and all bad blood and Hkin díHeasrs, completely eradicated without mercury, Kemembor that 0110 horrible elíseas , if ncglectcd or impronerjy treated, curses the present and coming generations tH-W nnnataral discharg-ca cured promptly Without hindrance to bnaini b. N'o experimente ïtoth sexes consult conllilentlnlly. Age aiut experieuce important. A written gunrantee of cure Kivn in vvevy case uudertaken. fl'i-Sufferers from any chronic dlseasewrite History and Symptoms of your case - plainly. Cases solicited which others have failed to cure. ttTr'Send two stamps fof celobratod Tvorks on Chronic, Nervous and Dellcato Distases. You have an exhaustive syinptoinntology by which to study your own como. Consultation, peraonally or by "letter, free. Consult the O1I Ioctor. Thousands cured. Oilice and parlors private. You see no one but tbc Doctor. Bc f o re confidintf your case consult I)K. CLAKEK. A friendly lettt;r or cali may save future suffcring and hame and add golden 'vears to lile. Medicines ent ererywhera secure from ex pos ure. Ilours, Bto 8; Sundays, 9 to 12. Adi!: F, D. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mioh CURES Coughs,Colds,Asthma,Tickling in the Throat, Whooping Cough, Quinzy,Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonar Oiseases. [YOUNC'S il CoucHi SSSmBSSSm ¦¦¦¦é.wiiJ DansvIlle.Mirli. t Ilowell, Mich., Au. 15, 1874. - ()ct. 2K, 1OT4. - I I was attacked $ have tried Dr. E. with a leverej $ A.Younjt's Courq cold and threat-j and Lung Syrup ened wtth lung $ _ _ ! for more than a fever wblle on a f mv $ year, as I had 00 vislt to Hudon, ! m J a remeMich.. about a m for Colda and in m n t ii Kgo, sol ( C o u r h b , and much bo Hint I i i founditarellable was unable to flll Wt medicine. I have an appointtuent i J $ uned hls Ague to preach on! Ik land Li ver Syrup account of my I ¦ in my famlly wltb serere coufrhltiK, ¦ ¦ t the best of sucbut managed to i % cesB, curlng my get borne. aud S ¦ ¦ mother whose mediately tookj ftKe was over B4)IIie f l)r. K. A . I HHVfntv vPftrn} nf in the houBe. and ! J ,8t attttk of my couüh left me , _ ! Fever and Ague, as oon as I ! % ! after the second menced tukinKlt, t BP g chili and ferer. and I flnrt I l take pleaHnre nent relief hen ! in recommendlnif 1 am attacked ¦ the above remeby conh orl .dies to all who lunit complaint. need them. KEV. KUBT. COPÏ. BïV. S. B. Kl.MMÏLL. 8old by all druKgists. Prlce, 25c., 50c. and $1.00. Large bottles sent free on recelpt of price W.JOHNSTON &CO., OETROIT, MICHICAH. RINSEY & SEA OLT'S BAKERY GROUERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep conetttntly oa hind, BREAD, CKACKKRS. (AKKS, KTC, Por Wholesale and Kt.d! T de. W shull aleo keep a snpply of SWIFT & DBÜBBL'B BB8T White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, Kjc l'lour, ISuck wlical i'loiir, Corii .Heul, Foed, Etc, At WholeaU' auii Kt-tail. A general stock oï &EOCERIES and PBOYTSIÜNS Conetautly on hand, which il! he -!(1 an as reaiionablp tt-rmp ac :it my nther hooM 'n 'bc cit . Cash paid for BUTTBU, KGG , and ('Ol'NÏKY PRODUCE generally (iomls di-livenid to any part of the ciiy witlmot extra charL' . BIKHKT SEA BOLT. NEW S SlBUNE. Wl.Ue THE IVKW VOKK WKKKLV TKIUlK ta tb rneat xpanaive [ublication ot its class in the United States, nerertheJeM its price is now fixed at $1 a ye;ir, the . ly ,it ?j , in both cases an extra hopy witli a dub of 10. The campaign jus' cloaed founrt the country in the troujfh ol" the pohiicul wave, The Kepublican managers have made the beat Btrugsle they could uslaat a atata ofseneral apathf in a few States they have been auled by the inspiring pres encc of a jjreat leader, whose spt-e hef have nra - aaad almostthe only mthmlaam anrwhani akowa. The resullof the cainpalgii i.i gratifyiog; its gmint are an tnspinitinn ; the Danocratfc loat ¦ plain gnido. to the popular dr. ft. Krom this time rorward the country will feel the lift of the advano ing wave of iSSS which, it" wc all do our duty, will sweep out from Waahioyton Uie maaqneraden now in posession, the foes of protection, equality and patriotic govorninent lt is now the duty ot all earnest and expeneneed workers t' bend tluir tnergiestoward united and lieartv work lor 1SS8. '1 he party is to be conaoUdated, cheered and rallled. To this work THE TRlBlNK pladgea its aealoas efforts. THK TRIK1INK ofïers for n ei il excellent premiums, includin The Tribune Kook of Onn Air Sports. A work compilad by THE TlllBUNB aapecWly for the young men of the United St tes lt is ¦ thorOUffh statement ut' the pu-.c t Btatu of i penAir atliletic aimiemeiits m America, with aoygestions to beginners, llie niks ut' eveiv important eiime, the records of noted oontoatt and ÜM achli i ements of American Chanipions. THe hoo ; will contain about 150 illuslrations. ChaptOfl are provided on Arcliery; Iïa-e-ha.l, with the r coro f wonderful playing and the Letgua aiul Aaaociation contcsts, and lnstructuuis how to CUrvi ¦ la i ; Lawn 'lennis, Court Tenn s Knot ball Cricket Kacket, Kacrosse, Horsemansliip, Cross Country Hanting; Yachtinfft with a discussion of Sloop and Cutter and instructions Ho U DealffD, Bnild trui Sail a üoat; Rowmg, Canoeinfr. rif hing, Trapping Hunting with bhot-gno and Rifle, Campiar-out, Winter Sports, liicyding, Amateur PhotOgxmphy anda few minor sports. Aroong the W litera who have contributed are William lilai e Maiirice Thompson, Captain Jacob A. Augur, Cavalry instructor at West Póint David Kirby, Thonuu Qeoi c W. Win yate, l'r I George Goldie, Director of AthUtics of the New YorK Athletic Club; and a lare number of private gentleman throughout the country have fumished facts concerning the wild Lame and hu ting sports of their severa I localities. ,o book of this chhracter haa ever been put ifito print n America. It is sufliciently elemental to le 1 ' 8070 Own Rook " and answer all the of Ottr manly jrouth and ytt will also meet ihe demanda ofadulU. ui be ready for delivery December ist Octavo, 500 pages. Ketail price. $2 50. Tcrms, pottage pald with Weekly, 1 year. Sa. 50. with Semi-we kly 1 year $3 50; with Daily, S10 50. On y to be had in connection with yearly subscriptions to THE TRIAlso "Blunt'ri Ritle Practice," a book for evcry Munter, and National Ouardamanj a fine Waltlruii Wateh ; the I.ow-pnced W'aterhury Watch ; the ;wo Unabridged Dictionaries; Wn.M's Medicine. Hygiëne and Surgerv, Illustrated; and Young's Concordancc of the Bible. Sample copy, giving term in full, sent free Order oy postal card. A Club Agent wantod wherever there is none, THE TRIBUNE, New York. O The III KUS' Gt'IDK U iitHiit-il Sit. and Miin li, each jrrar. 31'4 ivj;. m, N' ., 1 1' ... imlli,itliort 3,5OO Uliutrutions - a uholr Picture Cïallerj-, (.1 V IvS -Vholesalc Prieta direct to con.iuynrrs on all gooda fur personal or famlly une. Telia how to order, and glves exact coat ot everytnlng yon une, rat, drink, wear, or have fuu with. These INVALVABLE BOOK8 contain inforniation (.1. mii. ,1 from the markets of the ivorld. We will muil a copy FltKI'. to uny .ldreu upon r ¦ Ipt of 10 CtS. to defray expense of matUng. Iet uü hrar trnui yon. Iti t]M , i ful li . MONTCOMERY WARD & CO. I il c liZtt Wabiwh Al ¦¦- i t'h!cuo, 111.


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