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HtHOVIO I1IC Ttfill. As A.KBOK ('ohm WDKitY, No. I iiieets tirst l'u.- i:iv "i 'M'p:i ni mili, W.G Doly. h.. C: W. A.. foiciiard. Reoordar. fURIMW ruuTKit, No. i'. K A. M.- MeeUs lirst MoailMT i;l''u month. Ishüc Haudy, H P-; ¦ Kimtli, Secretary. 3ÜSIME3S CARD S . CLOTK CikïTS, METALIC And Ooaaoa Oofltaa. Orita attented t D7 or Nliht. Bmtelinlni ¦ ipeeUUy. sio eroomoii K. Washington streel. Resldeao Cor. Uberty and Klftri. W. H. JACKSO.%, XyiESIINTilTIIIIISIITIL OKFICK : Over Bach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National liank. nn.i.iin UEitz, House, Sijn, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! l'aperi .,, GH7.lnK, Gilding, and Cnlclmininir, and worlt ot every d-"crintlon dom; in the nest tyle, nd warranied lo Rive satiííactioii. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W XV. & A C. NICHOLS, IDE1TTISTS. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, Maonlc Temple Block. GASorVITALIZED AIR A'lminUtered for Ihe iiatnles extraction ..f teeth. STATE STREET tfoskt 1úá EstsLblishmoni ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, DearSik: ft n.vit Sa II donut order anlll you Inive Ha joseph hi:kkv, Merciiant Tullor, Btota Itreet, Ann Arbor, Mlch Yoa wlll flnd a very Bne line of Kiis;liti tot I ¦¦" Satta, and :ill the and trowseruigs In st .cU i" "'P" '" ir do..ÏÏ, " calMngenablwioi toïlre yoa ü beat and perfect ftt, mnd Clothe módeln Orit-olaia order, al Lowow I.lvlug i"rlce. Cali and ne lor yonrse !. Respectrully yours. J.JS;MI BE RUT, Merch ml Tullor CET THE BEiT FIRE INSURANCE I $29,000,000. Becnrtty bU fnr prutaedoa of poliiy CHRISTIAN MACK Beyresent 'he fullowln : il'-t-cii-? cmninuin, "I which one, tlv iBW i. ' i lont pald f',,iK),(K)i)tirB OÍ9--8 in Irty-lvê ifitoa, of Bartford $ 9,l'.i-J,r,H Fruikiin of PhHadelpWn 3,118,718 Germuiii, N. Y 3,700,729 Germán A.merlcan, N V 4,0üí..(.mís Londoii Assiinince, Lfimlon... 1.416,788 Michigan F. & M., Deirott... 887,608 N. Y. (jHderwriters, X. Y 2.5W.679 Niitional, HHrtfonl 1,774,600 riiiKiiix, BrooWyn 3,759,030 Loases líberally adjuslcl and nromptly paid. Poticies tssued at the loweat ratt-s of premium. lWltf LI7MBERI LT7MBEH! LUMBER! it yo tntemplitte tul(linr, culi it FERDON Lutar Yarfl! Corner Fonrlli mul Depot Btl, and gi; our figures for all dl LUMBER! We naDufaoture mr own Lamber and guaraiitee AERY LOW PRICES ÍGivc us a cali and we will makc t to your interest, as our largc and well raded stock fully ¦ uatains our asseriioo Telephone Connet-tions with Office. i J. KUECH Supt. JAMES TOLBKRT, Prop A. DeFOREST. Fire In.s.urance Plato Grlass Insurance. Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! Lowest Ratos, Honorable Adjiitniciits mul Lussck I'ruinptly I'ajil. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS 8PK('IAI, ATTENTION OIVENTO COM.KI TI'IN or Kems and Manaukmknt of Rkai. EtTATK (HTCBK8T8 Kolt Kksiiii n i s. TIBK 8ATISFACTION TO OWHMSS (JlARANTBKD. A DeFORKST. IIÍI l[ m')reoioney than at anythlnelaebr tak 11) IV Ing 10 ueDcjr for the hert scllliic Dook II III i. Begtnner nofted giandlj. Ron rail. Termi frre. Hali.bttBo.ik Co. PDrtlapd, Mnine. AQTUMñ CURED ! Hij B m II SIUII TKUl rnn ¦ w I I I Illfi vmri'ithtmoitikrptiral GERMÁN ASTHMA CUREr!í,,í, nvwt Tiolent atta-k . iimurra comiortabl. itrecta curw whnre all bar n-niediui f all' I Si "ln 'or rroull. Il, urltnn Ih Imin.dii.l.., dirrrt nnd rrrluin, .. inl „ run i ¦llr,l,.,Uii„ll ( imitl.l ( A-; -, II purmananUj ourwd m. Kfur to me at aoj üjnt." Hun R. Lolt Si l'.iut Mmn ¦ In nUrtljr rtttoriid to h.lth bj Grrman Aithim , ''"" Tl.... ¦'", lUmMon, Oio ¦Orm.ii Aitbn C.r. I. all ,oU fot iu u 0„,r fall ... r Aarlui, UrnnriUc í. C My phyilclaQ reoommande d G.-rman Anhrna ('ure H ont1n,t." Mr,. ML. T,l,i,k. L,nJmd,rr, ,¦" T'- ¦ ' l-llar UlUn o. tl. .k ur nnb SUBSCRIBE for the COÜRIEE.


Ann Arbor Courier
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