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Fastest On Record

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Froni Uie Oinilia llepuhllcan, December 'J-i. At 8:.-0 oYlock yesterday mornlng Detective ('. J. Putnain, of the Uuited States Secret Service, jumped from a train ttoto tilt eut tliat pulled intotlie Union PHOiflC passenger depot In thN city. He ruthed nito ihc office OÍ División Superintendent Dorrance, and almost eiiibracii]„r ilmt nili'i il in bis eagernens, gasped : "Name your price for Olear track ud :i l"'iul tralD tO Fremont!" "Jt will cost you $100," was the prompt ropoose. "lint nndtirrtatid me corroctly,'" hurrledly contiuued the detective. "The Frcmoiil, Elkhorn itnd Missouri Vallcy paweiigei train for the Black Hdls leavv. Fremout :it 9:.V. It Is dow 8:86. I want lo c atch that train - must catcli it, iu tact. ín order tu do so I mu-t travel Bi the rute of a milt' per minute. Can you pull me ihroiub J ' "WVil shoveyou throux.h or kill you," Mr. Dorranee. 'Then, lor HenVell'i Mke let me get starled." At 9:03 a special train eomposed of enHlne Nu. i and eabooie 1,'_'(1 stood m tlie yard ready lo start. The eoglne is mie ol tlie ncw liiMuk lilly-lnn loeotlloti ves, wil li 6-foot 8-lnclj dl ivera and l!iJ I cyiinirera rhe train wan placed In charve of Conductor Balley, and toengineer ll;incy va9 entiu-ted tlie tnsk of Rttemptiug to eclIpMi all previ nis time nadti tui tlie road. It was tlie tirt chance he had ever 'een oflered to lake a train out of the H chance for liim ti bespatter hnnelf Wllh everla-tiiijr Jilo: y and - as lie Krafped the throttle valvc therewas opon ni. begrlBineil teatuns :in expreszon tliat wtlafled il, e Superintendent. "Are you sure. you can pull methrongb on tnncr" askcci the üótective, atter a blief but crilical survev "f tlie cal) and tS OCClIDtll I -. llaney Miiiled grillily as he answ Ted: "If the train Itoldl toeiher. and f you keep your Mat, l'll jret you there all right. All ii board f " illi a sbriek and a bound the train wal off Hclore It passeil cnliielyoil ol' aifrht of the maltitude of tralnlmen whe had awembled i" wltneM ita departare, it Wat Bpeedlng alonjf at a forty-mile clip, mini Wheil il entercd its MCond niile it VU c-iiii íiií: a inilr i minuto. The men in the caboow dong to thelr aeatt, but tha (l.tcrlivc never ucakencd. With wiitch in h lid bc braced hinisclf to retain hi ierpendicular, and imilttd when Conductor Balley sald he was glad the track was a rood mie. At the end of the doublé track - tive milc? from Oman - a stop of a minute and twenty seconds for orders was made. and the train wasagain brou'.'ht to a dciid stand-still at slie Missouri I'a cific crossinr, two miles of Papilllon. The detective was In a fever of anxiety at each relaxation of speed, and his relief can be better Imagloed than deeorlbed when tbr train sluckened np at Frcmont and he discovered tliat the run of fortyBeven miles had been mude iu foily eiriit minutes, Inclndlne thu two and a half minutes consumcd by the unavoidable ¦toppn(ea. The run was mude at a fraction more than a mlle a minute - the fasic.-i evei riOOi'ded OU the l'nion Pacific systi 'in. The detective had three minutes to catcli bis bnalli before the train In' wal 80 anxious to board i-ame along, and it whirled aw.iy a man with a comparatively easy inind. Bil mission to tlie Black Hills is not for publication. From an obscure yardnuin Engineer Baney bal fuddenly juinped Into prominincc as th' driver of the fastvst train tliat ever traveld on the Union Pacific. He (vriauily shmved hiniself pos.sessed of the pluck and coolnean iu euentlal to the niakc up of a good c igineei. Abciui a year ag a special train conveyinir President Adams and party rao from tblt city t Premoilt In titty-tliree minutes, hut made DO Rtopp'ige. Tliat train had the b t rec rd wr linie until yetterday mornlng.


Ann Arbor Courier
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