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THE JUDGE'S CASH PUZZLE In behalf of IES SEUT MEI! PI, Use Your Brains and Make Money. O, WDO, CHILD&EN, E7ERYB0DY. The JtidLp propoecs to asstet the Grant Monument Fund by organlzing a grand competltlon on word-bullding (making the largest number of Knglish wqrdg Irom a glven eentence by trannpoging and usini; letten to suit the pnrpose 1 usfng lor the theme the eentence "Wbo will be onr nest President?" and offjring Cash to suceemtful competltors, each ut who wlll have to pay Flfty GO cents on preeentation of hls competitive paper. The money received will h applied as folio - Twenty-five cent ia at oi.ce credlted to the Grant Fund. The remainine t wenty-flve cents, aftcr dednctlng the legitímate expense of advertising ñames wlih tneir respective answers, etc , etc., will he pl.iced in a common fund to be eqnally di vided among tbe the six successful competitors, í. r the six perdons sendintr in the larxcst Hst of Knglish words (proper nonns inclndedi made from the sentuncc ,'W ho will be onr next PresiBent 1 " The magnilude of the prire will depend ou the thÍ"nÍ," mT' receiTed.or in ot hei word on Thl is not a new thlng. iu b,uih,,o i., k„ .„„,, of money have been raised for Charlty by thl method and those who have participated and incldentally I elped a worthy object have won a pilze as high as $10,0(10 as a reward Tor mental acllvity. The names of comnetitore will be published from vveekto week in Judge as tbey may come In. I Thia wlll not only serve as an acknow.edL'ement of the recelpt of the money, etc, but will aleo serve ro show the weekly progresa of the fund. Governing rules in this week's Judgi. Addra "CRANT FUND," The Jiidge Publisliing' Company, Potter BulldinK. ¦- York City. _TIiE,_ 1887. DETROIT TRIBUNE. The Metropolitan Republioan Juumal of Michigan. A Standard Family Newspaper The subscrlption list of the Detroit Tribnne h been very largely increased under its new mana ement, and its political inrluence made itsell' strikrwly feit in the campaii;n which bas just closed. Asa Ntcrlinic Family Nrwapairr it will not merely maintain its high standing during the coming year but it wiH be strengthened and imTHE TRIBUNE ('nntalni All Vrut, Foraira. Domestie, 1 State and Local, in the most readab.'e forin. It con tains the latest and most rcadable Markit Reports. It contains able, vigorous Kuitorials and punyent paragraphs, candid and timely comment on current issues and important questions of the day. In short it is a BRIGHT, L1VELY, AGGRESSIVE REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER - A MICHIGAN PAI'ER FOR MICHIGAN READERS. The WEEKLY TRIBUNE I Is a lare eijht-pae paper of 64 columns, conuin. , ing editorial discussion of current issues from the 1 standpoints of accurate inlormation and adherence to correct political and economie principies, interestinq; and valuable miscellaneous reading matter, original and quotcd poems and sketches, and selcctions from the best literature of the day. Especial attention will be paid to topics of interests to the rural community, and to discussion ot" questions of interest in practical agricultunil, letters on l'atm and home topics, receipts, etc. In bi itf, neither, pains norvexpense will be spared in keenini; The Tribune x ttrnt-rliiHii'Fauilly VeuNpaprr. stron? in all departments, and in every way worthv of the ereat state witli whose historyand growtli it has been $0 long and so closely identificd. TEEMS: Per Six Thrce Annum Mos. Mos. i DAILY, exceptSunday _ $5.00 $2.50 $1.25 DAILY, includin.' Snndav... 6.00 3.30 1.50 WEEKLY ,00 .50 .30 For 81.50 we will send'the Weelily Tribune for one year and a cony of "Our FamilylHIiyMiolaii.' a valuable household medical work ol' ; M paees, well printed and handsomely bound - a I book that ret:iils :it { The Wt'okly Tribnne will bc sent ou trial to Neiv Subseribers tijree mout h for 20 cents. All postaee prepaid. Specimen copies free. Remittances niay bê sent at our risk by drafts on Detroit banks, money orders or in refjisterad letters. Liberal terms to auTents and canvat.sers. Send for particulars. Address THE TRIBUNE, Detroit, Mich. The beet lliêtory of the War has yet ajpeared. - Bostou Traveller. fiARPBR'S TIn' platos of Hnrper's Weekly dartng the War lmvim; beca destrojol. HARFEK'S Pictorial History of the Reüellion Ia the only means ofobtalning lUinvaluablP blatorloal llliislratlon. In two splenill'l folio volumes, siiine slze paj' M the Wetskly, I and contalnioR 1,000 of 1U fkmoui War plotiin'-. Prico for set. san lage paWl, In be velnl cloth, $lH00; In Half Ttirkey Nlciropco. liandporae gullt stamp on skle nd inarbled 'dices. taa, to avoid deception, ske tbai KOUKH BKAB HAUPER'S NAME. Sild by rabeortptlon only. Send for lllusiruteil clrcuíicDONNELL BRO'S, 185 Dcarborn St., Chicago, 111. Of Fricties value for Vrem-rnition.- Boston Ailvortiser. W4Ê.


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