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A dentist Is a funny man, By his profession shown. He works on other people's teeth, To nuil work for his own. The Glee Club will sin? iu Detroit Friduy evpning. W. W. Davis, of Mo., lias been chosen orator of '87, after a lonL struíle. The eleetion of editora of the Argonaut occurs in R;om A, next Saturday. Out of thirteen physicians registered at Marshall, 8x are graduales of the U. of M. The Studetits' Christian Association U riguring up the un've:-siiy on a religious basis. Kev. O. G. C.imeron, n well-known Baptist divine !s receiving treatment at the nolverslty hospital. D. B. Gahn has been chosen to succeed W. Ii. Aiitisdell wlio resigned as business manager of ttie Oracle. Prof. O. W. Aldrich, editor of the law work "Anson on Contracta," was a visitor at the law school last week. The law student are complainiug bitterly of the work placed lipón them by the faculty. A good sijfii for the depurtmeiit. The Argonaut proposes (Imt the class of '87 present tothe university a memorial of Prof. Kilwunl Olney, eithcr picture or inonumctit. Mrs. Prof. Stowell has been made the recipiënt of a dozen niipkins, beautifully cmbroldered by the young lady raembers ot' the senior class. Musical matters are rlourishing more at present than at any time during the year. It is to be hoped that there wlll be no decline in the present enthusiasm. and tlmt the close of the year will more than mitke up for the poor commencemen. The ludies of the senior law class number four, of which Michijran is represented by ons' Mrs. Mary Collius Whiting of this city. There are two junior lady laws, one Miss Hitchcock of Honolulú, Sandwicfa Ishinds, and a Miss Colemaa a Lansinj( lady. Studen ts of the state university were more numeromly reprcsenled than aay otherclaK il cltlzens on the legislativo petltlons asklng that the ai?e of consent be ralsed to elgliteen years. When lt oorae to llttle dangers of that kind, the average ooilege studentcan seejust as fnr andjust as hard as any body.- Lauslng Kepubllcan. As the wrlterof the above was once a " college student," he knows whereof he ppenks. Justin McCarthy, who is to lecture at universlly huil next Fridny eveninc apon " The Cause of Ireland," will have for his subject on the following Mondny evening (.Jan. il3t) at Ypsilsnti, " Knglish Statesmen, Orators, and Parties," so that people deslrlng to hear him at both places will be treated to a different subject. Prof. Winchell is to lecture at the M. E. church, Dexter, on the evening of Feb. 4th. having for his subject: " The Life Time of a World." lt is not necessary to siy that those hearing him will be more thiin doubly repaid. It will be hu opportunity of a life-time to hear the learned professor discourse on his favorite field of stiuly mul loscarch. The senior l.iws are still wrestling with thechancïry bill whlch Prof. Hutchings require8 them to evolvu from a crude statement of facts siven them, to sil t off the surplusHge and reduce to a clear, hut comprehensivo setting forth of the cause of compl lints, with the adjuncts of prayer for relief, subpa-na, injunction, affldavlts ol lerricet, etCi etc. This has never been required of any former class, and isa march forward In the right directlon, as cvery Btoient who thoroughly masters it will be equipped with sutllcient knowleilge, when he leuves the institution, to carry his cliënt through with a case la chancery.