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S j SPECIAL (Wjl flAVOR6 iïQWDÉl? ötnwdi ïSSr_ _--rrí J NATURAL FRUIT P I fL"VRS MOST PERFECT MADE Prnpsrprt s th sWrt rierd tnPtirltv, Stroneth, and HeutbfiÜBMS. Dr. Prke'a Bnkinii f'nwilt'rcuntiiinH do Am iiioni.'i.Ijimf, Aluin orPhoephati'B. Ur.l'ricü'h Extracti, Vuiiilla, Lenion, etc, flavor deliciouBly . LamÉhimney 5 B 8EE THAT THE , O i O K] tXAOT LABLE IS ON j j - a "' EACH CHIMNEY AS S S Á 8M0WN IN PIOTURE. k ¦ 2 M VKlUFACTURED ONLY BY GED.MAGBETH&GO. ,TT5BU RGH ) tOR SAlTBVLgeALERS EyCffY WHERC. STROH'S BOHEMIAIM BEER. FOB HOTELS UI RESTAÜRAHTS. EVERY BOTTLE IS WARRANTEO. TO BE HAD AT XIX. c-r::ehs, sraisis aks dealers, Packed in Cases or Barrels to suit Purchasers. Bottled at the Brewery, DETROIT, - MICH. C. H. StTCLAIR&SÍS MANUFACTÜUERS OF SÉolaiiClrt FUKNIÏU1ÏE. OPERA HOU CHAIK8 AND WIND-MILLS. Awe npw prepared to manafactare School ana Ohörch Furnlinre, and Opern JIous ObAln, I-iiwn St'tlees, Camp Tuljles uud the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL flm'hoot and s'miilost nml most rnliable lause. UeplrtHK ilone on short imilcv. Also (Iualer8ln ITMIS.M VLINIIKUS. l'IPES, ETC. TANKS MADE TO OBDER. LADDER8, PBACH BOXES, BERKT CK.VTES, In f:n! , ;iliy irtlf'lt rnnU' to Order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, A.W ARBOB, MIOH. KOR DYSPKPSIA. MENTAL AND phy5ical exhaustion, nsrvousness, wLaxened:energy, índscestjgn, etc, etc. norsforik ACID PHOSPHATE. A llquld preparation of the phosphates nd pboapborlo acid. Keeomtn nded liy Physlrinns. It makel a dellcious drink. In vigomt lui; and strenglhenlng. I'ainphlet free. , . kor ham-: hy all dealers. Rumford Chemical Works, I'royMeiiee, ¦ Rhodo Isiand. fíT BEWARE OF IMITA TIONS. BEAL E&1A1E INSÜHAN6B' AGBN6Y. OP J. A. SESSIONS, ATTORXEY AND XOTARY PUBLIC Real Ksl.ate 8Old or rentad aud rento colleotod on roaRfmable tcims. Mom bal old and Snt-olaM Insurance Oompftniei repr6S6ntAcl - with Insurance capilul of tlOOO.OOO. Ratel u luw as imy otli.T ciirnpanv and losscs pronaptlj pald. Office over American Express office, Main Street, nn Artior. Midi. n. TJPTTJ 1=1 E!. X. KliAN'S IMI'KRTAL TKU.SS. rtiJftr, s 1 " ' " Spring, emdt-d from 1 lo ij l ¦Mj[)ounds In jn-cssure. V" WORN DAY AM MGIIT, JZsGK by an Infant a weck old, or un C adultsitycBr. C' " l.a.liis TruHRP perffollon. '¦'l LEiw-lo.-i' slumps for li ,l!iiio n lal yj of ciirt-, ilc Ki.AN IMPERIAL TRUKS CO., Aks Akiiihi, Miiii.


Ann Arbor Courier
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