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- ¦-¦-¦¦--¦ - - - ¦ lliCI HO FEE I! I SI1BLI8BED i95i. i Morrii ' UNTILBETTER ƒ DEtroit.mich. ƒ Block S 29$v S The Eegnlar, Old-EsUtlíshed LjjyÈ PHYSICIAJí & SURGEO! b 3W l' 'Wi tmÜL Tlti ttl EIMtírt & SKILL AND 8UCCE8Í YOUNG MEN, MIDDLE-AGED MEf ! nd all persons who by theirown acts of ïmpru deneeor Folly at any period of life hayebrough I upon themselves, the evil effccts followine closel opon the heel of transgresión of the law oí nature, fhould consult the celehrated Ir.Clarki ! at once. Bemeinber!Nervoudleiefwitho I without dreams) or debility and loss of nerv power treated scientifically by newr methods witl I nerer failing success. "H makt! no differcnci ivhut you have taken or who has failcd to cure you Wie trr!ble polaons of Syplillls and al bad blood and skin disoanefl, completelv eradi ' cated without mercury, Itmeuiber that tliison j horrible disease, if ncglectcd or improperlj ireatcd,curs the present and coming gencrutionj -All unnnturnl discharges cured promptl] %uhout hindrance to business. No experiment Both eiesconnult conüiltntlnlly. Age and ezperience Important. A wrltten guarnntri of cure glven in every cuse undertaken. J-Sufferer from any chronlc dlsease writi Hiatory and Symptom of your case - plainly Cases solicitcd which otliers have failed to cure. JCSend two tamps for celebrated works or Chronic, Nervoni and Delicate Diseascs. Yol have an exhauative nymptomatoloKy by wind to study your own caae. Consultation, personal or by letter, free. Consult the old Doctor Thoiiuinds cured. Offices and parlorg private. You see no one but the Doctor. Bcfori conndinr your case consult DK. CLAREE. A friendly letter or cali may save future suffertng ant shame and add golden ycars to life. Medicine ient everywhere aecure from exposure. liuurs I 6to 8; Sundays, 9 to ia. Address, F. D. CLARKE, NI. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mtch CURES CoughsfCo!ds,AewriJickling in the Throat, Vïhoeuiag Cough, Quinzy, Sora Throat, Gonsumption, Ctc.chüis, and all Pulmonar Diseases. irYöïi'Nc"'s" ! [ C p u e H J Dannvine.MK'ii. J t Howell, Mleb Aux. 15, i-t., f " t. a;. m I I was altiu-kpil t tyk i 'lavt tncl Dr. F:, with a ¦Tcrei m I A.Toang'B Ooófta cold anti threal-!i an 1 l.iinii Hyrup ened with Iuuk ij v s I f Or inoro thnn a fever while on t ikW t ear. af) 1 had ocvlslt to Hn.ion. ! g I CMlon3S II remeMich.. iibont a, r(ijldsanl DKinth Reo. po t % r o u i: h s . and rouch o ihiit I I foiiiiil tuirollnhle was unabli' toflll mik medicina. 1 have an apuolntint'nl f fl aMd hls Ague to preach on J h4T ' and Lfver Srrup account 01 n! I g ! In my fatuil y with severe coiigktilg,] HO the be?t of socbut manucd to $ rps curliikr niy gei homf uii'l ! ¦ ¦ ¦ mnther iwliosé medlately look, aga ai arar SOmeM í)f K. Al UU llAVAlltTTMMlrf LungSyrui. 1 lm,l fe3 i ' n,e ',,. harl; in the h. Mio. mul ! "r I" ti:ik or mycoiiKh lefl me' _- -'" soon u I t ¦ . tho acrond B-fl Muil and fover. and 1 fint ' WË i l teko ptevnm nent rellel whn n re. onimendlng 1 am nttnclo-d $ m the abova renntj cough orí .JJdlea to nll itho luni: cninphiiiit. " nred tlicm KEV. UuBT. Cul'ï Ktv S. li KlM.MELL. pi .-. Be., Ste. and H.CO. Large bottlrs t-rit free on raeelpt of prtea ƒ W. JOHNSTON & CO., Oetroit, michican. RINSEY A SA OLT'S BAKERÏ. GROCERY, AND - Flour and reed Store. We kep coneitamly on h ind, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKKS, KTC, Por Wholesale and Kttaii ' r W. Wftiftti aleo keep a ;apply nf SWIFT & DEÜBKL'S BB8T White Wheat Flour! Delhi Flour, I lour, Buck wlifai Fioiir. Con Meal, Fced, Etc, At Wholcoalt' au Kt-tall. A itaiieral ílock oí GROCERIES and PRCVISIÜNS Coostaiitly ou hunil, wlnch ill he }(! on ns reaeorifthle terme s Ht nny ther bOBM 'n th-' cit . Caeh paidforBUTTKK, BGO-, and ÜOUNTKT PRODUCE eenerally Qoedt d Unred to any part of the city withnt extra duitf. R1NSKY HEABOLT. NEW liTll{]NI While THE H1W VORK WKKKIY TK1UII5ÍK is the most expenaire publication of its class in the United States, ncverüieless its pricc is now fixcd ut $i i yMrt tlic Scmi-Weekly at fa; in both cases an extra hopy with a club of 10. The campalgn jusi closcd ibumi the country in the trough of the politie;.! waves, The Kepublican managers have made the best struy l'Ic they could antaat a átate of geocral apathy In a fietv States ihey have been aulc.l by the lospiring presence of a great leader, whose spce hes have uwa - ened atmost the onJy eothualaani anywhen ihowa The resuil üf the Ciimpuin ia urafl vuik ; its jí;iiii are an inspiration ; DeiDocmtíc toaM are a plain guide to the popular dr ft. Krom tlns time forwird the country will tnc lil't of advuncing wave of l8SS which. If we all do our duty, will sweep out l'rom VFaahtngton tnc ntaaqueraden now in pobsession, tho focs of protectiou, equMlily and patnolic governinent lt is now the dutv of all earnest and experienced workers to bend tht ir eiu rgiestoward united aiiil liearty work lor 1SS8. The party is to be consohd.ued, cheered md rallied. To this work THK TRIBUNE piedles its zcalous ellortM. THR TRIBIJNF offers for 1SS7 scveral excellent premiums, includin The Tribune Ilook of Open Air Sports. A work compiled by THE TUIBUNK espedally for the young men of the Unittii St ttê U 1 1 thorough statement of the preae it tatu of OpenAir athletic aimisemeiits in America, with siiyestion to beginners, the rules of cery important irame, the records of noted contests and the achievements of American Champions. The boo will contain about 150 illuslratiuns. Cbaptvn are provided on Archcry; Base-ha.l. wKh the r cora M wonderful ptayin and the Ltaueand Assoeiation contests, and Inatmctioaa bom to curve ¦ bail ; Lawn Tennis, Court Tennis V Ot bail Cricket Racket, I-acrosse, Horsemanship, Cross Country Hnotfog; Yachtiníf, with a discussion of Sloop and Cutier nd instruclions How to Desin, Build and Sall a Boat; Rowing, Canoeiny;. Puhinff, Trappinff, Huntlng with Snot-pui and Kiiie. Canipiofr-eai, Winter Sports. líicyciiu. Amateur I'h-.[nKraphy and a few minor sports. Amon the wnters wha have contributed are Will jam HlnKic Maur.CC Thompson, Captain Jacob A. Augur, Cavalry intructor at West Point. David Kirby, ThonuU Clapham, Genend Geor.c ". Winate. Professor George Goldie, Director of Athlttics of the New Vork Athletfc Club; and a large number of private gentleman throughout the country have furnished facta concerning the wild gama and hnntlog sports if their several locallties. No book of this ch.rac:er has ever been put into print in America. It is sufnciently elemental tobe a "BnvV Own Book." tnd answer all the purposes of our manly youth. ind yet will also meet the demands of adults ill c ready for delivery December ist. Octavo, 500 )ages. Ketail price, 82 50. Terms, postage paid with Weekly, 1 year, $3.50. with Semi-we kly, 1 rear $3 50; with Daily, S10 50. On y to be had in :onnection with yearly subscriptions to THE TRI3UNE. Also "BluntV Rifle Practico," a bnok for every ïunter, and National Guardsman ; a line Walünm tVatch; the Low-priced Waterbury Watchj the wo Unabridged Diction:irics; Wmd"s Medicine, iygiene and Surgerv, Uluatratedj and Voung's oncordance of the Bible. Sample copy, giving terms in full, sent free )rder oy postal card. A Club Agent wanted wherever there is none, fHE TRIBUNE, New York. O Tbc III KKS' OCIDK U luord 8rpt. and Jl.n, li, ach year. " 319 puca, H',,i 11', luches, Itb . i 3.BOO illlutraUons - a whole Picture Gallrry. 6IVB8 AVIioltsalc Pri ra dirrct to eonsumrrs on all gooda fnr personal or famlly n-. Telia how to order, and glvca exact coat ot m-rjthlng yon uw, eat, drink, wcr, or hAve fan with. Thews IWAUAHI.K BOOKÜ contain Information gleaned from th markrti of the worlil. Wo will mail a oopy FREE to any addrtu mpon rerelpt of 10 cta. to defray expefue of malllnK. Let lu beur front yon. Keipectfnlly, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. SST & X2U W abasa Avcaui-, Chicago, 1U.


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