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MIHOI DUKCTOHÏ. A-- ArbobCommasdsky, No. I ineels Hrst Tiienday of eacli moiitli. W.ti l)ty. K. C; W. A.. Tolcnard. Recorder. Washtbsaw Chaitbk, No. 6, R A. M.- ¦is tlrst Mond MOb montb. Isaac kaody, H P.; Z. ttoath. -Secretary. BUSINESS CARD8. uni.ii: DU CLOTH CASKKT3, MKTALIC And CommonCofBns. Calis attented to Day or NtztH. Embalinlng a speclully. Hto eroomon K. Washington streel. &aidWM Oor. Liberty and Fifth. W. II. JACKSO., IDillETJ NïlfrilIIISIITHOFFICK : Orer Bach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Baak. U.l.l I HERZ, House, Biga, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperluif, OUzlng, Gilding, and Calclmlninii, and work of every decriptto done In the MM ityle.and warranted to give atisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washinerton St., Anr, Arbor. W W. A. A C. XICIIOLS DE1TTISTS. Booms Orer Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Masonlc Temple Block. GASorVITALIZED AIR Admlnlstered for the iainle cxtractlnn "f teelh. STATE STREET feta:: Uú Eslúlisbsnt ANN ARBOR, MtCHIGAV, DkarSik: If you want a neat Snit donut order untll you have Heen JOSEPH BEKKV, Mercbant Tüllor, State streel. Aun Arbor, Mlch. You will tul a very flne line of Kngilsb Worateds for Dresn SulU, and all the NeweslShades and Wevei In Back sultings nd trowsenuga In stick and samples to Ot ¦ Íeoálloñí( experlencn la CaUlpc mablM BI to glve you a neat and perfect nt, and Clpthe made In tlrsl eliws order, at Lowest LlTlng Prloes Cali and see lor yourse f. Respectfully youM Ja-SKPH BBttBY, Merchant Tallor CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Seeurlty eld for the pmiectlon of the pollcy CHRISTÍAN MACK BepresenU the fullowiue ftr!i-cia-c cumptinwi, t which one, the Etna, hm alono paid tói,00),()0) Ure OKnu in lxty-Sve yars : Etna, of Hartford $9,192,644 Fraiikliu of Phtladelphia 3,1 18,713 Oermania, N. Y 2,700,729 Qerman Amerioan, N. Y 4,0(5.'j,968 Loudon Assuranoe, London.. . 1.416,788 Michigan W. & M., Dciroit. . . 27.008 N. Y. Underwritera, N. Y 2,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losse liberally adjusted and proinptly ptiil. Polleies isiued at the lowest ratos of premium. 1191tf LTJMBER! LUMBER! LUMB3R! If you contempliite bulIJlnf;, cali at FERDON Luier ïari! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for ïll kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarantee AERY LOW PRICE8 4VGive ua a cali and we will make it to your Interest, as our large and well graded 8tock fully ¦ustaint our assertion Telephone Conncctions rith Office. r.I. KKKCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Q-lasa Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! Lowest Raten, Honorable Adjiistmeiits and Loases Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Spkciai. attbntion oivrn to Coi.lectios or Rknt and Manaokmknt ok Ueat. RsTATE I.VTKKKSTS FOK N'oN-Rf.SI DKNT8. ENTI HATIsrACTION TO OWMBR Gt'ARANTKtn. A. DeFOBKST. IIÍ I IT more moneT lhan t anythlni? else by tak Wil Ing naijfucy let Di-lllnjr hook II III ""t. Ii''t;DDi:ri! ucreed unindly. None p„-i a '?"¦ Terms fre. Hallbtt Book Co., rurtland, Malne, RTUIIACURED! Hul llflll ' glHLK TEU -¦ GERMÁN ASTHIKI CUREriL mort rluleiit tu, k : u,„ur„ i-omf oruhls l.i. Íf c?1? whir 11 Mner irmolje iaü' ¦ ndlatB, dlrert and rrrlnln, hiiI n erel. rtTerled In all CL' CANES II muialf gint du. E.(.r to ma at uynlma." Bon. H Lott St Paul Minn ' VÍT "ürtl' "r4 to belth bj Oennu iitbn ,.Y Tkot. ruten, HamiUon ühto Otmu Allkma R„ I, iurii f, it. I, „„., . !rl' '¦ r" lrltn. i,'rnWII. 4 f 7 pliT'lolm rmm.iDd.1 Oirsu Alltims Cnr It nt Mr.. M. l. r.IHt. Lendond.rr, Ok,o b.t II. ' Y"1 .-¦¦,.,,.!-,,.. - ,.,.IM„„ SUBSCRIBE for the COURÍER.


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