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Hon. E. D. Kinne

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As seen throtigh the ejes of the East SaglnftW Satunlay Telegram "Personal Observation" man : llüii. !¦'.. 1' Klnne graces the head of the Washtenaw couuty bar. Lilke mout youths, after obtalulug a oluxslcal educatlon at tlie Uuiverslty of Michigan, he was ut m-i In outliniiit; hls liles avocatlnn. hut drlfted lnto a governmental poslllon at Washington which tiappeued lo bu s " suap." Wlth leUure at lus dlspoaal and contlnuoUH pay in Trora the governraent coutributeJ, ue attended the Washlnton law school and there captured a LL. B. 11 ís uarly career as a lawyer lu Aun Arbor was beset by the viclsslLudes and exasperallons Incident to a beginner, but were eaily seized upon aod pocketed for future reference. Mr. KluneU usually wtiiy of pollllcal Hchemet'H, but lu an hour of lndlscretion conseuted to nttempt to aild auother degree to hlaenoyclopedla of tules, aud smci'eded. He then becaine the 1). Kiune, and was lord of all he Hurveyed at Laiittlng. But the Ufe of a pollllcian was not congenia! to lila asplratioiiH.and he solemnly swore byall the (ods who trod the rugged p of TaruaHAUH never to Hall agaiu la a polili'i.m'.s oft wrecked cralt. Hls vow boro tbe stamp of slucerlty and the record ís found in tlie Archives bears no blot of Irreverence lo a xolemn predlclion. Mr. Klnne Ugleuder n pliyslque. dlKUlfled lu appearance aud tldy In dress. He Ís delibérate In counsel ind has a large and lncreaMng patronage. N man entering tbechamber of the Washeuaw circuit court Ís greeted wlth inore proouud respect than he aud no man Ís mi i,led to more courteous recogiíltlon. Whether ii-iort' a tribunal, In the presence of tbe genller sex or Ín deep medltatlon at hls shrlneof worshlp, hels the same E. I". Klnne. We shouldu't be surprlsed lf we were able to greet the subject of i hls sketch wlth the tltle ol JudgeKlnue, Ín 1857.