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Their Business li.iomiim. Prob ibly 110 one tbiuK lias eaused such general revival of traile at Eberbaili A iOm's Druj; Store as their fflvInjT awáy to ïieir cnstomers of so many tree trial botlesof Dr. Kinjr'sNew Discovery for Conumptlon. Their trade is simply enortoua in tilia very val nuble a nicle from the ut tliat ït ahvays cures and never disap)oint-i. Ouirlis, Coldg, Asthmii, Uronliüi-, Croup, and all tliroat mul lung disasea qaloktj cured. You eau test it beörebuylng bj (rettlng a trial bottlo free, are size $1. Kviry hottle warranted. Nothing ri-allv lucceeda tvblch It not Mwdoo ii-uiity; iham, in shirve hmi, is ever lucoeuful. In the life of the ! d1 i - iiluul, as In tlic mure coinpri'lieusive life f the state, pretcnsión is nothllg and towet is everytliing. - Wliipple. THE COMMDER.IN-CH1EF f the Grand Army ol the Republic, M;iorOaorye 8. Mnill. Kew remedies are etter kuown in this vicinity thau Sulpliur iittiTs ; their sale has been very general iroiighout tliis section, and the nrXrnber r reliabli' ind well attested cases of benliciiil ruultl andrecovery by their use, Is ligt and bcyond dipu'e. " I read yourbook and putlt down wfth itreat deal Of pleftiure," wrotethe critic. nd Ihcn the author wishcd hc conld see lat erltki and ak hlia he The Dutj or State Lpsislatures. LeglalHtton ihould be effitottd In evcry State reulating the sale and use of the many polsong resorted to by women In iheir desperntion to ohtaln beautiful Mmplcxions, while tliere exists in Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic every requisite necessary to HCCOmplith the object without injnring tlie health or endaimerin lire. The distressinjf dlsense, Salt Rlieuin, is rcadilv osnd hy Hood's Sarsaparllla, the f[rftl blood purilier. Sold by all dnjQj


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News